do drug companies have a governing board to report sales people who look at patient charts

by Zander Schmitt V 10 min read

Concern that Drug Company Use of Patient Data

26 hours ago  · Concern that Drug Company Use of Patient Data Circumvents HIPAA. Posted By HIPAA Journal on Dec 16, 2014. Pharmaceutical companies are using patient PHI to market their products, even though they are not permitted to have access to this information under HIPAA regulations, according to a recent report on Bloomsberg News. >> Go To The Portal

Do doctors give in to patient demands for brand name drugs?

US Food and Drug Administration. Accessed July 27, 2016. “Physician Acquiescence to Patient Demands for Brand-Name Drugs: Results of a National Survey of Physicians.” (February 2011). JAMA Internal Medicine. Accessed July 26, 2016. “When Patients Demand A Brand-Name Drug, Many Doctors Likely To Give In.” (January 2013). Consumer Reports.

Do pharmacy technicians have to report medication events to the FDA?

As a prospective pharmacy technician, you must ensure that all medication events are reported to the FDA. The DEA – or Drug Enforcement Administration – was formed as a consequence of the Controlled Substances Act, 1970. The function of the DEA is to oversee and enforce legislation relating to controlled substances.

How do I report a problem with an FDA product?

If your report involves a serious reaction or problem with an FDA-regulated product: Fill out FDA's MedWatch reporting form. (Also contact your health professional for medical advice.) If you have questions, or want to talk with someone, call the FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinator who works with your state. Phone numbers are listed online.

How do drug ads encourage people to talk to their doctors?

The ads encourage people with these symptoms to talk to their doctor. Help-seeking ads may include a drug company's name and may also provide a telephone number to call for more information.


What are the consequences of accessing a patient chart without reason?

A Jail-Time Sentence The worst possible consequence you could face for accessing a patient chart without a reason is that you face a jail sentence.

Do pharmaceutical companies follow Hipaa?

HIPAA does not generally regulate pharmaceutical companies because they are neither covered entities nor business associates. Pharmaceutical manufacturers do not qualify as health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, or healthcare providers, and therefore are not covered entities.

Who has access to my medical records?

Only you or your personal representative has the right to access your records. A health care provider or health plan may send copies of your records to another provider or health plan only as needed for treatment or payment or with your permission.

Who is responsible for making sure the medication entries for a patient are complete and correct in the medical record?

§482.24(c)(1) - All patient medical record entries must be legible, complete, dated, timed, and authenticated in written or electronic form by the person responsible for providing or evaluating the service provided, consistent with hospital policies and procedures.

Does HIPAA apply to medical device companies?

The HIPAA privacy rules also apply to medical devices, and their manufacturers must follow HIPAA compliance — otherwise, companies risk fines or more severe punishments. Only the medical devices that transmit, receive or record health information need to be HIPAA compliant.

Is a Cro a covered entity under HIPAA?

Our services are on behalf of and pursuant to our contractual agreement with the Sponsor of the Study. As CRO is neither a business associate nor a covered entity, we are not directly subject to the requirements of the Privacy Rule.

Who can give permission to disclose personal information?

You must not disclose personal information to a third party such as a solicitor, police officer or officer of a court without the patient's explicit consent, unless it is required by law, or ordered by a court, or can be justified in the public interest.

What would be a violation of Hipaa?

What is a HIPAA Violation? The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability, or HIPAA, violations happen when the acquisition, access, use or disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI) is done in a way that results in a significant personal risk of the patient.

Are medical records confidential?

Right to Medical Records. The health care institution shall safeguard the confidentiality of the medical records and to likewise ensure the integrity and authenticity of the medical records and shall keep the same within a reasonable time as may be determined by the Department of Health.

Who is responsible for documenting legible and complete patient records?

The coder is responsible for documenting and authenticating legible, complete, and timely patient records.

Who is responsible for documentation legible and complete patient records?

(1) All patient medical record entries must be legible, complete, dated, timed, and authenticated in written or electronic form by the person responsible for providing or evaluating the service provided, consistent with hospital policies and procedures.

Who is responsible for medication reconciliation?

The reconciliation process is the responsibility of the prescriber. The nurse caring for the patient in the reconciliation process is not the prescriber. The prescriber or provider is the physician or an advanced practitioner who has prescription authority.

Who oversees prescription drug ads?

Congress also gave the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authority to oversee prescription drug ads. In turn, the FDA passed regulations detailing how it would enforce those requirements. These regulations are also known as "rules.". However, while the FDA oversees ads for prescription drugs, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ...

What is the FDA's call for drug ads?

Visit MedWatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088.".

Why do reminder ads not have to contain risk information?

A reminder ad does not have to contain risk information about the drug because the ad does not say what the drug does or how well it works. Unlike product claim ads, reminder ads cannot suggest, in either words or pictures, anything about the drug's benefits or risks.

What is a boxed warning?

Drugs with serious risks have a special warning, often called a "boxed warning," in the drug's FDA-approved prescribing information. Because of their seriousness, the risks must be included in all ads for these drugs. Return to the top.

What are the requirements for a drug claim?

All product claim ads, regardless of the media in which they appear, must include certain key components within the main part of the ad: 1 The name of the drug ( brand and generic) 2 At least one FDA-approved use for the drug 3 The most significant risks of the drug

What are other product claims?

Other Product Claim Promotional Materials. Other types of promotional materials than advertisements are used to promote the use of a drug. These are called "promotional labeling" and include brochures, materials mailed to consumers, and other types of materials given out by drug companies.

What are some examples of help seeking ads?

Some examples of diseases or conditions discussed in help-seeking ads include allergies, asthma, erectile dysfunction, high cholesterol, and osteoporosis.

Why do governments impose regulations on pharmaceutical companies?

Most governments around the world impose regulations on pharmaceutical companies, in an effort to protect their public from harmful drug effects. These regulations often prolong the process for bringing new pharmaceuticals to market. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ensures that new drugs are rigorously tested ...

Why are FDA approved drugs rigorously tested?

All approved drugs have been rigorously tested by the FDA in an ongoing effort to protect consumers from harmful or ineffective treatments. 3.

What does the FDA do?

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ensures that new drugs are rigorously tested for safety and efficacy, with an aim towards minimizing side effects. 1.

How long does it take for a drug to be developed?

The drug development process often takes 10 years. 2. Drugs typically undergo human trials before they are approved. 3. As a result of this testing, most new drugs are researched and investigated for 10 years before they are brought to market and made readily available to consumers. 2.

What are the benefits of orphan drugs?

Orphan drugs receive special consideration from the FDA, which encourages pharmaceutical companies to develop treatments for rare diseases. These incentives may include quicker approval time, as well as financial assistance. 5.


What exactly is going on between your doctor’s tablet and marketing companies?


It’s not the price of the service that necessarily determines the levels of privacy protections for consumers. Beyond overt advertising, there are various uses for the analysis of consumer data.

How much did pharmaceutical companies spend on advertising in 2014?

Those deep pockets allow pharmaceutical companies to spend astronomical amounts on advertising. In 2014, spending on advertising was worth $4.53 billion, representing an 18 percent year-by-year increase. Out of all the individual companies in the industry, Pfizer spent $1.4 billion on advertising.

What drug company was fined for promoting off label use?

In 2012, Johnson & Johnson were hit with a $2.2 billion fine for promoting off-label use of its drugs (i.e., the company was found guilty of encouraging consumers to use the drugs for purposes not condoned by the FDA). Pfizer, in 2009, paid $2.3 billion for illegally marketing its Bextra drug.

How many sales reps did Purdue Pharma have in 1996?

To get to that point, Purdue Pharma had a lot of help. The company went from employing 318 sales representatives in 1996 to 671 in 2000. To better push OxyContin to doctors and “thought leaders,” those sales reps received yearly bonuses to the tune of $70,000; some saw their bonuses pass $250,000.

How much did OxyContin make in 2010?

It took one year for OxyContin to generate $45 million in sales. By the beginning of the following decade, sales passed $1 billion; by the end of that decade, sales passed $3 billion. In 2010, Purdue Pharma owned one-third of the painkiller market in the United States, all thanks to OxyContin. 32.

How many conferences did Purdue Pharma host?

Between 1995 and 2000, Purdue Pharma hosted 40 “pain conferences” in resorts that catered to primary care physicians and doctors who specialized in cancer treatment. The company arranged for more than 2,500 physicians to deliver (paid) speeches and presentations at the conferences.

How much money did Big Pharma make from Medicare?

For Big Pharma, such people are ultimately consumers. Eleven companies in the pharmaceutical industry made $711 billion from price-gouging Medicare, the government program for seniors and disabled citizens, leading the Huffington Post to declare that Big Pharma is committing a robbery by overcharging taxpayers.

What is the big pharma?

The term “Big Pharma” is used quite often to describe massive pharmaceutical companies that make literally billions of dollars every year to keep Americans regularly supplied with a medicine cabinet’s worth of pills. But when we say Big Pharma, who are the players in the pharmaceutical industry?

Why is the pharmaceutical industry moving toward direct to patient?

The market is moving toward the direct-to-patient model as the ever-expanding digital world opens the door to new services and consumer-friendly online experiences. This movement could allow pharmaceutical companies to expand access and engage patients more directly.

What are the business goals of a drug manufacturer?

The business goals of a drug manufacturer inform the DTP channel’s design and partners. Pharma product teams can weigh several factors when defining a DTP model: (1) ownership over the patient experience; (2) breadth and depth of consumer data; and (3) desire to drive consumer relationships anchored by loyalty programs.

Why are online channels important for pharmaceutical companies?

In addition, online channels can provide access to richer consumer data that help pharmaceutical companies understand their customers better, execute more effective marketing strategies, and improve the patient experience by offering tailored patient programs .

How did Stacy get her medication?

She never had to leave her home, meet with a doctor, or visit a pharmacy in person. Stacy got her medication through a direct-to-patient (DTP) channel, an emerging go-to-market approach that some pharmaceutical companies are beginning to explore.

Do drug manufacturers have to consider out-of-pocket costs?

Drug manufacturers also should consider the role that benefits play in patients’ decisions. For reimbursed products, patients might need to consider out-of-pocket costs in light of copay percentage and deductible levels of their health coverage.

How many Schedules of Controlled Substances are there?

Similarly, the DEA sets out the 5 schedules of controlled substances – with Schedule I drugs being the most potent and addictive, Schedule II drugs requiring special ordering requirements by the pharmacy, and Schedule III through to V drugs which do not have these special ordering requirements. The DEA also has the following two functions:

What are the FDA standards?

Perhaps the most widely known of the regulatory bodies of pharmacy, the FDA is responsible for ensuring safe and effective standards in: 1 Food 2 Medicines 3 Biologic products 4 Radioactive products 5 Cosmetics

What happens if a pharmacy technician is unaware of the law?

After all, if the pharmacy technician is unaware of the legislation, they may act in breach of that legislation. Furthermore, pharmacy technicians may be obliged to comply with any investigation undertaken by the DEA.

What is the role of the DEA?

The DEA also has the following two functions: Prosecute offenders who breach legislation. Reduce the use of illicit drugs in the United States. As a prospective pharmacy technician, it’s incumbent upon you to understand the important role the DEA plays in the safe use of controlled substances.

What is the NABP?

National Association of the Boards of Pharmacy. The NABP is the last of our regulatory bodies of pharmacy; an association that assists boards of pharmacy (BOP) by ensuring there are consistent standards among each state board. However, the NABP does not have the force of law behind it.

What is a BOP in pharmacy?

As the name suggests, the State Boards of Pharmacy (BOP) are those pharmacy boards that cater to the needs of their own state – establishing state-specific laws and regulations that influence and impact pharmacy and the safe use of medicines.

What is the role of the FDA in pharmacy?

Perhaps the most widely known of the regulatory bodies of pharmacy, the FDA is responsible for ensuring safe and effective standards in: It oversees the regulation of products. As such, if there is a potential hazard to the public, the FDA can inform the manufacturer, pharmacy, and general public. ...
