36 hours ago 2901 Sillect Ave Ste 100, Bakersfield CA, 93308 Make an Appointment Show Phone Number Telehealth services available CENTRAL CARDIOLOGY MEDICAL CLINIC, Bakersfield, CA is a medical group practice located in Bakersfield, CA that specializes in Cardiology and Family Medicine. Providers Overview Location Reviews Providers Dr. Brijesh Bhambi, MD >> Go To The Portal
2901 Sillect Ave Ste 100, Bakersfield CA, 93308 Make an Appointment Show Phone Number Telehealth services available CENTRAL CARDIOLOGY MEDICAL CLINIC, Bakersfield, CA is a medical group practice located in Bakersfield, CA that specializes in Cardiology and Family Medicine. Providers Overview Location Reviews Providers Dr. Brijesh Bhambi, MD
A patient portal account is an online tool that gives you anytime access to your personal health records and enables you to take proactive role in managing your care. FollowMyHealth® by Allscripts is Cardiology Associates’ patient portal provider. Access your medical record information anytime or anywhere 24 hours a day - 7 days a week via ...
The myHealthLink patient portal is an online resource connecting patients with their care team and personal health information. Online Scheduling. Both current patients and new patients, …
Central Missouri Cardiology is now a valued addition to CRMC's robust physician group, Capital Region Physicians. ... Capital Region Medical Center 1125 Madison St. Jefferson City, MO …
CENTRAL CARDIOLOGY MEDICAL CLINIC, Bakersfield, CA is located at 2901 Sillect Ave Ste 100, Bakersfield, CA 93308. Find other locations and directio...
Providers at CENTRAL CARDIOLOGY MEDICAL CLINIC, Bakersfield, CA specialize in Cardiology and Family Medicine. Compare group practices on Healthgrad...
Nine providers practice at CENTRAL CARDIOLOGY MEDICAL CLINIC, Bakersfield, CA. Click here to view them all.
Use the Healthgrades insurance check to verify if CENTRAL CARDIOLOGY MEDICAL CLINIC, Bakersfield, CA is in-network.
Providers at CENTRAL CARDIOLOGY MEDICAL CLINIC, Bakersfield, CA can provide language services for Hindi, Punjabi, and Spanish.
See upcoming appointments, contact your physician with questions, and request refills at the Central Georgia Heart Center Patient Portal.
View and pay your bills online with the Central Georgia Heart Center online bill pay site. For questions call our billing department at (478) 741-1208, extension 265 or option 5
At the start of 2021, Central Missouri Cardiology became a valued addition to CRMC's robust physician group, Capital Region Physicians.
Cardiac Nuclear Imaging (Stress Testing)*: For detecting blockages in the arteries of the heart, this form of testing uses tracer injections and a camera to provide images to show blood flow to the heart. We offer two types of nuclear imaging, PET and SPECT. PET imaging is only offered in Central Missouri at our facility. This type of images produces a higher quality image with lower radiation exposure and is often used with patients who have had poor quality of images with other modalities. Our lab is accredited by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) for nuclear for PET and SPECT imaging to validate the quality studies performed since 2008.
Remote Web-based Pacemaker/Defibrillator Monitoring: This service makes it convenient for our patients to transmit their pacemaker data to our office from the comfort of their homes while still having your pacemaker analysis interpreted by your cardiologist.
A specialized pacemaker clinic is available in our office to have your device analyzed and then interpreted by your cardiologist. Our pacemaker clinic provides personalized care and education to each patient.
STEMI STEMI stands for ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction or a heart attack with EKG changes showing that is it occuring emergently. During a heart attack, the blood flow is reduced or blocked to an area of heart muscle. Without prompt treatment, the muscle will become damaged. This is a medical emergency which requires prompt coordination between the emergency department, cardiac catheterization lab, and our group of skilled interventional cardiologists. Our physicians are on call for these emergencies 24/7.
Diagnostic Cardiac Angiography: Central Missouri Cardiology provides cardiac ang iography (cardiac catheterization) and interventional cardiology services to diagnose and treat heart conditions such as coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, and congenital heart disease. During the cardiac angiography, a long, narrow tube (called a catheter) is inserted into a blood vessel in your arm or leg and guided to your heart with the aid of a special X-ray machine. Contrast dye is injected through the catheter so images of your valves, coronary arteries, and heart chambers can be viewed. If a significant blockage is found which is impairing blood flow, an intervention may be performed to open up the artery such as the placement of a stent.
During the cardiac angiography, a long, narrow tube (called a catheter) is inserted into a blood vessel in your arm or leg and guided to your heart with the aid of a special X-ray machine. Contrast dye is injected through the catheter so images of your valves, coronary arteries, and heart chambers can be viewed.
As of January 1, 2021, CSCM transitioned its Electronic Medical Record to Johns Hopkins EPIC. When a patient’s first appointment is scheduled starting in 2021, they will receive a link to join Johns Hopkins Medicine MyChart.
The practice was started by Jerome Hantman in 1975. In 2010, CSCM joined Johns Hopkins and subsequently became the first practice in Johns Hopkins Regional Physicians in 2017.