16 hours ago How do I log in to my Patient Portal? Contact: (734) 224-3822 x 101 / dratkins@groveemotionalhealth.com Ages Served: Children Ages 3+, Adolescents, Adults 65 or younger Price for Sessions: $215 - $300 per standard therapy session A limited number of need-based sliding scale spaces are available. >> Go To The Portal
If you are an existing patient in our office, we have a free online service available called the “Patient Portal.” The link below allows you to communicate in a secure online manner directly with members of our health care team.To use the Patient Portal, you must obtain a username and password. This will be assigned to you during your office visit.
The Southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center patient portal is a secure website that gives patients convenient 24-hour access to their personal health information. Using a secure username and password, patients also can communicate with their health care providers. Manage your appointments - View, schedule, reschedule and cancel.
We will not send any private health information to your e-mail (non-secure). We will send you an e-mail only when necessary, to request that you access the secure Patient Portal to review private healthcare information that we have posted on your Patient Portal. Please keep your messages brief.
You are encouraged to contact our office via telephone if you have any questions or needs. The Grove Medical physicians will decide which medical topics are appropriate for online communications and with whom we communicate with online. You may be directed to contact us via telephone or in person at any time.
Enrollment Invitation – Grandview Medical Center will send an email to the email address you provided upon registration to the hospital. Follow the instructions in that message to create your account.
If you have already signed up for MyHealthHome, click here to login to your account.
Previous Portal Users will need to create an account with MyHealthHome in order to continue accessing their personal health information. Information contained in the previous patient portal can still be accessed by contacting your local hospital. Click here for information on how to do that.
Call (800) 669-4096 if you have difficulty registering or using this service.
The Southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center patient portal is a secure website that gives patients convenient 24-hour access to their personal health information. Using a secure username and password, patients also can communicate with their health care providers.
The patient portal is for routine management of your health care. If you are having a medical emergency, please call 911 or your health care provider's office immediately.
If you provided your email address to Southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center or Great River Health during patient registration, you may self-enroll for our patient portal by visiting https://bit.ly/PortalEnroll .
Detailed medical records are too large for the portal. To get specific information from your medical records, as your provider or our Health Information Management team. Mental health records aren't available through the portal.
To be compliant with Iowa law, proxy access to minors between the ages of 12 and 18 is limited to allergies, immunizations, appointments and scheduling. All other patient information can be obtained through our Health Information Department.