northside pediatrics columbus indiana patient portal

by Reece Schuster 7 min read

Patient Portal | Northside Hospital

31 hours ago PATIENT PORTAL. see us now! call to book a telemedicine appointment. (812) 379-9524 / CLICK TO CALL →. ready to come see us? BOOK AN APPOINTMENT →. we love kids. MEET OUR … >> Go To The Portal

Why choose Northside Pediatrics?

Northside Pediatrics is a group of board certified pediatric providers and nurses who love caring for your well and sick children, birth–adolescents. As parents too, our doctors and nurses understand the unique joys and challenges you experience as a parent caring for children.

How do I contact the pediatrician after hours?

Our pediatricians and pediatric nurses are available after hours to answer questions. To reach them, call the hospital operator and they will page the doctor on-call. Routine refills or questions about chronic problems cannot be answered after hours.

What is the Northside Pediatric Associates alert program?

The "NORTHSIDE PEDIATRIC ASSOCIATES" alerts program offers appointment, billing, lab result, and general announcements via SMS on your cell phone. Message and data rates may apply.

How do I Activate my Northside account?

Personal Invite - During your visit to Northside you provided us with your personal e-mail for your invitation. Click on the link included in your e-mail from Northside or cut and paste to your web browser to activate your account.