uma patient portal binghamton

by Fred Daniel 6 min read

Decker Student Health Services Center | Binghamton …

10 hours ago The UMass Patient Portal pulls information from SPIRE, so if your information on the portal needs to be corrected, you can update your SPIRE information by following these steps. (Non-UMass-affiliated patients who do not have SPIRE accounts must contact UHS Patient Services at 413-577-5192 to correct their information.) Login to >> Go To The Portal

Where can I find the new Uma catalog addendum?

The UMass Patient Portal pulls information from SPIRE, so if your information on the portal needs to be corrected, you can update your SPIRE information by following these steps. (Non-UMass-affiliated patients who do not have SPIRE accounts must contact UHS Patient Services at 413-577-5192 to correct their information.) Login to

How do I contact patient portal support?

Binghamton, NY 13905. Phone. 607-798-6700 Hours. Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Appointments. 607-798-6700 ... The Lourdes Patient Portal is accessible on the HealtheLife App. Download from the App Store for use on your iPhone or Android. Patient Portal Support.

How do I register to use umasap?

The Ascension Lourdes Patient Portal is accessible on the HealtheLife App. Download from the App Store for use on your iPhone or Android. Patient Portal Support. If you have any problems with the Ascension Lourdes Patient Portal or if you have questions about your account, support is available any time by calling 1-877-621-8014.

Can a minor child have an email address on the patient portal?

For patient convenience, this office is available for immediate walk in bill payment. The patient financial advocate’s office is located in the hospital’s main lobby and is open from 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 1:30p p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Patient Financial Advocate 179 North Broad Street Norwich, NY 13815 (607) 337-4295


1. When I try to register for the UMass Patient Portal, why does it tell me I'm not active?

In order for our portal to acknowledge your account, three requirements (entries) must be made:

2. I was able to register, but I never received an email to create my password

Please check your spam/junk folder. The email should come from If you cannot locate the email, then another option would be to use the "Forgot Password" link found in the lower right corner of the Login page:

3. Every username I try to create an account with doesn't work

It’s been our experience that when people are having difficulty with usernames already in use, it’s because they have already created an account and either didn’t realize it or don’t remember.

4. I'm having problems resetting my password

A frequent problem relates to the use of the "submit" button. Different results may vary when using the enter or return key, verses the "submit" button. Perhaps it’s not recognizing that you even changed your password. Please give it another try, and if you continue to have issues, contact

5. I can't login. The main page won't load and just spins

Sometimes when people forget their username or password the main screen just sits there and spins and doesn’t give you an error message of ‘invalid password’ or something like that. Pain! We know! Try this…click on the ‘Login’ button…scroll down…enter your username and password from this screen.

6. I'm having difficulty uploading documents to the Patient Portal

The most common reason why many people receive error messages when trying to upload documents is because of the file type they are attempting to send. The error message below indicates the file types that are acceptable to upload. Please convert your document to one of these file types:

8. Why can't I create an account for my minor child?

Patient Portal accounts must contain a unique email address. Minor children typically do not have their own email address. Due to HIPAA regulations and patient confidentiality policies, these accounts cannot be created at this time.

What to do if you are admitted to a hospital by your physician?

For Patients. If you’re admitted to the hospital by your physician, you’ll receive a phone call to let you know when the hospital can admit you. If you’re admitted directly from your physician’s office, please report to Admissions unless your physician directs you otherwise.

What to do if you are admitted to a hospital?

If you’re admitted to the hospital by your physician, you’ll receive a phone call to let you know when the hospital can admit you. If you’re admitted directly from your physician’s office, please report to Admissions unless your physician directs you otherwise.

Does UHS have ATMs?

No ATMs are provided at UHS Delaware Valley Hospital. Smoke-Free Facilities: UHS promotes the benefits of a smoke-free environment and prohibits smoking on its premises at all locations. This ban includes patient rooms, entrance ways, coffee shops, lobbies, lounges, corridors, restrooms and parking lots.

Does UHS have a nicotine consultation?

If you’re interested in quitting smoking while you’re a patient in the hospital, UHS offers a nicotine consultation service at no charge. Talk to your nurse or physician if you need a referral. Interpreter Services: UHS will provide an interpreter for any patient or family who doesn’t speak English.

What to bring to hospital when taking medication?

When you come to the hospital, bring a list of the medications, nutritional supplements, vitamins, over-the-counter medications and herbal medications you are taking at home. If you bring your medications to the hospital, send them home with your family once the nursing staff has seen them.

UMA Catalog V6.8 Addendum Now Available

A new UMA Catalog V6.8 Addendum, effective 11/4/21, has been published. Visit to download. Should you have any questions, please contact the Registrar's Office at 877-241-8786 or

Access the Guidance Resource Center

The Guidance Resource Center works with you to provide work-life solutions, confidential assessments, legal support and other services at no additional cost. Evaluations are completely confidential. You can register now by visiting and entering 'UMASAP' as the Organization Web ID. Let us connect you to the assistance you need.
