aegis sciences corporation patient portal

by Rhett Larson 7 min read

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17 hours ago If you are a patient that had COVID-19 testing performed by Aegis, use the button below to view a copy of your laboratory report Patients Click below for COVID-19 Results Patient Portal >> Go To The Portal

Who is Aegis Sciences?

If you are a patient that had COVID-19 testing performed by Aegis, use the button below to view a copy of your laboratory report Patients Click below for COVID-19 Results Patient Portal

How do I contact aegislabs?

Feb 16, 2022 · Patient Portal Aegislabs is a secure and well-regulated website of a renowned medical and forensic toxicology lab named Aegis Sciences Corporation, founded in the early 1990s. The lab is awe-inspiring and provides health consultation and a variety of science-based tests for drugs across the globe with its headquarters located in Nashville, TN. Furthermore, …

What is aegis fluid™?

01.19.22 - The Walgreens COVID-19 Index is the product of an innovative pharmacy-laboratory collaboration focused on helping communities, health professionals, and the media stay informed about COVID-19 surveillance. Walgreens and Aegis Sciences Corporation have collaborated to offer COVID-19 PCR testing at more than 5,200 Walgreens locations.

Does the Aegis report include transit time to lab?

Nov 22, 2021 · Patient Portal Aegislabs is a well-regulated portal of a famous forensic toxicology and healthcare laboratory named Aegis Sciences Corporation, founded in the 1990s. This lab extraordinarily provides health consulting and several science-driven drug testing services worldwide while having a headquarter in Nashville, TN.


Can you provide specifics regarding the SARS-CoV-2 molecular diagnostic test provided by Aegis Sciences Corporation?

Can you provide specifics regarding the SARS-CoV-2 molecular diagnostic test provided by Aegis Sciences Corporation?

How do I decide if a patient needs to be tested for COVID-19?

All testing for SARS-CoV-2 should be conducted in consultation with a healthcare provider. Specimens should be collected as soon as possible once a decision has been made to pursue testing, regardless of the time of symptom onset.

Which providers have the capability to order COVID-19 diagnostic testing?

The CDC recommends that all testing for SARS-CoV-2 be conducted in consultation with a healthcare provider.

Has there been any guidance regarding the "best" time for a molecular test to diagnose a patient with SARS-CoV-2?

At this time, guidance varies regarding the most appropriate time to test patients. Although we are still awaiting larger clinical trials to gain greater understanding of the virus, some preliminary evidence is available. An overview of this information has been provided by the Sanford Guide online.

Do I need to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) while collecting a patient's specimen?

Aegis has drafted collection instructions for specimens that are to be submitted to our laboratory for testing. Additional information can be found here

How will Aegis be reporting results?

Results will be reported as "positive", "negative", or "indeterminate." If a result is reported as indeterminate, then it has undergone two rounds of testing, and neither positive or negative results were reportable.

I collected a sample for a patient, and the results were negative. What does that mean?

According to the CDC, a negative test for COVID-19 by a viral test means that the individual was not infected at the time the sample was collected. However, this does not mean that the individual will not get sick. The test results only means that the individual did not have COVID-19 at the time of testing.
