what cpt code to report for a non-medicare patient with a bilateral screening mammography with cad

by Steve Goldner 4 min read

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29 hours ago A non-Medicare patient reports for a bilateral screening mammography with CAD. What CPT® code(s) is/are reported? 77067 ... Code 77067 is for the screening mammography with computer aided detection. Look in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetic Index for Screening/neoplasm (malignant) (of)/breast/routine mammogram and you are guided to Z12.31. ... >> Go To The Portal

77066, Diagnostic mammography, including CAD when performed; bilateral. 77067, Screening mammography, bilateral (two-view study of each breast), including CAD when performed.

Full Answer

What is the CPT code for bilateral screening mammography with CAD?

A non-Medicare patient reports for a bilateral screening mammography with CAD. What CPT® code (s) is/are reported? Rationale: In the CPT® Index look for Mammography/Screening Mammography and you are guided to 77067.

What is the ICD 10 code for screening mammography?

HCPCS code G0202 (Screening mammography, producing direct digital image, bilateral, all views) was developed to be reported for a screening full-field digital (FFDM) mammogram.

What is the CPT code for MRI with CAD?

MRI with computer-aided detection (CAD) can help radiologists identify abnormalities on breast MRI and is reported with codes 77048 and 77049, also shown in Table C.

What is the CPT code for screening for breast cancer?

Because the CPT code descriptors for 77057 and G0202 state “bilateral,” it would be appropriate to use a 52 modifier (reduced level of service) to designate a screening procedure of only one breast.

What is the CPT code for bilateral diagnostic mammography using computer aided detection?


What ICD 10 code is reported for a routine screening mammogram?

What ICD-10-CM code is reported for a routine screening mammogram? Response Feedback: Rationale: Look in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetic Index for Screening/neoplasm (malignant) (of)/breast/routine mammogram Z12. 31.

What is the difference between CPT code 77062 and 77063?

Assign CPT code 77061 when DBT is performed on one breast and CPT code 77062 when DBT is performed on both breasts. Use code 77063 for bilateral screening DBT performed in addition to a primary procedure.

Can 77062 and 77066 be billed together?

HCPCS code G0279 (diagnostic digital breast tomosynthesis) should be listed separately in addition to the primary service mammogram code 77066 or 77065. CPT codes 77061, 77062, and 77063 cannot be reported with the 3D rendering codes 76376 and 76377.

What is the difference between Z12 31 and Z12 39?

Z12. 31 (Encounter for screening mammogram for malignant neoplasm of breast) is reported for screening mammograms while Z12. 39 (Encounter for other screening for malignant neoplasm of breast) has been established for reporting screening studies for breast cancer outside the scope of mammograms.

What is the diagnosis code for routine mammogram?

For example, Z12. 31 (Encounter for screening mammogram for malignant neoplasm of breast) is the correct code to use when you are ordering a routine mammogram for a patient. However, coders are coming across many routine mammogram orders that use Z12. 39 (Encounter for other screening for malignant neoplasm of breast).

What does CPT code 77063 mean?

Screening digital breast tomosynthesis, bilateralBreast tomosynthesis is described using the following add-on codes: 77063 Screening digital breast tomosynthesis, bilateral (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) G0279 Diagnostic digital breast tomosynthesis, unilateral or bilateral (list separately in addition to G0204 or G0206).

Is CPT 77063 covered by Medicare?

For screening DBT examinations, CMS accepts claims that include CPT code 77063 and 77067. Please note that non-Medicare payers may follow Medicare direction and some may have their own specific coding recommendations regarding billing for DBT.

What is the difference between CPT 76641 and 76642?

Code 76641 describes a complete examination of all four quadrants of the breast and the retroareolar region; 76642 describes a limited breast ultrasound (e.g., a focused examination limited to one or more elements of 76641, but not all four).

What is the CPT code 77062?

CPT® 77062, Under Breast, Mammography The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code 77062 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Breast, Mammography.

What is a bilateral mammogram?

Bilateral mammography Bilateral mammograms represent the standard or traditional type of mammography. In these, the mammogram machine x-rays the breast tissue from a top and side view. Since a bilateral screening mammogram only shows the breast tissue from two angles, there's little compensation for overlap.

What is the difference between CPT code 77048 and 77049?

As such, they should be tailored to the medical need of the patient. Therefore, it is not necessary to add modifier 52 to the appropriate CPT® code. Report CPT code 77049 if a bilateral exam is performed, or CPT code 77048 if a unilateral exam is performed.

When Is Mammography recommended?

Screening mammography is recommended for women age 40 and older every one to two years and younger than 40 years of age when the patient has increa...

CPT/HCPCS Coding For Screening Mammograms

Insurance companies follow the above recommendations as well and set guidelines that allow payment at 100% of allowable fee schedule for a screenin...

ICD-9-CM Codes For Screening Mammography

Proper reporting of ICD-9-CM codes informs the insurance company the service was for screening mammography. If incorrectly billed, the claim may be...

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This article is available for publishing on websites, blogs, and newsletters. The article must be published in its entirety - all links must be act...

Why is mammogram not recommended for women?

In general, screening mammograms are not recommended for women under 40 years of age, in part because breast tissue tends to be more dense in younger women, making mammograms as a screening tool less effective.

What is CAD in radiology?

CAD: Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) is a computer-based process that is used in conjunction with digital mammography to analyze mammographic images and identify suspicious areas by marking them and bringing them to the radiologist's attention.

What is mammography screening?

Screening Mammography: Screenings are performed on otherwise healthy individuals to look for cancer or precursors to cancer of the breasts.

What is a diagnostic mammogram?

Diagnostic Mammography: Diagnostic mammography includes additional x-ray views of each breast, taken from different angles and if performed digitally, may be manipulated, enlarged, or enhanced for better visualization of the abnormality found during screening mammography.

When to report modifier 52?

As a screening mammogram is inherently bilateral in nature, report modifier -52 when screening mammogram is performed on a patient with a history of mastectomy where only one breast is imaged.

What is the technique that technicians should be trained in that allows them to better visualize breast tissue surrounding the implants called?

There is a technique that technicians should be trained in that allows them to better visualize breast tissue surrounding the implants called 'implant displacement views .'. Patients with implants after mastectomy should have orders that clarify if the physician wants the reconstructed breast to be screened as well.

What is the report code for breast cancer?

Report code V76.12 (Screening for malignant neoplasms, other screening mammogram) for all other screening mammography. If the patient has a personal history of breast cancer, has completed active treatment and is back to annual mammographic screening, report V76.11.

What is the code for mammograms?

In lieu of 77057, Medicare requires the use of code G0202 to report screening mammograms. If only one breast is screened, append modifier 52. Patients who have a history of breast disease, whether malignant or biopsy proven benign, fall into either the screening or diagnostic category.

What is a diagnosis for breast cancer?

Patients who report breast pain, lumps, nipple discharge, or other symptoms require diagnostic testing. Patients who have a personal history of breast cancer or biopsy confirmed non-malignant breast disease may also fall into the category of diagnostic.

When is a screening code used?

The screening code is used when the patient is coming in for an annual mammogram. and has no breast issues. The diagnostic codes are used when the mammogram is being done for a specific promblem (ex: breast mass, breast pain, etc….). I hope this helps. Jasminka.

Does Medicare bill mammograms?

Under these circumstances, Medicare directs us to bill both the screening mammogram and the appropriate diagnostic mammogram. To indicate that a screening mammogram has taken place and ended in the decision for a diagnostic service, attach modifier “GG” to the appropriate diagnostic code.

Do you need a physician order for a mammogram?

Patients who are asymptomatic and request a mammogram are categorized as screening. For Medicare, and many other payers, these patients do not require a physician order and may self refer to a mammography center.

Can you use one billing unit for mammography?

Since the codes don ’t specify the number of views, use one code along with one billing unit to report your services regardless of the number of views taken. Men are also susceptible to breast diseases–including cancer. Male patients who exhibit symptoms and present for mammography are considered diagnostic.

Does insurance cover mammography?

Though many insurance companies, as well as CMS, cover screening mammography, there are still a wide variety of coverage issues. Payment for screening services is usually driven by the payer and the patient’s individual schedule of benefits.

What is a CEDM mammogram?

Contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM) may be also be ordered. A CEDM is a mammogram that uses iodinated contrast dye. This dye makes it easier to find new blood vessels that develop when cancers grow. CEDMs find breast cancers that can’t be seen on regular mammograms, especially in women with dense breasts.

What is the difference between a screening mammogram and a diagnostic mammogram?

Screening mammography is performed for a person without signs or symptoms of breast disease. Diagnostic mammography is performed for a person with signs or symptoms of breast disease, a personal history of breast cancer, or a personal history of biopsy.

What is the code for breast MRI?

As shown in Table C, codes 77046 and 77047 are reported for breast MRI without contrast.

Why do we wear pink in October?

Every October, we wear pink and participate in charity events to show our support for breast cancer awareness. It is also a great time to review your coding practices for mammography and other breast imaging to ensure you are following current guidelines.

What are the modifiers for Medicare?

Modifiers that can be used with CPT® codes 76641 or 76642 include: 1 50 – Bilateral procedure. This modifier is used to bill bilateral procedures that are performed at the same operative session. Under the Medicare physician fee schedule (MPFS), payments are adjusted to 150 percent of the unilateral payment when a service has a bilateral payment indicator assigned. 2 26 – Professional component. A physician who performs the interpretation of an ultrasound exam in the hospital outpatient setting may submit a charge for the professional component of the ultrasound service by appending this modifier to the ultrasound code. 3 TC – Technical component. This modifier is used to bill for services by the owner of the equipment to report the technical component of the service. This modifier is commonly used when the service is performed in an independent diagnostic testing facility (IDTF).

Is breast ultrasound a good screening tool?

When mammography reveals an abnormal finding, a breast ultrasound may be used during a needle biopsy or as a follow-up test. A breast ultrasound alone is not considered a good breast cancer screening tool.

Where is Lee Fifield?

Lee Fifield has a Bachelor of Science in communications from I thaca College, New York, and has worked as a writer and editor for more than 15 years. Lee Fifield has a Bachelor of Science in communications from Ithaca College, New York, and has worked as a writer and editor for more than 15 years.

What is the primary service mammography code?

or without digitization of film radiographic images; screening mammography (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure),” can be billed in conjunction with the primary service mammography code 77057 or G0202.

What is the Medicare code for mammogram?

Medicare also covers computer aided detection (CAD) technology when performed in addition to the standard mammography. This service is reported using CPT add-on code +77052 (computer-aided detection (computer algorithm analysis of digital image data for lesion detection); screening mammography) in addition to code 77057 . The Medicare deductible is waived for this service but the patient is responsible for 20% of the Medicare approved amount.

Is CPT code 19300 reportable?

Since a mastectomy (CPT codes 19300-19307) describes removal of breast tissue including all lesions within the breast tissue, breast excision codes (19110-19126) generally are not separately reportable unless performed at a site unrelated to the mastectomy. However, if the breast excision procedure precedes the mastectomy for the purpose of obtaining tissue for pathologic examination which determines the need for the mastectomy, the breast excision and mastectomy codes are separately reportable.

When a screening mammography study is ordered and performed on a patient who has only one breast, is it

When a screening mammography study is ordered and performed on a patient who has only one breast, it is appropriate to report 77057 (Screening Mammography, bilateral [2-view] film study of each breast) or G0202 (Screening mammography , producing direct digital image , bilateral, all views).

Does Medicare cover breast imaging?

Recently Medicare changed the rules for Breast Imaging/Mammography. According to article L26890, the new LCD for Breast Mammography, if a patient has a history of breast cancer, but the patient is clinically stable, which is a time frame of two years, we no longer do diagnostic breast imaging. The patient should get a routine screening mammogram.

Is 52 modifier required for mammogram?

However, radiology practices should check with their local carrier and other third-party payers regarding the use of the 52 modifier in this situation, because some payers have stated that a 52 modifier is not necessary for reporting a unilateral screening mammogram. Good luck!

What is the HCPCS level 2 code for mammograms?

Effective for services rendered on or after Jan. 1, 2018, you will no longer use HCPCS Level II codes G0202, G0204, and G0206 to report screening mammogram provided to Medicare patients.

When was the CPT code changed?

Mammography coding for screening mammography furnished to Medicare patients is changed in 2018. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) now recognizes three CPT codes, added in 2017.

What is the code for CAD?

Diagnostic mammography, including CAD when performed; unilateral. Code 77067 is now type of service code 4 Diagnostic radiology, but coinsurance and deductible will continue to be waived.