the abbreviation ___ in a patient s medical report stands for a ventilation perfusion scan.

by Dr. Ethelyn Hartmann Jr. 6 min read

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3 hours ago Ventilation and perfusion scan (VQ scan) Air flow and blood supply are traced using a radioactive material that is injected or inhaled Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) >> Go To The Portal

Full Answer

What is the code for normal pulmonary ventilation and perfusion scan?

Normal pulmonary ventilation and perfusion (V/Q) scan. The nuclear medicine V/Q scan is useful in the evaluation of pulmonary embolism. OPS-301 code. 3-703 .2. [ edit on Wikidata] A ventilation/perfusion lung scan, also called a V/Q lung scan, is a type of medical imaging using scintigraphy and medical isotopes to evaluate the circulation ...

What is a ventilation perfusion scan?

Ventilation-perfusion scan, also referred to as lung scintigraphy, or commonly V/Q scan, is a diagnostic test utilizing radioisotopes to evaluate pulmonary ventilation and perfusion.  Its most common clinical use is as a screening tool for suspected pulmonary embolism.

Which abbreviation represents a form of defibrillator?

Which of the following combining forms means urinary bladder? vesic/o The abbreviation AED represents a form of: defibrillator When other therapies fail, a patient with end-stage renal disease may receive what surgery?

What is involved in the perfusion phase of the test?

The perfusion phase of the test involves the intravenous injection of radioactive technetium macro aggregated albumin (Tc99m-MAA). A gamma camera acquires the images for both phases of the study.

What is SP medical term?

Status post (S/P) is a term used in medicine to refer to a treatment (often a surgical procedure), diagnosis or just an event, that a patient has experienced previously, for example, "status post cholecystectomy", "S/P vaginal delivery", etc.

What does o mean in medical terms?

oxygenO—oxygen. OB—obstetrics. OD—right eye, overdose.

Which of the following abbreviations stands for a form of defibrillator?

Abbreviation for automated external defibrillator.

What is the meaning of the combining form Phak O?

What is the meaning of the combining form phak/o? lens of the eye.

What does S o mean in nursing?

standing orders, see there. suggestive of.

What is OD and BD in medical term?

OD or q.d "omni die" or "quaque die" (in latin) 1 OD -take one, once a day 2 OD-take 2 once a day To be taken once a day, at the same time every day. The doctor should specify at which time of the day. b.d. (b.i.d) "Bis in die" (in latin)

What does CPT stand for?

Current Procedural TerminologyCPT® (Current Procedural Terminology)

What does BIV ICD stand for?

Biventricular Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)

What does ICD stand for in cardiology?

An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is a small electronic device connected to the heart.

What does Dacry o mean?

tearsDacryo-: A combining form denoting tears, as in dacryocyst (tear sac) and dacryocystorhinostomy (surgery to open up a tear duct). From the Greek dakry meaning "a tear."

What is the meaning of Palpebr o?

The meaning of palpebr/o is: Eyelid.

What does the medical term myring o mean?

the eardrumCombining form denoting the eardrum.