29 hours ago PATIENT NARRATIVE REPORT. Patient Name: Martha Washington Patient DOB: 1/1/1991 PCP/Co-Managing Practioner: James Pamplin DC Exam Date: 9/10/2014 at 01:26 PM. History of Presenting Illness: The patient is a 23-year old person, who presented to Lakes Region Chiropractic on 9/10/2014 with a chief complaint of upper mid back, right shoulder, right upper … >> Go To The Portal
Your chiropractic report of findings (ROF) is one of your most important patient communications. Use these chiropractic report folders and forms to deliver your findings and give your reports greater impact. (Be sure to download your copy of Remarkable Reports, our free chiropractic report of findings template eBook.)
The Report Master Chiropractic Report Writing Software is the most comprehensive software of its kind anywhere. And if you work on Auto Accidents or Personal Injury cases, there is no other software in the industry that comes close to the Personal Injury Narratives produced by Report Master.
See a demonstration sample of an Auto Accident Personal Injury Narrative by clicking the "Sample Narrative" button to the right. ReportMaster will generate professional, concise Chiropractic SOAP Notes in just seconds!
Our Daily Notes module is randomized to a point where no two reports will ever look exactly the same, even if you repeatedly generated a note on the same patient for the same visit a hundred times. Key parts of our Narrative Report module are also randomized.
The test is positive when the action causes radicular pain on the side of the flexion and rotation.
The examiner, actively flexes each thigh slowly while holding the other hand on the knee to prevent its flexion. The leg is lifted 90 degrees or until pain prevents further motion. The final angle of flexion at which pain occurs, as well as the location and intensity of the pain are noted by the examiner.
This results in areas of tissue that retain fluid from the inflamed state. This further creates a weakening of the fibers, as well as creating a rigid or fibrotic state due to the "healed" but damaged tissues. (Reference: The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine, Random House, New York, 1989).
His first symptom is sharp and cutting pain in the neck on the left side. He reported that the pain radiates into the head on the left side and the left shoulder . It occurs between one half and three fourths of the time when he is awake, and precludes carrying out activities of daily living.
Kemp's Test , which usually confirms fracture, facet syndrome, or disc involvement, was positive on the left side. This test can be done with the patient standing or sitting. While stabilizing the pelvis, the patient's shoulder is firmly forced obliquely backward, downward and medialward.
If this produces pain over the sacroiliac area, the test is positive. Lewin-Gaenslen's Test, which usually indicates a Sacroiliac joint lesion, was positive bilaterally. In this test, the patient lies on one side and pulls the knee of that same side up to the chest, while extending the other thigh.
The facet joints appear normal. There is evidence of moderate calcinosis of the abdominal aorta. Marked osteoporosis (a decrease in the density of bones along with an increase in their brittleness) is present. Spondylosis (generalized spinal degeneration marked by stiffness of the vertebral joints) is present.
The Report Master Chiropractic Report Writing Software, will put you in control of your documentation.
Take a look at these Sample Reports Created with the Report Master Chiropractic Report Writer
The Report Master Chiropractic Report Writing Software is the most comprehensive software of its kind anywhere. And if you work on Auto Accidents or Personal Injury cases, there is no other software in the industry that comes close to the Personal Injury Narratives produced by Report Master. It is almost totally point and click.
This video will show you exactly how you can save hours weekly on your patient documentation, while also increasing the quality of your narratives and SOAPs, especially personal injury narratives or automobile accident narratives.
Our clients tell us that complete, typed-up notes take about 30 seconds, and full narratives take about 10 minutes. And they can be produced by either the doctor or his or her staff.
The software can be downloaded on multiple computers, but you can only have it running on one computer at any one time. *