the orthopedic center patient portal

by Alysa Blick 3 min read

Patient Portal | Fayetteville - The Orthopaedic Center (TOC)

2 hours ago The Orthopedic Center is excited to provide our patients with 24/7, secure access to their medical records through our patient portal! It's as EASY as 1,2,3. Patients can manage their personal medical records, communicate with their physician via secure online messaging, and make more informed decisions about your health. click on "MY PATIENT PAGE" to request an invitation or … >> Go To The Portal

What is our patient portal?

The Orthopedic Center is excited to provide our patients with 24/7, secure access to their medical records through our patient portal! It's as EASY as 1,2,3. Patients can manage their personal medical records, communicate with their physician via secure online messaging, and make more informed decisions about your health. click on "MY PATIENT PAGE" to request an invitation or …

Do you have the patient portal?

The Orthopedic Center is excited to provide our patients with 24/7, secure access to their medical records through our patient portal! It's as EASY as 1,2,3. Patients can manage their personal medical records, communicate with their physician via secure online messaging, and make more informed decisions about your health. To begin, please use the form on the left side of this …

What is a patient portal?

Jun 13, 2017 · Patient Portal. Register for your secure account. After setting up your account, follow the on screen directions to link the following Portal ID to your registered account. SIGN-UP NOW! Complete your. Paperwork. Please login to our portal to register online.

What is a patient portal account?

Call our patient portal support line at 541-322-2275 or email One of our expert patient portal agents will get back to you within 24 hours to assist you.


What is the Orthopaedic Center?

The Orthopaedic Center knows that a healthy body is something many of us take for granted until illness, injury, or the normal aging process threatens to take it all away. Suddenly, you become aware of things like bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves. Pain becomes a way of life. Fortunately, there is hope.

Is TOC moving to a Mask Optional policy?

With the expiration of Governor Ivey’s “Stay Apart” Emergency Order, TOC is now moving to a “Mask Optional” policy at all locations. Effective June 1, 2021: Patients of Dr. Clark, Dr. Cosgrove, Dr. Licht, and Dr. Maddox will be required to wear a mask at their appointments.

What is WAC 246-310-200?

WAC 246-310-200(1)(a)-(d) identifies the four determinations that the department must make for each application . WAC 246-310-200(2) provides additional direction in how the department is to make its determinations. It states: “Criteria contained in this section and in WAC 246-310-210, 246-310-220, 246-310-230, and 246-310-240 shall be used by the department in making the required determinations. (a) In the use of criteria for making the required determinations the department shall consider:

How many ORs are required for a WAC 246-310-270(6)?

WAC 246-310-270(6) requires a minimum of two ORs in an ASC. SOC is currently operating as a two-OR Certificate of Need exempt ASC. Based on that information, this

Is Seattle Orthopedic Center a medical center?

Seattle Orthopedic Center (SOC) currently operates as a two operating room Certificate of Need-exempt ambulatory surgery center. SOC was established in February 2005. SOC is licensed by the Washington State Department of Health, is Medicare and Medicaid certified, and is accredited in good standing by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). SOC is authorized to provide orthopedic and general surgery under DOR #05-08 in

What is the certificate of need for ASC in Washington State?

The Department of Health’s Certificate of Need Program uses the numeric methodology outlined in WAC 246-310-270 for determining the need for additional ASCs in Washington State. The numeric methodology provides a basis of comparison of existing operating room (OR) capacity for both outpatient and inpatient ORs in a planning area using the current utilization of existing providers. The methodology separates Washington State into 54 secondary health services planning areas. Seattle Orthopedic Center is located in Seattle, and will remain in its current location within the North King County planning area.

Does Seattle Orthopedic Center meet the WAC requirements?

Based on the source information reviewed and the applicant’s agreement to the conditions identified in the “Conclusion” section of this evaluation, the department concludes that Seattle Orthopedic Center has met the need criteria in WAC 246-310-210.

What is admission policy?

The admission policy provides the overall guiding principles of the facility as to the types of patients that are appropriate candidates to use the facility and any assurances regarding access to treatment. The admission policy must also include language to ensure all residents of the service area would have access to services. This is accomplished by providing a policy that states patients would be admitted without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, pre-existing condition, physical, or mental status.

Does Seattle Orthopedic Center meet the cost containment criteria?

Based on the source information reviewed and the applicant’s agreement to the conditions identified in the “Conclusion” section of this evaluation, the department concludes that Seattle Orthopedic Center has met the cost containment criteria in WAC 246-310-240.
