migraine report of patient

by Miss Malika Rippin MD 5 min read

Migraine | Symptoms, Causes and Treatment | Patient

28 hours ago  · Migraine is usually diagnosed by the typical symptoms. There is no test to confirm migraine. A doctor can usually be confident that you have migraine if you have typical symptoms and by an examination which does not reveal any abnormality. However, some people with … >> Go To The Portal

Migraines can be severely debilitating and are considered one of the main causes of disability worldwide. In one study among patients with migraines in the United States, more than half reported severe impairment in activity, the need for bed rest, and/or reduced work or school productivity due to migraines.

Full Answer

How is migraine diagnosed?

Migraine is usually diagnosed by the typical symptoms. There is no test to confirm migraine. A doctor can usually be confident that you have migraine if you have typical symptoms and by an examination which does not reveal any abnormality. However, some people with migraine have non-typical headaches.

What are the symptoms of migraine?

Migraine is a condition that causes attacks (episodes) of headaches. Other symptoms such as feeling sick (nausea) or being sick (vomiting) are also common.

What do we know about the clinical management of migraine?

Migraine is a ubiquitous neurological disorder that adds substantially to the global burden of disease. Despite the existence of comprehensive diagnostic criteria and a multitude of therapeutic options, diagnosis and clinical management of migraine remain suboptimal worldwide.

How important is patient satisfaction to migraine treatment success?

Explanation, reassurance and objectives Patient satisfaction is a key management outcome and treatment success depends on it but most people with migraine report at least one perceived unmet treatment need39.

Which test is used to detect migraine?

Computerized tomography (CT) scan. A CT scan uses a series of X-rays to create detailed cross-sectional images of the brain. This helps doctors diagnose tumors, infections, brain damage, bleeding in the brain and other possible medical problems that may be causing headaches.

How do you inform a migraine?

During a migraine, you might have:Pain usually on one side of your head, but often on both sides.Pain that throbs or pulses.Sensitivity to light, sound, and sometimes smell and touch.Nausea and vomiting.

How do you describe a migraine?

The primary symptom of migraine is a headache. Pain is sometimes described as pounding or throbbing. It can begin as a dull ache that develops into pulsing pain that is mild, moderate or severe. If left untreated, your headache pain will become moderate to severe.

How do you examine a patient with a headache?

0:534:44Examining the headache patient - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipCan give clues about ventilation. And uncover underlying infection auscultate the carotid arteries.MoreCan give clues about ventilation. And uncover underlying infection auscultate the carotid arteries. And the eyes for brewees palpate the temporal lotteries for ropiness.

How do you use migraine in a sentence?

Examples of 'migraine' in a sentence migraineAdults who suffer migraines are also more susceptible. ... Random back pain and two to three migraines a week? ... Many of the patients we interviewed thought they had migraines. ... The previous day she had been in hospital with a migraine.More items...

Can I leave work due to a migraine?

One very important thing employers should note is that the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) can be used by migraine sufferers. FMLA allows certain employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12 month period for a serious health condition, including a migraine.

What is the main cause of migraine?

The exact cause of migraines is unknown, but they're thought to be the result of abnormal brain activity temporarily affecting nerve signals, chemicals and blood vessels in the brain.

How do migraines start?

Current thinking is that a migraine likely starts when overactive nerve cells send out signals that trigger your trigeminal nerve, which gives sensation to your head and face. This cues your body to release chemicals like serotonin and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP).

What are the types of migraines?

The two major categories are migraine with aura (once called "classical migraines”) and migraine without aura (formerly known as "common migraines”). "Aura" usually includes visual symptoms like lines, shapes, or flashes. You may even lose some of your vision for 10 to 30 minutes.

What is a nursing diagnosis for headache?

Nursing Care Plan for Headache 2 Nursing Diagnosis: Activity Intolerance related to headache secondary to hypertension as evidenced by fatigue, elevated blood pressure in response to activity, and difficulty breathing.

What questions would you ask a patient about a headache?

To help pinpoint a migraine diagnosis, Dr....Gordon recommended asking three questions: Are you nauseated when you have a headache? Have you missed a day of work or something else you've wanted to do in the past 3 months due to a headache? Does light bother you when you have a headache?

Which outcome is the priority for a client with a migraine?

The most important outcome measure used in studies on the effectiveness of migraine treatment is whether the patient is pain free within two hours after taking the medicine [1]. Other symptoms assessed in this evaluation are nausea/vomiting and photophobia and phonophobia.

Migraine - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

How do you safely reduce propranolol dosage without getting negative ...

Scenario: Young people aged 12-17 years | Management | Migraine | CKS ...

Monthly headache diary - St George's Hospital

How common are migraines?

Migraines are a very common condition, with 15.3% of Americans aged 18 years or older reporting a migraine or severe headache in the previous 3 months, [1] a figure that has remained stable for almost two decades. Migraines can be severely debilitating and are considered one of the main causes of disability worldwide. [2] In one study among patients with migraines in the United States, more than half reported severe impairment in activity, the need for bed rest, and/or reduced work or school productivity due to migraines. [3]

Can you take tramadol for migraines?

Clinicians must consider medication efficacy, potential side effects, and potential medication‐related adverse events when prescribing acute medications for migraine. Although opioids, such as butorphanol, codeine/acetaminophen, and tramadol/acetaminophen, are probably effective, they are not recommended for regular use.”.

Is migraine a disability?

Migraines can be severely debilitating and are considered one of the main causes of disability worldwide. [2] . In one study among patients with migraines in the United States, more than half reported severe impairment in activity, the need for bed rest, and/or reduced work or school productivity due to migraines. [3]

What foods trigger migraines?

In general, these foods fall into two main categories: 1) byproducts of food aging and 2) foods with chemicals similar to the neurotransmitters that our brains use. Byproducts of food aging are found in fermented products like red wine, aged cheeses, and yeast in fresh bread and yogurt. Foods with chemicals similar to our own neurotransmitters that may aggravate migraine are coffee, chocolate, MSG, and the nitrates used as preservatives in many of our prepackaged foods. Dietary triggers are generally not the result of allergies, but are direct sensitivities to chemicals in foods and beverages.

Is migraine a headache?

Migraine is a common clinical problem characterized by episodic attacks of head pain and associated symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light, sound, or head movement. It is generally thought of as a headache problem, but it has become apparent in recent years that many patients suffer symptoms from migraine who do not have severe headaches as a dominant symptom. These patients may have a primary complaint of dizziness, of ear pain, of ear or head fullness, “sinus” pressure, and even fluctuating hearing loss. Fortunately, treatment regimens long established for the treatment of “classic” migraine headaches are generally effective against these “atypical” symptoms of migraine.

Can migraines cause vertigo?

Twenty-five percent of migraineurs experience vertigo along with their other migraine symptoms. In many patients seen at our balance clinics, vertigo is the predominant feature of their migraine. We typically find that they have had more classic migraine headaches at some time in the past, or have a family history of migraine. Migraine symptoms of new onset in a patient with no personal or family history of migraine can also occur. This is particularly common after head injury or whiplash with chronic neck symptoms. Neck symptoms and spasm tend to increase weeks to months after an initial whiplash injury, causing headache and associated episodes of vertigo. These symptoms are generally not associated with pressure in the ear or hearing changes and may originate in the brainstem from faulty central processing of balance information from the inner ears. These patients are often best treated with physical therapy to decrease neck muscle stiffness and pain, medications to decrease neck muscle stiffness and pain, as well as traditional migraine therapy.

Can vitamins help with headaches?

Certain vitamins and food supplements may provide a benefit in terms of headache prevention. Many unsubstantiated claims can be found on the internet and at health food stores. The best evidence exists for the agents below (published peer reviewed, randomized controlled trials, albeit small ones in some cases). Side effects are typically mild.

How many people have migraines?

Migraine is a disabling disease that impacts more than 37 million Americans. To help those coping with a recent diagnosis, lean on this guide to show you how to communicate your needs to your support network, better understand your diagnosis, and take care of yourself by finding hope through pain. Download Our Guide.

How does migraine affect children?

Dealing with pediatric migraine can significantly affect a child's ability to focus in class and keep up with their peers. However, a few key accommodations can make a big difference, helping the child manage their migraine and allowing them a chance to thrive.

How many different types of headaches are there?

There are over 100 different types of headaches, so pinpointing which one is ailing you can take some time, and probably a visit with a headache specialist. Use our guide to help narrow down the most common types of migraine. Migraine is a disabling disease that impacts more than 37 million Americans.

Can you talk about migraines?

It can be hard to find the words to talk about your migraine, especially when someone says something incorrect or insensitive. Download Our Guide. While migraine can be just as severe in children as it is in adults, children often struggle to explain their symptoms and advocate for their health.

Can migraines be a summer?

With more sunlight and longer days, summer can be a difficult time for those with migraine, but there are ways to help make the season feel less like a sunburn and more like a refreshing glass of lemonade. Check out our tips to make the most of the season while you manage migraine this summer. Download Our Guide.

What is Migraine Disease?

According to diagnostic criteria established by the International Headache Society, in order to be diagnosed with migraine disease, patients must have had at least 5 headache attacks that lasted 4–72 hours and the attacks must have had at least 2 of the following characteristics:

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When a child complains of a headache, the first step should be to take the complaint seriously

Migraine is one of the most common neurologic conditions in children. It can create significant childhood disability by causing absences from school. This also can interrupt parents' work and family schedules. It is estimated that children with migraine lose one and a half weeks more schooling per year than their peers.