36 hours ago Huntsville Renal Clinic P.C is a private practice offering a wide variety of renal healthcare services in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee since 1999. We have 60 years of combined experience and offer individual solutions to all of our patients. We have the most exceptional consultants with extensive medical knowledge providing the renal care services with us. >> Go To The Portal
Huntsville Renal Clinic P.C is a private practice offering a wide variety of renal healthcare services in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee since 1999. We have 60 years of combined experience and offer individual solutions to all of our patients. We have the most exceptional consultants with extensive medical knowledge providing the renal care services with us.
The HealtheLife Portal offers Huntsville Hospital Health System patients a convenient and secure website to help manage your health. It gives you access to a summary of the information in your Electronic Medical Record (EMR), the ability to view test and lab results, and an easy way to communicate with your health care providers.
Huntsville Renal Clinic P.C is premier renal healthcare in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, offering a wide variety of renal care services. We have over 60 years of combined medical experience to ensure that you receive the best care. If you are a new or existing patient and would like to fill out your form online, please visit our patient portal.
If an additional card is needed or an individual would like to enroll as a patient portal user, then a personal medical record number may be obtained by visiting the Health Information Management Department at Huntsville Memorial Hospital (936) 291-4270. Proof of identification with a picture is required. Once Enrolled
If an additional card is needed or an individual would like to enroll as a patient portal user, then a personal medical record number may be obtained by visiting the Health Information Management Department at Huntsville Memorial Hospital (936) 291-4270. Proof of identification with a picture is required.
The Patient and Consumer Health Portal is an online tool that goes a step beyond simply displaying information by helping you manage your healthcare easily and securely.
Access includes the patient's demographic information, a medical record summary and test results for those performed at our hospital. Parents may also access medical records of their family dependents.
Patient e-mail addresses are kept confidential and are not shared with any third parties (unless it is required by law or necessary to carry out our services).
The 14-bay unit offers dialysis and Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) treatments for hospital patients with kidney disease and other serious health problems. Treatments are available 24/7. For patients who are too sick to leave their hospital room, we can perform dialysis at the bedside with a portable hemofiltration system.
With hemodialysis, blood flows out of the body into a machine that filters out waste products and fluid. The cleansed blood is then returned back into the body.
Dialysis fluid flows into the peritoneal (abdominal) cavity, and waste is filtered through the peritoneum, the thin membrane that surrounds the abdominal organs. The dialysis fluid draws wastes and extra fluid from the peritoneum into the dialysis solution. Each type of dialysis has advantages and disadvantages.