why doesn't my lab work show on patient portal follow my health

by Dr. Adrienne Klein I 9 min read

FollowMyHealth Frequently Asked Questions

26 hours ago Patient Portal is available by calling 1-855-644-6445 or sending an email to NIHCCPatientPortalSupport@mail.nih.gov . If you need to leave us a voicemail please be sure to leave your full legal name and the best number to contact you. • Is my information secure in the NIH Clinical Center FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal? Yes. >> Go To The Portal

In most cases, lab test results delivery times should not exceed two weeks. The most common reason for delay in receiving results is inaccurate or out-of-date personal information on record with your health care providers or in your LabCorp Patient™​ portal personal profile.

Full Answer

Why aren’t lab results being added to portal messages?

Patient Portal is available by calling 1-855-644-6445 or sending an email to NIHCCPatientPortalSupport@mail.nih.gov . If you need to leave us a voicemail please be sure to leave your full legal name and the best number to contact you. • Is my information secure in the NIH Clinical Center FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal? Yes.

Should clinicians include notes with lab results on the portal?

Posted at 21:32h. in Fix a Problem. 5 Likes. Share. While our application means you can always have access to your information, there are times when you might need to print your record. You can print your entire record, or certain pieces, from your FollowMyHealth account. To print your records, follow these steps below: Step 1:...

How should patient portals inform patients of test results?

A: South Shore Women’s Health portal staff my be contacted by email at . portal@southshorewomenshealth.com 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. Messages are typically returned on the same or next business day, but it may take up to 3 business days during high volume times. Q: Why aren’t my lab results showing up yet?

Do patients understand their lab results?

Once you are logged on to Follow My Health, go to the “My Health” tab and select “Results” in the pull-down menu. This will show your most recent results, the date of the labs, the value recorded for each test and how your results appear in terms of “Low, Normal or High.”


Is FollowMyHealth legitimate?

This is a totally useless piece of software and does not allow patients to download and access their own records.

What type of information can be found on a patient portal?

A patient portal is a secure online website that gives patients convenient, 24-hour access to personal health information from anywhere with an Internet connection. Using a secure username and password, patients can view health information such as: Recent doctor visits. Discharge summaries.Sep 29, 2017

Which information can be accessed through a patient portal test results?

The features of patient portals may vary, but typically you can securely view and print portions of your medical record, including recent doctor visits, discharge summaries, medications, immunizations, allergies, and most lab results anytime and from anywhere you have Web access.

How do you reset FollowMyHealth?

If you need to reset your password, you will need to choose the authentication account that you used to log in to FollowMyHealth account (Facebook, Google, Yahoo, or LiveID). Then, select the available link to start a password reset process that is unique to each account as you have configured it (see example below).Mar 5, 2020

What information is excluded from a patient portal?

Information Excluded from the Right of Access This may include certain quality assessment or improvement records, patient safety activity records, or business planning, development, and management records that are used for business decisions more generally rather than to make decisions about individuals.

What are some of the differences between a patient portal and a PHR?

The Portal is controlled by the source system (EMR/EHR/Hospital). On the other hand, the Personal Health Record (PHR) is more patient centric, is controlled by a patient or family member, and may or may not be connected to a doctor or hospital (i.e. it may be tethered or untethered).Sep 6, 2012

Why do some patients fail to participate in the use of the patient portal?

The reason why most patients do not want to use their patient portal is because they see no value in it, they are just not interested. The portals do not properly incentivize the patient either intellectually (providing enough data to prove useful) or financially.

What are the security issues associated with engaging patients through an online patient portal?

Some of these risks include: reliance on the patient portal as a sole method of patient communication; patient transmission of urgent/emergent messages via the portal; the posting of critical diagnostic results prior to provider discussions with patients; and possible security breaches resulting in HIPAA violations.Mar 1, 2021

Which of the following is a disadvantage of paper personal health records?

Which of the following is a disadvantage of paper personal health records? A paper PHR may not be accessible in emergency cases.

Why is FollowMyHealth not working?

Check for updates to the app. It could start running slowly or some things within the app may not function properly. Be sure to install the latest updates to keep the app functioning properly. FollowMyHealth™ will notify you if you sign into the app and there is an update available.Mar 10, 2020

How do I activate my FollowMyHealth account?

0:003:24How to Register for a FollowMyHealth Portal Account - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipPlease check your spam folder. When you've located and opened this email click on the registrationMorePlease check your spam folder. When you've located and opened this email click on the registration link and follow the on-screen prompts to complete your registration. Next click create an account.

How do I connect to FollowMyHealth?

Step 1: Go to https://www.followmyhealth.com (link will open in a new tab or window). Step 2: Click the “I need to sign up” button (circled in red in the image below). Step 3: Fill in the appropriate information seen in the next image below. Then select “Confirm and Continue” at the bottom of the page.Mar 10, 2020

What to do if you don't receive your username verification code?

If you do not receive a username verification code, try having the code sent to the alternate option (i.e. if you sent the code to your email, try retrieving your code via text). If this does not work, reach out to your provider's support team...

How many verification codes can you request in 24 hours?

You are allowed 3 verification code requests in a 24 hour period. If you exceed this you must contact support or wait 5 minutes from the last attempt. You will also see this screen if you enter the incorrect code too many times. In this case,...

How long do I have to wait to search for my account?

If you see the screen that says you have tried to search for your account too many times within a short period, you'll need to wait 5 minutes before attempting to search for your account again. ...

What happens if you reset your username too many times?

If you have tried to reset your username too many times, requested the maximum number of verification codes , or your information doesn't match our records, you will see a screen stating that you are not able to request your username at this time.If you see...

How long does it take to reset a password?

When trying to reset your password, you will notice that you are only allowed three reset attempts within a 5 minute span . The key thing to remember is even though the account seems to be locked afterwards, it's not. The only thing that has been locked...

Can you recover your FollowMyHealth account?

You can! While a FollowMyHealth username and password is required when creating an account today, there is a small number of users who never created one. That’s where our username recovery tool can help. Here’s how to recover your account, even if you don’t have...

How long does it take for lab results to come in South Shore?

A: Labs ordered by a South Shore Women’s Health physician will appear in the portal 4 – 12 days after they are viewed and verified by the provider. Please note that lab results sometimes take a few days to get to get to the provider.

How long does it take to receive a call back from a doctor?

You should receive a message within 3 business days.

How long does it take to refill a prescription?

A: Yes! The request will be sent to our clinical staff first, then sent to your pharmacy. Refill could take 24 to 48 hours. You will have to make an appointment to discuss any new medications that you may want prescribed.

Does FollowMyHealth have a privacy policy?

A: Maintaining your privacy is FollowMyHealth’s top priority and they have taken the necessary steps to ensure they meet your expectations as well as all federal and state privacy laws. In order to allow most people to simply sign into FollowMyHealth without needing to create a new email address, they offer Facebook, Google, Yahoo and LiveID as authentication methods. FollowMyHealth uses a standard protocol to securely authorize users. FollowMyHealth will not utilize any additional information from these third party organizations other than what is required to help you gain access to your records.

Why are portals so complicated?

A big issue for many users is that portals are simply too complicated for at least two opposite kinds of users: those who have low computer literacy, and those who are so computer savvy that they expect the simplicity of an Uber or Instagram app to get a test result or appointment with a click or two.

Is the portal concept slow?

Acceptance of the portal concept continues to be slow, especially within physicians’ offices and small to middle size hospitals. Though these providers implemented portals via their Meaningful Use / MIPS incentives, portals are often not treated as a central communications tool. Patient engagement? Yes…a laudable objective for policymakers — but many physicians already lament the deep cuts in their daily patient schedule that have been created by complex EHR-related obligations. The added work of portal interaction has been the opposite of a pot-sweetener, despite touted financial benefits.
