23 hours ago Click the button to be taken to our FSA, HRA, and HSA system's login page. Member Login Employer Login >> Go To The Portal
Click the button to be taken to our FSA, HRA, and HSA system's login page. Member Login Employer Login
Patient Portal Portal Login / Create Account Mat-Su Regional Medical Center is pleased to offer patients easy, secure and convenient access to their personal health information via its new MyHealthHome online portal and mobile app, with access to information for visits starting on 12/8/2021 . Through our new MyHealthHome patient portal, you can:
Patient Portal Portal Login / Create Account Longview Regional Medical Center is pleased to offer patients easy, secure and convenient access to their personal health information via its new MyHealthHome online portal and mobile app, with access to information for visits starting on 12/8/2021 . Through our new MyHealthHome patient portal, you can:
Patient Portal Portal Login Create Account Physicians Regional Healthcare System is pleased to offer patients easy, secure and convenient access to their personal health information via its new MyHealthHome online portal, with access to information for visits starting on 12/9/21 . Through our new MyHealthHome patient portal, you can:
Enrollment Invitation – Longview Regional Medical Center will send a text and / or email to the email address and / or cell phone number you provided upon registration to the hospital. Follow the instructions in that message to create your account.
If you have already signed up for MyHealthHome, click here to login to your account.
Previous Portal Users will need to create an account with MyHealthHome in order to continue accessing their personal health information. Information contained in the previous patient portal can still be accessed by contacting your local hospital. Click here for information on how to do that.
Click here for technical support if you have difficulty registering for or using MyHealthHome.
Enrollment Invitation – Physicians Regional Healthcare System will send an email to the email address you provided upon registration to the hospital. Follow the instructions in that message to create your account.
If you have already signed up for MyHealthHome, click here to login to your account.
Previous Portal Users will need to create an account with MyHealthHome in order to continue accessing their personal health information. Information contained in the previous patient portal can still be accessed by contacting your local hospital. Click here for information on how to do that.
Call (800) 669-4096 if you have difficulty registering or using this service.
When you sign-up for My Health Home, you will be able to: 1 View and share your personal health record (PHR) related to your hospital stays. 2 Have electronic access to an updated list of medications, diagnoses, allergies, lab test results, patient history and other healthcare information related to your inpatient hospital visit. 3 Access your hospital discharge instructions for better after-discharge care. 4 Manage family members’ health records once you are authorized.
My Health Home patient portal is a free and secure online home for your inpatient hospital health information. The portal allows you to view your medical records on any internet-enabled device and become a more active partner in your healthcare.