hayden walk in clinic patient portal

by Francisca Jerde 5 min read

WALK-IN CLINIC in Hayden, ID 83835

8 hours ago Northwest Family Medicine Hayden. 7600 N. Mineral Drive, Suite 450-B Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 (208) 209-2066 | Phone (208) 209-2076 | Fax. BECOME A PATIENT >> Go To The Portal

How long is the wait time at a walk-in clinic in Hayden?

Clinics in Hayden and Sandpoint can typically accommodate walk-in or same day appointments. We’ll do our best to help you quickly. Typical waits are 15 minutes to an hour. You can call the clinic in advance to check on wait times and appointment availability. Who will I see at the Walk-In Clinic?

Can I make an appointment with Hayden family planning?

Our Clinics in Hayden and Sandpoint can typically accommodate walk-in or same day appointments. We’ll do our best to help you quickly. You can call the clinic in advance to check on wait times and appointment availability. I have private insurance. Does a Family Planning visit accept private insurance?

What can the walk-in clinic see me for?

The walk-in clinic can see you for any number of ailments you are experiencing. Most patients are seen on a first-come, first-served basis, depending on the severity of their symptoms. The Lake Almanor Clinic offers services through the use of Telemedicine.

Can I call the walk-in clinic in advance to make an appointment?

You can call the clinic in advance to check on wait times and appointment availability. Who will I see at the Walk-In Clinic? You’ll see one of our nurses or Nurse Practitioners . They have a great deal of experience and expertise. Each one is committed to individualized care and helping you meet your health goals. Is it going to be expensive?


How to stay home when sick?

Practice good health habits such as getting enough sleep, exercise, stress management, plenty of fluids, and health diet. Wear a mask to cover your face in a medical office, if asked.

Can you share information about a patient without permission?

Absolutely! We cannot share any information about any patient or clinic visit without written permission.

Can you walk in to a clinic in Hayden?

Our Clinics in Hayden and Sandpoint can typically accommodate walk-in or same day appointments. We’ll do our best to help you quickly. You can call the clinic in advance to check on wait times and appointment availability.

Do you have to be an established patient to get birth control?

You must be an established patient to receive any form of birth control. To become a patient requires just a quick visit and assessment with one of our nurses. We will accept an exam or pap done at another clinic for a year past the date it was performed.

What is a walk in clinic?

The walk-in clinic can see you for any number of ailments you are experiencing. Most patients are seen on a first-come, first-served basis, depending on the severity of their symptoms.

What is the number for Lake Almanor Clinic?

Please call the Lake Almanor Clinic for any questions (530) 258-2826.

Where is Almanor Physical Therapy located?

The office is located on the grounds of the Seneca Healthcare District Campus. Dr. Brown has developed a preoperative educational program for patients that are preparing to have a knee joint replacement surgery and is a service that is provided at no cost for patients referred by their physician and scheduled to have surgery. It includes consultation detailed home exercise instructions and recommendations for home equipment used for optimizing rehabilitation.

Does Lake Almanor have telemedicine?

The Lake Almanor Clinic offers services through the use of Telemedicine. Telemedicine allows the clinic to expand their scope of practices to offer services via video conferencing with specialized physicians allowing the patient the convenience of not having to travel outside of the community.
