chartmaker patient portal sign-up

by Haylie Cummerata 10 min read

Log On - ChartMaker® PatientPortal

32 hours ago  · Your patient representative account has been disabled. If there are any questions, please call the office. Powered by ChartMaker® PatientPortal Server Time: ... >> Go To The Portal

What is Chartmaker® patientportal?

ChartMaker® PatientPortal The ChartMaker® PatientPortal is an online service that allows a patient to keep track of their personal health information. It will also allow practices to share and receive information easily with patients.

Is Chartmaker go just a billing system?

There are many billing systems available to a medical practice, but ChartMaker Go is more than just a billing system.

How can Chartmaker practice manager help my practice?

In many cases, ChartMaker® Practice Manager electronically posts your EOMB automatically, checks your profiles for correct payment accuracy, and balance bills your patients, saving most practices hundreds of labor hours each year. READ MORE . . .

What is the difference between clinical EHR and Chartmaker go?

ChartMaker® Go is a subset of a larger family of products that includes ChartMaker® Clinical EHR (available at an additional charge). With Clinical EHR, you can also access your patient’s clinical information on your smartphone or mobile device. In addition, we offer a standalone ePrescriptions Module. READ MORE...


How does a patient portal improve patient engagement?from

Patient portals may enhance patient engagement by enabling patients to access their electronic medical records (EMRs) and facilitating secure patient-provider communication.

What are the inputs and outputs of a patient portal?from

The inputs are the material (eg, hardware and software) and nonmaterial (eg, leadership) components that facilitate or impair the establishment or use of the portal. Processes include the interactions of the users with the portal. Outputs comprise the results of the implementation or the use of the portal. Through the analysis, we identified 14 themes within these three categories, shown in Textbox 1.

Why are registries important?from

Similar to their function in CER, registries are expected play an important role in this new area of research in part because of their ability to provide information on ‘real-world’ settings and broad patient populations. PCORI included minimum standards for the use of registries for PCOR in the Methodology Report.46While some registries are designed explicitly to examine questions of comparative effectiveness or patient-centered outcomes research, many others are designed for different objectives yet still collect data that are useful for these analyses. Registries that were not explicitly designed for CER or PCOR may need to be augmented or linked to other data sources—for example, to obtain long-term outcomes data in the case of an in-hospital registry using linkage to claims data to evaluate blood pressure medications.47

Why are patient registry studies important?from

Studies from patient registries and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have important and complementary roles in evaluating patient outcomes.15Ideally, patient registries collect data in a comprehensive manner (with few excluded patients) and therefore produce outcome results that may be generalizable to a wide range of patients. They also evaluate care as it is actually provided, because care is not assigned, determined, or even recommended by a protocol. As a result, the outcomes reported may be more representative of what is achieved in real-world practice. Patient registries also offer the ability to evaluate patient outcomes when clinical trials are not practical (e.g., very rare diseases), and they may be the only option when clinical trials are not ethically acceptable. They are a powerful tool when RCTs are difficult to conduct, such as in surgery or when very long-term outcomes are desired.

What is patient registry data?from

Data from patient registries are generally used for studies that address the purpose for which the registry was created. In some respects, such as the collection of detailed clinical and longitudinal followup data, studies derived from the patient registries described in this user's guide resemble traditional observational cohort studies. Beyond traditional cohort studies, however, some registry-based studies may be more flexible in that the scope and focus of the data collection activity of the registry may be adapted over time to address additional needs. For example, new studies, such as cluster-randomized studies or case-control studies, may be nested within an ongoing registry, and the database derived from the registry may be used to support secondary studies, such as studies that link the registry database with other data sources to explore new questions.

What is PCOR in healthcare?from

More recently, the newly formed Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has identified registries as an important potential source of data to support patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR). PCOR “assesses the benefits and harms of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, palliative, or health delivery system interventions to inform decisionmaking, highlighting comparisons and outcomes that matter to people; is inclusive of an individual's preferences, autonomy and needs, focusing on outcomes that people notice and care about such as survival, function, symptoms, and health related quality of life; incorporates a wide variety of settings and diversity of participants to address individual differences and barriers to implementation and dissemination; and investigates (or may investigate) optimizing outcomes while addressing burden to individuals, availability of services, technology, and personnel, and other stakeholder perspectives.”45

What is AHRQ guidance?from

AHRQ has also developed a guidance system for grading the strength of evidence that recommends a careful assessment of the potential value of observational studies. The guidance, which is designed to support the systematic reviews conducted by the Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) program, is conceptually similar to the GRADE system.23When using the AHRQ approach, reviewers typically give evidence from observational studies a low starting grade and evidence from RCTs a high starting grade. These initial grades can then be raised or lowered depending on the strength of the five required evidence domains (study limitations, directness, consistency, precision, and reporting bias).24For example, the reviewers may find that observational studies are particularly relevant for some systematic review questions. The report notes:

Patient Portals - SPHP

St. Peter's Health Partners has transitioned to a new patient portal - Trinity Health MyChart - to better meet your needs. Any new information from visits to a St. Peter's Health Partners doctor's office or hospital from May 8 and beyond, including prescription refills, visit notes and lab results, will now be in your new MyChart patient portal.

MyChart - Virtua

MyChart, formerly MyVirtua, puts everything you need to manage your health anytime, anywhere right at your fingertips. MyChart is a free, secure online tool that enables you to access your medical records at home or on the go and communicate with your health care team.

ChartMaker Medical Suite Log4J Security Statement - STI

ChartMaker Medical Suite Log4J Statement. On Thursday, December 9, 2022, a serious security vulnerability ( CVE-2021-44228, referred to as "Log4Shell") was reported involving a widely used logging module in Java called Log4J. Java is a very popular programming language and computing platform used by many developers to build software ...

Cloud Support - STI

Learn how to log in and reset your password for Clinical and Practice Manager ChartMaker® Cloud. About Us For almost 40 years, STI Computer Services has been your healthcare partner providing and pioneering the latest software, technology and support to thousands of ambulatory medical practices.

Patient Portal - Windsong Radiology

Through our Patient Portal, you can view imaging exam reports within 72 hours of the radiologist's review and sign off. Log in or sign up here. COVID-19 Updates: Please know that patient safety remains our top priority. Extra steps are being taken to keep you safe.

Contact - Stafford Medical, PA

Stafford Medical, PA can be reached during normal business hours by phone. If you have a medical emergency, please dial 911. If you have questions about our services, accepted forms of insurance, our facility, or our physicians, please feel free to contact us during normal business hours by phone.

Patient Portal - Morristown, NJ - Dermatologists ..

To sign up for Patient Portal please contact us. The Patient Portal is a secure website that allows you to communicate with your health care provider and to view parts of your personal health record. This tool will help you better manage your care and enhance your partnership with our medical staff.

Patient Portals - SPHP

St. Peter's Health Partners has transitioned to a new patient portal - Trinity Health MyChart - to better meet your needs. Any new information from visits to a St. Peter's Health Partners doctor's office or hospital from May 8 and beyond, including prescription refills, visit notes and lab results, will now be in your new MyChart patient portal.

MyChart - Virtua

MyChart, formerly MyVirtua, puts everything you need to manage your health anytime, anywhere right at your fingertips. MyChart is a free, secure online tool that enables you to access your medical records at home or on the go and communicate with your health care team.

ChartMaker Medical Suite Log4J Security Statement - STI

ChartMaker Medical Suite Log4J Statement. On Thursday, December 9, 2022, a serious security vulnerability ( CVE-2021-44228, referred to as "Log4Shell") was reported involving a widely used logging module in Java called Log4J. Java is a very popular programming language and computing platform used by many developers to build software ...

Cloud Support - STI

Learn how to log in and reset your password for Clinical and Practice Manager ChartMaker® Cloud. About Us For almost 40 years, STI Computer Services has been your healthcare partner providing and pioneering the latest software, technology and support to thousands of ambulatory medical practices.

Patient Portal - Windsong Radiology

Through our Patient Portal, you can view imaging exam reports within 72 hours of the radiologist's review and sign off. Log in or sign up here. COVID-19 Updates: Please know that patient safety remains our top priority. Extra steps are being taken to keep you safe.

Contact - Stafford Medical, PA

Stafford Medical, PA can be reached during normal business hours by phone. If you have a medical emergency, please dial 911. If you have questions about our services, accepted forms of insurance, our facility, or our physicians, please feel free to contact us during normal business hours by phone.

Patient Portal - Morristown, NJ - Dermatologists ..

To sign up for Patient Portal please contact us. The Patient Portal is a secure website that allows you to communicate with your health care provider and to view parts of your personal health record. This tool will help you better manage your care and enhance your partnership with our medical staff.

What is chartmaker GO?

A comprehensive, integrated, and affordable cloud-based medical billing and scheduling system for physicians that includes the ability to capture charges and view schedules including hospital rounds on your mobile device. Mobile Medical Billing is now possible with ChartMaker® GO.

How does ChartMaker Go work?

ChartMaker Go tracks your hospital rounds list by location and provides visual clues to those patient’s that have been seen and patient’s that you still need to see. If a previous procedure charge was entered by you or a colleague you can view that information including date and procedure as well as diagnosis. If the procedure and diagnosis are the same, a simple series of taps updates the information with your ID, the new date, and sends the charge to your billing people for processing.

How to check office schedule in ChartMaker?

If you need to check your office schedule, click on the schedule icon on your ChartMaker Go main screen and you can quickly see your schedule.

Why do we send electronic patient bills?

Electronic patient billing statements saves your staff time and provides a more professional image for your practice. Why waste time printing and stuffing patient bills into envelopes and sticking on a stamp? Hand processed bills are typically sent out monthly to reduce the workload for your staff. Electronic patient billing statements are sent out weekly on a cycle billing basis and increase collections from your patients.

Can you add comments to your billing staff?

You can add typed or verbal comments for your billing staff within your smartphone as well. Collection Services. You deserve to be paid for your medical services, so past due accounts for medical services rendered affect your bottom line, but patients must be treated with dignity and respect.

Can ChartMaker go bill for Medicare?

ChartMaker® Go can also complete billing for facilities as well. You can complete claims electronically for Medicare part A and Anesthesia billing as well as professional component (part b) billing. ChartMaker® Go can even bill for ambulance procedures. Electronic Insurance Claims.

Does ChartMaker Go work on Android?

ChartMaker Go supports both Apple® and Android® devices and the software is available in the application stores at no charge.

What is a chartmaker?

The ChartMaker® PatientPortal is an online service that allows a patient to keep track of their personal health information. It will also allow practices to share and receive information easily with patients.

Where is the edit link on the medical page?

They can either click on the “edit” link on the right side or the heading link on the left navigation pane.

What documents can a patient download?

The patient will be able to download documents that the practice has made available. These documents could be registration forms, educational materials, etc.

Can patients view clinical summary information?

Patients can view clinical summary information (*automatically gives you credit for Core Measure: Clinical Summaries in the Meaningful Use program)

Do you have to click "Send Now" to send a change to a patient?

Note: The patient will need to click “Send Now ” in order to send their changes to the practice.

Can patients create their own username and password?

Patients create their own username and password
