21 hours ago INTEGRIS & Me is our patient portal, which allows you to manage your health care records in one place. Some of the benefits of using INTEGRIS & Me are: Provider notes as well as laboratory and other test results are sent to your account as soon as they are available. Send a message directly to your medical team and get a secure response within ... >> Go To The Portal
The steps to access the INTEGRIS Health EAP are as follows: 1. Visit www.GuidanceResources.com 2. Click the "Register" link 3. Enter "INTEGRIS" for the Organization Web ID 4.
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When you have a planned visit to an INTEGRIS Health facility, you may be contacted to “pre-register” for your service. If you have questions, please contact the Patient Access Center at 405-951-4703. This informs you what rights Oklahoma law gives you to make medical care decisions.
As a patient or visitor at any INTEGRIS Health facility across the state of Oklahoma, you can expect to receive the best medical care possible. At INTEGRIS Health, we not only provide the highest level of medical technology but we also strive to provide great customer service in a kind and compassionate manner. Questions about Billing?
Consumer health information, Internet access and e-mail access is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, in the INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center Medical Library, Concourse Level, Building D. Shower facilities are available for patient family members at YMCA HEALTHY LIVING CENTER - INTEGRIS Health.
For INTEGRIS bills, you may use our online bill pay option. Once you create an account, you will be able to create payment plans, view statements, manage bills for everyone in your household, and much more. INTEGRIS Employees. Download the INTEGRIS employee payroll deduction form.
INTEGRIS Rx is a free application that connects you to your local INTEGRIS hospital pharmacy. Search for your preferred pharmacy using your ZIP code or GPS location, then save the pharmacy as your favorite to keep connected!
Please verify your personal information. If you do not remember any of this information, you will have to contact your INTEGRIS and Me help desk at 844-843-1500 to help you regain access to your INTEGRIS and Me account.
Integris is a deployment services organisation providing healthcare IT and informatics solutions. Working with the NHS and system suppliers, delivering successful clinical outcomes and achieving greater financial efficiencies, as well as improving both the patient and staff experience.
The company, which is a subsidiary of Tenet Healthcare Corporation, currently operates more than 270 surgical facilities, more than 100 urgent care centers and 24 imaging centers.
RM Integris is a flexible and easy-to-use cloud-based MIS that meets the needs of the whole school community across multiple devices and locations; giving administration staff and teachers the tools they need for efficient and flexible working.
RM Integris is the school management information system, supported by the children's services, school training and support team.
Integris Health (stylized INTEGRIS Health) is an American 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization which manages health care facilities in the state of Oklahoma.
OU Health is the state's only comprehensive academic health system of hospitals, clinics and centers of excellence. With 11,000 employees and more than 1,300 physicians and advanced practice providers, OU Health is home to Oklahoma's largest doctor network with a complete range of specialty care.
INTEGRIS Health is Transforming As the state's largest not-for-profit and Oklahoma-owned health care system, with hospitals, specialty clinics, family care practices and centers of excellence, INTEGRIS Health is here for you.
508-bedINTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center: Opened Easter Sunday, 1959 as a 200-bed hospital, INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center has grown to a 508-bed facility offering comprehensive health-care programs and services.
As a patient or visitor at any INTEGRIS Health facility across the state of Oklahoma, you can expect to receive the best medical care possible.
Get the latest information from the CDC and State of Oklahoma on vaccine availability and how INTEGRIS Health plays an important role.
It’s our promise and our invitation to you – to connect with you. To listen to you. To heal you and to keep you well. After all, this is the reason each of us chose health care in the first place.
Forms and any supporting documentation may be emailed to HealthInfoManagement@integrisok.com, faxed to (405) 552-8773, or mailed to 3366 NW Expressway, Bld D. Ste. C-20, Oklahoma City, OK 73112.
The form and any attachments may be emailed to HealthInfoManagement@integrisok.com, faxed to (405) 552-8773, or mailed to 3366 NW Expressway, Bld D. Ste. C-20, Oklahoma City, OK 73112.
In certain circumstances, the patient portal may not show certain medical information about a minor patient. Under state law 63 OK Stat § 63-2602, minor patients have the right to consent for certain services and that information must be kept confidential between the patient and provider.
We are ready to give you and your family the best care. We 've added new safety guidelines for in-person visits and telehealth options.
Get the latest information from the CDC and State of Oklahoma on vaccine availability and how INTEGRIS Health plays an important role.
Choose a physician near you and schedule online in seconds. The list of doctors keeps growing, so be sure to check back.
Chat with your doctor by telephone or live video to get personalized care even when you can't visit the office in person. Ask your provider if Telehealth is an option for you.
Knowing which to choose can save you time and money – and ensure that those who truly need life-saving care are able to get it.
The INTEGRIS Health blog is packed with professional advice and trustworthy, Oklahoma-centric health news from INTEGRIS Health doctors and experts to help you live your healthiest life.
INTEGRIS and Me is a new way to think about the way you manage your health care, and it all starts with an online suite of powerful, customizable tools available to you now.
Your doctor must talk with you, using words you can understand, about your medical care options.
If you cannot make decisions about your own medical care, someone must make them for you. An advance directive is the best way to tell people what you want done. You can also say who you want to make decisions for you, if you can no longer decide for yourself.
A DNR consent form is a form signed by a competent adult person or the patient’s legal representative that authorizes withholding or withdrawal of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in case of cardiac or respiratory arrest . It is effective immediately when signed. You or your representative may also choose to limit only certain types of resuscitation, such as intubation, mechanical ventilation or administration of medicines. In Oklahoma, every person must receive full resuscitative efforts in the event of a cardiac or respiratory arrest, unless a DNR consent form has been signed by the patient or the patient’s legal representative or another legal exception applies. Without a DNR consent form or other legal document authorizing the withholding or withdrawal of CPR, your physician may only enter a DNR order when there is documented clear and convincing evidence from your family members, friends or others that you did not desire to have CPR, your physician determines that CPR would be futile or your death is imminent. Please direct any questions concerning resuscitation to your physician, nurse, chaplain or hospital social worker.
A health care proxy is a person you name in your living will to make medical decisions for you, including decisions about life-sustaining treatment. The health care proxy has no power to make decisions until you are certified as terminally ill or persistently unconscious. 3.
A durable power of attorney for health care is a written document in which you name the person you want to make routine medical decisions for you. This person can also make limited decisions about life-sustaining treatment if you expressly give the person that power. Oklahoma law requires a legal document separate from the living will, clearly stating the powers you want to grant to this person.
Oklahoma law has four kinds of advance directives: Living Will . Health Care Proxy.
If you do not have a court appointed legal guardian, your family, doctors and hospital can usually agree about medical care, except for decisions about withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment.
Your health care team consists of many professionals working together to make sure you receive very good care that is consistent with INTEGRIS Health’s high standards. You are the captain of your health care team, and we encourage you to be an active participant in your care by asking questions.
Bedrails are for your protection. They may be raised during the night or during the day if you are resting, recovering from surgery or taking certain medications.
When seeing a new physician at the hospital for a procedure or inpatient stay, you often have lots of questions and many things to think about. Keeping track of which medications you are taking is an important part of staying healthy . Please inform your health care provider and family members of the drug name, dosage, frequency and use of each medication you are taking.
Lunch – 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Dinner – 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. Menus are tailored to any dietary restrictions your doctor may have ordered. If you miss one or more meals because of tests or surgery, your meals will resume as soon as your physician allows.
Local calls may be made at any time from the room by dialing 8 and the number. Long distance and toll calls can be made at any time by dialing 8, 0 and the number. Long distance calls cannot be charged to your room. You can charge a long distance or credit card call to your home number.
Let your loved ones know you are thinking about them while they are visiting the hospital by sending a free electronic patient E-card greeting. Select from cards tailored for an adult, child, or someone having a baby. You may also request a prayer for a patient. Those prayers are handled daily by our chaplains.
Newspapers are located between the elevators on the 1st Floor of the hospital, Concourse Level and on the 1st Floor lobby of Building B.