patient name john doe on nms toxicology report

by Wilber Kuhlman 4 min read

Misidentifying the Unidentified – John Doe and the EHR | PSNet

6 hours ago Finding John Doe. PATIENT MATCHING AND THE NEED FOR A NATIONAL PATIENT SAFETY IDENTIFIER J AHIMA. 2016 Mar;87(3):14-9. Author Mary Butler. PMID: 27039620 No abstract available. MeSH terms Biometric Identification Electronic Health Records Humans Patient Identification Systems* ... >> Go To The Portal

Why were the two patients initially registered under “DOE” names?

The two patients’ identities were not known upon their arrival; therefore, both patients were initially registered under “Doe” names and assigned medical record numbers. Because Patient 1's injuries were more severe, he was urgently admitted to the hospital by the trauma surgeon and quickly sent to the operating room.

Are John Doe patients more likely to have medication errors?

(Interestingly, in the unpublished sub-analysis work on medication errors, we found that John Doe patients had fewer medication errors than other injured patients (9), possibly because the additional steps required with those patients reduced errors leading to harm by introducing layers of checks into the process.)

Where can I get a John Doe report?

Provider Perception of Injured John Doe Patients 1 Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio. Electronic address: 2 Department of Surgery, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin.

What happens if you don't identify a John Doe?

Numerous errors can occur in the context of John Does and patients can become disassociated from laboratory studies, radiographic imaging and blood banking if they are not uniquely identified. In the era of physical charts, John Doe-related confusion would end at the level of the chart.

Why do people end up in hospitals?

Other common reasons people end up in the hospital as unidentified patients include cognitive impairment, psychosis, or drug overdoses.

What happens when a patient is unidentified?

When patients are unidentified, providers have no access to their medical history, which places patients at risk for treatment issues, such unknown medication allergies or pre-existing conditions. Your telehealth primer on wearables. For hospitals, reimbursement is also at stake.

When does John Doe enter the ED?

When a 'John Doe' enters the ED, a high-stakes game of detective begins. May 9, 2019.

Clinical Services

NMS Labs specializes in clinical toxicology and other areas of esoteric diagnostics testing that can help enhance your diagnosis, care, and even patient treatment.

Forensic Services

NMS Labs provides the broadest range of forensic toxicology and drug identification services to support medical examiners, coroners, government and law enforcement agencies, and others.