24 hours ago It could be incorrect treatment, faulty illness management or misdiagnosis, for example. And if patient profiling causes one of these forms of negligence (and you can prove it) – that’s how patient profiling becomes malpractice. In order to file a patient profiling lawsuit, you must prove that your doctor was negligent. >> Go To The Portal
You experienced patient profiling and racial profiling. I would approach this with compassion and understanding (as hard as that may seem). Stay calm. Educate the physician regarding your concerns. In this case, you may really change the way that doctor treats all patients for the better. You are now the teacher and the guide for your doctor.
That is wholesale “profiling’ if you will as most patients, to my knowledge tend to be asked to sign and if they do not they are not accepted into the doctor’s pain management practice. That being said I was profiled becaue I had chornic pain, trigeminal neuralgia. The proof of the cause, a birth defect (sturge weber) was proven on surgery (ies).
We get profiled all the time. You are a humble and teachable doctor. I also understand how hard it is on you doctors. You guys have to make judgement calls. And I believe that every patient should sign a waiver if I OD or in anyway harm myself by not following doctor’s orders I release my doctor from liability.
Anyone being targeted needs to know that they can see their medical records in the medical office or request them be printed up, or put on a cd. I think it is better to know what is being written about you and get to the bottom of it. I will seek out a new doctor, but I am very holistic, and will seek out a holistic practitioner.
Phone. 1-800-663-6114 - Complaints/Inquiries (Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m.)
Contact the law enforcement agency involved. Submit your complaint in writing to the chief of police or the head of the law enforcement agency involved. Send a copy of your complaint to the Internal Affairs Division of the law enforcement agency. Be sure to keep a copy for yourself.
OHSC Call Centre: 080 911 6472.Email: complaints@ohsc.org.za.Fax: 086 560 4157.
To place a complaint: Submit your complaint electronically via the Online Complaint Form, or print a PDF version COMPLAINT FORM (SPANISH COMPLAINT FORM ) and mail it in, or call the Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 and follow the automated prompts to request a complaint form.
The FTC cannot resolve individual complaints, but it can provide information about what steps to take. The FTC says that complaints can help it and its law enforcement partners detect patterns of fraud and abuse, which may lead to investigations and stopping unfair business practices.
Complaints may be shared among FCC bureaus and offices for further review and possible investigation. By filing a consumer complaint with the FCC, you contribute to federal enforcement and consumer protection efforts on a national scale and help us identify trends and track the issues that matter most.
0800 203 886Provincial complaint linesEastern Cape0800 032 364Free State0800 535 554Gauteng0800 203 886KwaZulu-Natal033 395 2009Limpopo0800 919 1914 more rows
The Presidential Hotline 17737 should be used when all your attempts to get assistance from a government department, province, municipality or state agency have failed. It is not only a complaints line. You can call to share your views or provide solutions to the challenges in your community.
Tel: 012 420 1000.Email: customerservice@sanc.co.za.International: +27 12 420-1000.
The first option is often to use the complaints procedure of the hospital or general practice surgery where you were treated. Alternatively, you can contact the Health Service Ombudsman or the regulatory body of the professional involved.
The mission of the Texas Medical Board is to protect and enhance the public's health, safety and welfare by establishing and maintaining standards of excellence used in regulating the practice of medicine and ensuring quality health care for the citizens of Texas through licensure, discipline, and education.
In addition, you may request a complaint form be sent to you by calling the Texas Board of Nursing at (512) 305-6838 or the Health Professions Council Complaint Line at 1-800-821-3205, or you may simply write out your complaint on plain paper.
Our era of medicine is defined by two trends: electronic medical records and evidence-based medicine. We have the luxury of tapping into the profound amount of data that's available and extrapolating from studies. As a result, it's easy (and may seem efficient) to see our patients as statistics.
Whether patient profiling is subtle or more overt, it serves as a barrier to equitable care. You might be asking yourself, what can I do? Here are three steps you can take to make you think twice about your bias in medicine.
Context: identifying markers of patient response to an adjuvant chemotherapy
Lysosomal storage disorders (LSD), which are believed to be linked to enzyme activation levels, are characterized by high phenotypical heterogeneity. This leads to the necessity of different therapeutic approaches. However, enzyme levels are seldomly available in real world data.
Another example of sub-group detection is associated with rescuing phase III clinical trial in type 1 diabetes by boosting benefit/risk ratio in the context of the EMA regulatory approval process.