genesis tricare patient portal

by Brando Stracke Jr. 8 min read

Secure Patient Portal | TRICARE

15 hours ago Patient Portal DS Logon To create ant then access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, visit If you do not have a common access card (CAC) or a MyPay account, you will need to create a DS Logon account to access the Patient Portal. Under the DS Logon column, click "Need an account" to begin the signup process. >> Go To The Portal

How to access Tricare?

Patient Portal DS Logon To create ant then access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, visit If you do not have a common access card (CAC) or a MyPay account, you will need to create a DS Logon account to access the Patient Portal. Under the DS Logon column, click "Need an account" to begin the signup process.

What is Tricare patient portal?

Along with the new EHR, the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is a secure website available 24/7 that gives you access to your health information. Through the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, you can: View health information Schedule appointments Communicate securely with providers Request prescription refills

What replaced TriCare Online?

The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is replacing the TRICARE Online Secure Patient Portal. If you have a current prescription with remaining renewals, use the Tripler Army Medical Center Automated renewals line as usual until those renewals run out. Please have your prescription number ready when calling (808) 433-6392 . What does this mean for me?

What is the MHS Genesis patient portal?

The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal replaces TRICARE Online secure messaging, and RelayHealth, while you receive care at Madigan Army Medical Center. View on Key Features and Benefits View your health information Exchange secure messages with your care team Request medical appointments Request prescription renewals


How do I access MHS Genesis?

To access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal:Go to the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. Goes to the Patient Portal.Log in using your DS Logon (Premium Access, Level 2 is required)

Does TRICARE have a patient portal?

The TOL Patient Portal (also referred to as "TRICARE Online" or "TOL") is the current secure patient portal that gives registered users access to online health care information and services at military hospitals and clinics.Jul 27, 2021

How do I access my TRICARE?

Online RequestLog in to milConnect.Click on the “Obtain proof of health coverage” button.Or click on Correspondence/Documentation and choose "Proof of Coverage."Your coverage letter will be generated and available for download.Aug 5, 2021

Does MHS Genesis have an app?

The patient portal, though mobile friendly for iOS and Android, does not yet have an app to accompany it.Apr 5, 2021

How do I find my Member ID for TRICARE?

Uniformed Services ID cards contain two numbers assigned by the DoD: DoD Benefits Number (DBN) – an 11-digit number that relates to TRICARE benefit eligibility. This number is located on the back of the card at the top, next to the date of birth.

How do I upload documents to Tricare online?

Click on “Health Records,” click “Import/ Export Health Data.” 4. Blue Button CCD file, then click “Upload.” To view your imported data, click “Clinical Data,” then click on the filename link. A new browser window will open, displaying the TRICARE Online personal health data summary now contained in your PHR.

How do I check my TRICARE appointments online?

Log in with your DoD CAC, DS Logon Premium, or DFAS myPay credentials. If you do not have DS Logon credentials and would like to, click “Need An Account.” 3. Click “Appointments” on the TOL PP home page.

How do I set up Tricare online?

To enroll in a TRICARE plan online, follow these steps:Log in to milConnect (using the options above—CAC, DS Logon, or DFAS Pin).Click on the “Benefits” tab at the top of the page.Select “Beneficiary Web Enrollment (BWE)” from the menu.Click on the “Medical” or “Dental” tab.Sep 26, 2019

How do I use my TRICARE insurance?

Using SelectStep 1: Find a Doctor. Once enrolled, you can visit any TRICARE-authorized provider. ... Step 2: Make an Appointment. Schedule an appointment with any provider. ... Step 3: Pay for the Care. If you visit a network provider, you will only need to pay your cost-share.Jan 4, 2021

Who Owns MHS Genesis?

The Leidos Partnership for Defense HealthThe Leidos Partnership for Defense Health (LPDH) developed MHS GENESIS, the Military Health System's new electronic health record, and has been providing program management and technical expertise to the Program Executive Office Defense Healthcare Management Systems (PEO DHMS) since 2015.Apr 27, 2021

What replaced Tricare online?

MHS GENESISMHS GENESIS and the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal are replacing TRICARE Online, including the patient portal and secure messaging at this facility. If you have a current TRICARE Online account, it will migrate to MHS GENESIS. No action is necessary from you.Sep 25, 2021

Where is MHS Genesis deployed?

31, 2020, MHS GENESIS deployed at Wave PENDLETON locations, including military treatment facilities in California at Camp Pendleton and in Alaska at Eielson Air Force Base, Fort Wainwright and Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, after months of extensive preparation, undertaken while also navigating through a global ...


To create ant then access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, visit

What are the chief benefits of MHS GENESIS?

MHS GENESIS is the first Department of Defense-wide electronic health record to be used by all military treatment facilities. By the time that MHS GENESIS is fully implemented throughout all of the DoD, patients will be able to receive care from any military treatment facility knowing that their health records will follow them.

How is MHS GENESIS different from CAL MED's current electronic health record systems?

Like all Army military treatment facilities, CAL MED currently uses several electronic health record systems for inpatient records, outpatient records, emergency room records, and other areas of care. While care teams can view patients' records in the different systems, this requires extra time to navigate all of the records.

What will I notice about what's new with MHS GENESIS?

The primary difference that patients will notice is the Patient Portal. While receiving care at MTFs which use MHS GENESIS, patients will no longer use RelayHealth and Tricare Online except for limited functions, such as requesting new providers.

When will I be able to start using the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal?

While patients may be able to log on to the Patient Portal and explore it during the weeks leading up to the transition to MHS GENESIS, the Patient Portal will not be active until September 7, 2019.

When patients move, will their new military treatment facilities be using MHS GENESIS?

The Department of Defense has a multi-year plan for all military treatment facilities to transition to MHS GENESIS. CAL MED is in the second wave of military treatment facility to transition to MHS GENESIS.


On April 24, 2021 the Department of Defense’s new electronic health record (EHR), MHS GENESIS, has launched here at Irwin Army Community Hospital. MHS GENESIS has replaced TRICARE Online at this facility.


MHS GENESIS is the new EHR that provides you and your doctors enhanced, secure technology to manage your health information. When fully deployed, MHS GENESIS will be the single health record for service members, veterans, and their families. >>Learn More about MHS GENESIS

What is the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal?

Along with the new EHR, the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is a secure website available 24/7 that gives you access to your health information. Through the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, you can:

What does this mean for me?

MHS GENESIS and the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal are replacing TRICARE Online, including the patient portal and secure messaging at this facility.

What happens next?

Appointment availability from April through June may be affected, and appointment times may increase as our medics adjust to new technology and workflows. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we integrate MHS GENESIS to provide you with top-notch care.

What is the MHS Genesis Patient Portal?

The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is replacing the TRICARE Online Secure Patient Portal. If you have a current prescription with remaining renewals, use the Tripler Army Medical Center Automated renewals line as usual until those renewals run out. Please have your prescription number ready when calling (808) 433-6392 .

How to contact the Defense Manpower Data Center?

Contact the Defense Manpower Data Center 1-800-538-9552. Note: When using a non-Department of Defense (DoD) computer, you may receive an error message. Click “Proceed” or “Continue” to access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. Although you receive the error message, your MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is secure.

What is the MHS portal?

The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal puts you in control of your health care. It gives you secure access to your electronic medical record 24/7, and allows you to reach out to your Naval Medical Center San Diego health care team when and where it’s convenient for you. It's available on your computer, tablet or smartphone. The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal replaces TRICARE Online secure messaging, and RelayHealth, while you receive care at Naval Medical Center San Diego.

How to contact the Defense Manpower Data Center?

Contact the Defense Manpower Data Center 1-800-538-9552Note : When using a non-Department of Defense (DoD) computer, you may receive an error message. Click “Proceed” or “Continue” to access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. Although you receive the error message, your MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is secure.
