12 hours ago Dr. Patricia James, Internal Medicine in Palm Desert, CA. See Reviews & Make an Appointment! ... Dr. Patricia Louise James, MD. Is this you? Claim your profile. Internal Medicine. 35 | Write A Review ... Accepting New Patients ; Medicaid Accepted ; Mon 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Tue 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Wed 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. >> Go To The Portal
Dr. Patricia James, Internal Medicine in Palm Desert, CA. See Reviews & Make an Appointment! ... Dr. Patricia Louise James, MD. Is this you? Claim your profile. Internal Medicine. 35 | Write A Review ... Accepting New Patients ; Medicaid Accepted ; Mon 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Tue 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Wed 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.
Dr. Patricia James is a Emergency Medicine Physician in Palm Desert, CA. Find Dr. James's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.
Visit Patricia James, specializing in Internal medicine. This provider is part of Empire Physicians Medical Group in California.
Yes, you can book an appointment with Dr. James online today. It's simple, secure, and free.
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We’ve published patient experience ratings for Dr. James in 6 key categories based on 38 reviews. See ratings .
Check Dr. James' profile to see which insurance they accept.
Dr. James' office is located at 36921 Cook St, Palm Desert, CA....
Emergency medicine specialists diagnose and treat patients with life-threatening conditions like heart attack, drug overdose, shock, or massive ble...
Dr. James graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School in 1976. She works in Palm Desert, CA and 1 other location and specializes in Internal Medicine. Dr. James is affiliated with Eisenhower Medical Center.
Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.
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An internist is a physician who focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the adult population— both acute and chronic .These doctors are often who adults see as their primary physicians because they treat a broad range of illnesses that do not require surgical or specialist interventions. They also work to help a patient maintain optimal health in order to prevent the onset of disease.In addition to treating the common cold and flu, internists also treat chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
Dr. James graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School in 1976. She works in Palm Desert, CA and 1 other location and specializes in Internal Medicine. Dr. James is affiliated with Eisenhower Medical Center.
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The honor is bestowed to physicians who have received near perfect scores, as voted by patients.
Dr. Patricia James is an emergency medicine physician in Palm Desert, California and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Loma Linda University Medical Center and Eisenhower Medical Center. She received her medical degree from University of Michigan Medical School and has been in practice for more than 20 years.
Emergency medicine specialists diagnose and treat patients with life-threatening conditions like heart attack, drug overdose, shock, or massive bleeding.
Provides clear information and answers questions in a way patients understand.
Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.