14 hours ago 41 After change of shift report on the oncology unit which patient should the. 41 after change of shift report on the oncology unit. School Azusa Pacific University; Course Title GNRS med surg; Uploaded By Starbucks016. Pages 23 This preview shows page 22 - 23 out of 23 pages. >> Go To The Portal
The nurse receives change-of-shift report on the oncology unit. Which patient should the nurse assess first? ANS: C Because neck bleeding may indicate possible carotid artery rupture in a patient who is receiving radiation to the neck, this patient should be seen first.
The other findings also require intervention, but are common in patients with lung cancer and not immediately life threatening. The nurse receives change-of-shift report on the oncology unit. Which patient should the nurse assess first?
The diagnoses and clinical manifestations for the other patients are not immediately life threatening. A patient who is being treated for stage IV lung cancer tells the nurse about new-onset back pain. Which action should the nurse take first?
The nurse observes the student providing oral hygiene and perineal care. C. The student teaches the client that symptoms of neutropenia include fatigue and weakness. Symptoms of neutropenia include low neutrophil count, fever, and signs and symptoms of infection; the student should be corrected. Asepsis with IV lines is an appropriate action.
The nurse has received the shift report. Which client should the nurse assess first? Assess the client for abnormal bleeding.
Which action would be most appropriate for the clinic nurse who suspects another staff nurse of stealing narcotics from the clinic? Notify the director of nurses immediately.
Radiation therapy to the head and neck can cause side effects that make it difficult to take in adequate amounts of food and fluids. These side effects include loss of appetite, changes in taste or loss of taste, painful chewing and swallowing, mouth sores, dry mouth and nausea.
Preventive measures for chemotherapy-induced mucositis include: Brushing with a soft toothbrush twice a day, flossing daily, and rinsing with bland solutions, such as normal saline, sodium bicarbonate, or tap water, at least four times a day are recommended.
The nurse manager's role in the process of removing the nurse from patient care is essential. Removal from practice will assist the nurse in focusing on care and treatment of the disorder, but more importantly, the earlier SUD is identified and the nurse is removed from patient care, the sooner patients are protected.
Drug diversion occurs when medication is redirected from its intended destination for personal use, sale, or distribution to others. It includes drug theft, use, or tampering (adulteration or substitution). Drug diversion is a felony that can result in a nurse's criminal prosecution and loss of license.
Here's a list of many of the common side effects, but it's unlikely you'll have all of these.Tiredness. Tiredness (fatigue) is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy. ... Feeling and being sick. ... Hair loss. ... Infections. ... Anaemia. ... Bruising and bleeding. ... Sore mouth. ... Loss of appetite.More items...
Side effects of radiotherapySkin reactions.Swelling of the breast.Pain in the breast or chest area.Hair loss in the armpit.Sore throat.Tiredness and fatigue.Lymphoedema.Change in breast shape, size and colour.More items...
The simplest way to assess nutritional status is to monitor a patient's weight loss, Rogers said, and validated screening tools, including Nutritional Risk Screening and Scored Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment, have been shown to improve outcomes.
Dobrush your teeth with a soft toothbrush at least twice a day.gently floss once a day if you can.rinse your mouth with warm water (or water mixed with a bit of salt) several times a day.suck on crushed ice or ice lollies.eat soft, moist foods, like soup, jelly or soft fruit, or try adding gravy or sauces to meals.More items...
Allopurinol mouthwashes 4 to 6 times per day have been evaluated as prophylaxis against mucositis resulting specifically from the action of 5- fluorouracil chemotherapy. Results of the meta-analysis support the use of allopurinol mouthwash to prevent mucositis.
Mucositis tends to appear sooner after chemotherapy than after radiotherapy, and more often affects the non-keratinized mucosa (2). Its maximum expression occurs 7-10 days after chemotherapy, and erythema progresses towards ulceration.
ANS: C Temperature elevation is an emergency in neutropenic patients because of the risk for rapid progression to severe infections and sepsis. The...
ANS: B The patient is taught to anticipate hair loss and to be prepared with wigs, scarves, or hats. Limiting social contacts is not appropriate at...
ANS: C The patient may be at increased risk for colon cancer, but the nurse's first action should be further assessment. The other actions may be a...
ANS: C The patient who has a new cancer diagnosis is likely to have high anxiety, which may impact learning and require that the nurse repeat and r...
ANS: C Radiation to the abdomen will affect organs in the radiation path, such as the bowel, and cause frequent diarrhea. Careful cleaning of this...
ANS: B Fatigue can be a dose-limiting toxicity for use of biologic therapies. Flulike symptoms, such as muscle aches and chills, are common side ef...
ANS: B Fresh, thinned-skin fruits are not permitted in a neutropenic diet because of the risk of bacteria being present. The patient should ambulat...
ANS: A IL-2 enhances the ability of the patient's own immune response to suppress tumor cells. IL-2 does not protect normal cells from damage cause...
ANS: B Swelling at the site may indicate extravasation, and the IV should be stopped immediately. The medication generally should be given slowly t...