should i use followmyhealth patient portal

by Marina Weber 9 min read

FollowMyHealth Frequently Asked Questions

7 hours ago Jun 23, 2015 · The FollowMyHealth portal provides an update to date health summary, a “to-do” list for anyone in need of screening or medication (s), as well as an app center that offers customized charts based on your health during your time with PGOMG. >> Go To The Portal

No. The NIH Clinical Center FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal is provided as a courtesy to our patients and use of the Portal is optional. INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWMYHEALTH® PATIENT PORTAL What information will I see in the NIH Clinical Center FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal?

Full Answer

How do I log in to my FollowMyHealth account?

Jun 23, 2015 · The FollowMyHealth portal provides an update to date health summary, a “to-do” list for anyone in need of screening or medication (s), as well as an app center that offers customized charts based on your health during your time with PGOMG.

What is FollowMyHealth and is it safe?

For the best login experience, The Family Health Centers recommends that our patients use the “Follow My Health” login option. Patients will also be given the option to log in using Facebook, Google, Yahoo!, MSN or Cerner Health. These options are NOT recommended. If you have not received a Follow My Health Invitation, or if you are a new patient, please email …

Why do you need a patient portal?

Is my information secure in the NIH Clinical Center FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal? Yes. FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal is a secure internet site which is protected through advanced encryption technology. Access to your account is secured through your own personalized user name and password, known only to you.

How do I connect with a primary care partner on FollowMyHealth?

Creating a FollowMyHealth username and password enables you to better secure your account and allows us to more easily help you with login recovery should you ever need it. To create a FollowMyHealth username and password, follow the steps listed below. (This is not yet supported... Read More How do I Request an Email Visit? in Getting Started


Is FollowMyHealth secure?

Yes. FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal is a secure internet site which is protected through advanced encryption technology. Access to your account is secured through your own personalized user name and password, known only to you.

Is FollowMyHealth the same as MyChart?

Reviewers felt that MyChart meets the needs of their business better than FollowMyHealth. When comparing quality of ongoing product support, reviewers felt that MyChart is the preferred option. For feature updates and roadmaps, our reviewers preferred the direction of MyChart over FollowMyHealth.

Is patient portal safe?

Patient portals have privacy and security safeguards in place to protect your health information. To make sure that your private health information is safe from unauthorized access, patient portals are hosted on a secure connection and accessed via an encrypted, password-protected logon.

Why should I use a patient portal?

The Benefits of a Patient Portal You can access all of your personal health information from all of your providers in one place. If you have a team of providers, or see specialists regularly, they can all post results and reminders in a portal. Providers can see what other treatments and advice you are getting.Aug 13, 2020

Who uses FollowMyHealth?

Who uses Allscripts FollowMyHealth?CompanyWebsiteCompany SizeMidMichigan Medical Center-Midlandmidmichigan.org1000-5000Sharp Healthcare,>10000California Pacific Medical Group Inc.brownandtoland.com50-200IHS>100001 more row

What is FollowMyHealth portal?

FollowMyHealth is an online tool that gives you anywhere, anytime access to your personal health records. This allows you to take a proactive role in managing your care. Many healthcare providers and physicians use FollowMyHealth as their main engagement platform.Feb 24, 2020

What are the disadvantages of a patient portal?

The most frequently reported downside to patient portals is the difficulty providers often face in generating patient buy-in. Although providers are generally aware of the health perks of using a patient portal, patients are seldom as excited about the portal as they are.Feb 17, 2016

What is a reason for providers to be reluctant to use a patient portal?

The reason why most patients do not want to use their patient portal is because they see no value in it, they are just not interested. The portals do not properly incentivize the patient either intellectually (providing enough data to prove useful) or financially.

Can patient portals be hacked?

Health outcomes improve. Unfortunately, what makes your patient portal valuable for patients is exactly what makes it attractive to cybercriminals. It's a one-stop shop for entire health records, and identity thieves can make a fast buck from stealing this data and selling it on.

What are the benefits and challenges of using patient portals?

Patient portals satisfy meaningful use standards Improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparities. Increase patient engagement. Improve care coordination. Expand population and public health.Jul 15, 2019

Are patient portals easy to use?

Patient portals pose many challenges and provide benefits for the enhancement of quality care. Effectively using a patient portal is not easy because the portals come with many pros and cons in the healthcare industry.Nov 11, 2021

How can the patient portal affect patient satisfaction?

Patient portal users reported a high degree of usability and general satisfaction: 93% (891/957) of respondents felt the patient portal was easy to use, 83% (794/957) said it made communication more convenient, and 75% (716/957) indicated it saved time when scheduling an appointment.

How to add 2 factor authentication to FMH?

If you would like to add an extra layer of security to your FMH Secure Login, you have the option to add a 2-factor authentication process. Sign in to your account at FollowMyHealth. Step 1: Click "My Account". In the drop-down window select "Preferences" Step 2: Once...

Where is the Action Center on my health record?

When you first log into your account, you should see the "Action Center" located underneath your "Health Summary". This is where the notifications you receive via email are located.

Can you make it to the doctor's office?

You can’t always make it to your doctor’s office. With Video Visits, you don’t have to for certain symptoms. Receive care from your trusted physician through a video call to discuss any issues face-to-face. (Please note that the availability of some features may be dependent...

How long does it take to receive a call back from a doctor?

You should receive a message within 3 business days.

How long does it take to refill a prescription?

A: Yes! The request will be sent to our clinical staff first, then sent to your pharmacy. Refill could take 24 to 48 hours. You will have to make an appointment to discuss any new medications that you may want prescribed.

How long does it take for lab results to come in South Shore?

A: Labs ordered by a South Shore Women’s Health physician will appear in the portal 4 – 12 days after they are viewed and verified by the provider. Please note that lab results sometimes take a few days to get to get to the provider.

Does FollowMyHealth have a privacy policy?

A: Maintaining your privacy is FollowMyHealth’s top priority and they have taken the necessary steps to ensure they meet your expectations as well as all federal and state privacy laws. In order to allow most people to simply sign into FollowMyHealth without needing to create a new email address, they offer Facebook, Google, Yahoo and LiveID as authentication methods. FollowMyHealth uses a standard protocol to securely authorize users. FollowMyHealth will not utilize any additional information from these third party organizations other than what is required to help you gain access to your records.
