patient web portal uark

by Irma Heidenreich 6 min read

Pat Walker Health Center - University of Arkansas

33 hours ago Language - our Patient Health Web Portal. Home. Log Out. The form was NOT submitted. >> Go To The Portal

What do I need to make an appointment at UArk?

Language - our Patient Health Web Portal. Home. Log Out. The form was NOT submitted.

What is the patient web portal used for?

COVID-19 testing is available on-campus for university students and employees five days a week at the Pat Walker Health Center. Testing is available by appointment only. Call 479-575-4451, option 1 to speak with a scheduler or medical provider, OR …

What is the University of Arkansas doing to prevent communicable diseases?

Only Medical Services can be scheduled via the Patient Portal. Students must bring current UARK ID when coming in for an appointment. Mental Health Appointments To schedule a CAPS appointment, call 479-575-5276. Appointments are scheduled 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday (9 a.m. on Fridays).

How do I contact a victim advocate for UArk?

Schedule online at using the Patient Web Portal. Results typically returned within 48 hours for PCR and under 30 minutes for rapid antigen test. If you test positive for COVID-19, PWHC medical staff will advise you of next steps and report your case to the University for you.


COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments

All University of Arkansas employees, students and spouses can schedule their COVID-19 vaccine appointment on-campus at Pat Walker Health Center.

Medical Clinic Appointments

University of Arkansas enrolled students and active employees are eligible to schedule medical services at Pat Walker Health Center. Students must provide their current UARK ID when checking in for an appointment.

What happens if you get tested at Pat Walker Health Center?

On-Campus Testing: If you are tested at Pat Walker Health Center or other university-affiliated testing conducted on campus, and receive a positive result, your result will be reported to appropriate personnel on your behalf. This begins the university’s notification process including initiating the contact tracing process being coordinated by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).

What is Pat Walker Health Center?

Pat Walker Health Center is an integral part of the University of Arkansas’ response to COVID-19.Our staff members are equipped to screen for and respond to potential COVID-19 cases within the U of A community. For university-related COVID-19 updates and information, visit the UA COVID-19 web page.

What is quarantine and isolation?

Quarantine and isolation procedures are critical to the university’s mitigation strategy. Although similar, there are important differences between the two depending on your COVID-19 status. Regardless, it means staying home and away from others after you have been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19.

How long does quarantine last?

Quarantine can end after 10 days if no symptoms have occurred, regardless of negative PCR COVID-19 test. If stopping quarantine after 10 days, individuals should: Watch for symptoms until 14 days after exposure. If symptoms develop, immediately self-isolate and contact Pat Walker Health Center.
