patient care report laws in georgia

by Ervin Toy 7 min read

Georgia Health Care Laws - FindLaw

35 hours ago Georgia Health Care Laws. Health care law includes the regulation of Medicare and Medicaid, patient rights, the handling of confidential medical records, euthanasia, and several estate planning topics. Additionally, the federal Affordable Care Act has introduced a number of regulations that impact virtually all Americans. But much of our health care laws are enforced … >> Go To The Portal

Do I need a permit to operate a hospital in Georgia?

No person, corporation, association, or other entity shall establish, operate, or maintain a hospital in Georgia without a permit or provisional permit. A permit is required for each hospital.

What are the requirements for reportable patient incidents?

Reportable patient incidents as required under Rule 111-8-40-.07. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Authority for problem resolution. Results or findings from quality management activities shall be disseminated to the governing body, the medical staff, and any services impacted by the results.

What are the rules and regulations for hospitals?

These rules shall be known as the Rules and Regulations for Hospitals. The purpose of these rules is to provide for the inspection and issuance of permits for hospitals and to establish minimum requirements for facilities operating under a hospital permit.

When can a medic perform higher level of training in Georgia?

If a Medic possesses an additional Georgia healthcare provider license, then the Medic may perform to the higher level of training for which he or she is qualified under that license when directed to do so by a physician, either directly or by approved protocols.


What rights do patients have medical records?

- The patient is entitled to a summary of his medical history and condition. He has the right to view the contents of his medical records, except psychiatric notes and other incriminatory information obtained about third parties, with the attending physician explaining contents thereof.

What is Georgia Hipaa law?

HIPAA requires the adoption of industry-wide standards for administrative health care transactions; unique identifiers for providers, employers, health plans, and individuals; health care procedures and diagnosis code sets; security measures; electronic signatures; and privacy protections. Georgia Department of.

Is Georgia an informed consent state?

In many cases, patients may not even think to inquire about the possible risks or complications that may arise from a medical procedure, even something as complex as surgery. This is why Georgia has what is known as an “informed consent” law.

Are medical records always the property of the patient?

In many states, the law is on Dr. Sharma's side. There is only one state in the U.S. that specifically says that patients own their medical records: New Hampshire. There are 21 states in which the law states that medical records are the property of the hospital or physician.

What are the 3 rules of HIPAA?

The three HIPAA rulesThe Privacy Rule.Thee Security Rule.The Breach Notification Rule.

What is considered a violation of HIPAA?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability, or HIPAA, violations happen when the acquisition, access, use or disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI) is done in a way that results in a significant personal risk of the patient. The regulation concerns just about everyone that works with PHI.

At what age does doctor patient confidentiality begin in Georgia?

Minor patients over the age of 16, who, in the opinion of a medical care provider they can evaluate their health condition correctly may give informed consent for or refuse medical care.

What is defined by Georgia law as a patient being incapacitated?

(7) “Incapacitated person” means an adult for whom a guardian has been appointed, including a ward, as defined in paragraph (27) of Code Section 29-1-1 .

What is the age of medical consent in Georgia?

18 years oldGeorgia legal ages laws do not specify at which age a minor is eligible for emancipation from his or her parents, but the state requires individuals to be 18 years old in order to consent to medical treatment or enter into a contract.

Can a hospital refuse to give you your medical records?

Yes, it is obligatory for doctors, hospitals to provide the copy of the case record or medical record to the patient or his legal representative.

Who is the legal owner of the patient's medical record?

The traditional teaching is that the doctor or medical facility owns the actual record, but the patient owns the information contained in it. Before electronic health records (EHRs), it might be easier to understand with paper charts.

Who owns the patient's chart?

physicianA physician makes chart entries, creating a medico-legal document about the advice given and procedures done during a patient encounter. The chart “belongs” to the physician, though copies can be made available to patients, or copies can be sent/faxed to other physicians involved in the care of that patient.

Rule 511-9-2-.01 Purpose

These rules establish standards for Ground Ambulance services, Air Ambulance Services, Medical First Responder Services, Neonatal Transport Services, designation of Specialty Care Centers and base station facilities, statewide and regional advisory councils, training and licensing requirements for Medics, EMS Instructor licensing, EMS Instructor/Coordinator licensing, and course approval requirements for Emergency Medical Responder, Emergency Medical Technician, Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, and Paramedic training programs, and others as may be related to O.C.G.A.

Rule 511-9-2-.02 Definitions

The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation of these standards:

Rule 511-9-2-.04 Regional Emergency Medical Services Advisory Councils

Purpose. In accordance with the designation made by the Board of Public Health pursuant to Georgia Code Section 31-11-3 (a) , a Regional Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council (REMSAC) shall serve as the local coordinating entity in each EMS Region.

Rule 511-9-2-.06 Licensure of Air Ambulance Services

No person shall operate, advertise, or hold themselves out to be an Air Ambulance Service in the state of Georgia without being in compliance with the provisions of O.C.G.A. Chapter 31-11 and these rules and regulations and without being duly licensed by the Department. However, this Rule shall not apply to the following:

Rule 511-9-2-.10 Procurement, Control, Handling, and Accountability of Pharmaceuticals

Procurement of Pharmaceuticals. Medical directors of licensed ambulance services, medical first responder services, or neonatal transport services are authorized to contract with Georgia licensed pharmacies to furnish dangerous drugs and controlled substances for the vehicles of their particular services.

Rule 511-9-2-.11 Inspections of EMS Agencies

The Department and its duly authorized agents shall be permitted to enter upon and inspect licensed EMS Agencies, including registered vehicles, other agency owned vehicles that resemble a first responder vehicle or ambulance, facilities, records applicable to licensure, including but not limited to call logs, vehicle maintenance records, patient care reports, communication tapes, and personnel licensing records in a reasonable manner in regards to the operation of Emergency Medical Services.

Rule 511-9-2-.12 Licensure of Emergency Medical Services Personnel

No person shall practice or hold themselves out as an Emergency Medical Technician - Responder, Emergency Medical Technician, Emergency Medical Technician - Intermediate, Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, Cardiac Technician, or Paramedic without being licensed by the Department.

What does it mean when a doctor believes that a patient has undergone all standard treatments?

The physician believes that the patient has a condition that does not need standard treatment, or a better treatment is not available under coverage. The physician has recommended treatment that will help the patient more than any standard treatment.

What is the number to call for managed care?

If you have questions regarding Managed Care Patient's Rights please call (404) 656-0409.

How long does it take to get an extension for a managed care plan?

You have five days to send this information, but if you need more time, you can ask for an extension of up to 10 working days. An expert reviewer will review your case and either approve or deny the treatment.

GCMB is looking for Peer Reviewers

Physicians, interested in serving your profession and state? GCMB is in need of peer reviewers in the following specialties: Infectious Disease; Urology; Tele-Medicine Pain Management; and Pain Management. For more info click here


Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Title 43, Chapters 34 and 34A (O.C.G.A. §§43-34 and 34A) is the statutory authority (law) that establishes the Georgia Composite Medical Board, the Medical Practice Act, and the Patient Right to Know Act (Physician Profile). You may access the full text of the Georgia OCGA at site here.

Rule 111-8-40-.01 Title and Purpose

These rules shall be known as the Rules and Regulations for Hospitals. The purpose of these rules is to provide for the inspection and issuance of permits for hospitals and to establish minimum requirements for facilities operating under a hospital permit.

Rule 111-8-40-.02 Definitions

Unless a context otherwise requires, these identified terms mean the following when used in these rules:

Rule 111-8-40-.03 Hospital Permit Requirement

No person, corporation, association, or other entity shall establish, operate, or maintain a hospital in Georgia without a permit or provisional permit.

Rule 111-8-40-.05 Application for a Permit

An application for a permit to operate a hospital shall be submitted on forms provided by the Department. The application submitted to the Department shall be an original document. No application shall be considered by the Department unless it is complete and accompanied by all required attachments.

Rule 111-8-40-.06 Permit Denial and Sanctions

The Department may refuse to grant an initial permit, revoke a current permit, or impose other sanctions as described herein and in the rules for the "General Licensing and Enforcement Requirements," Chapter 111-8-25.

Rule 111-8-40-.07 Hospital Inspections and Required Reports to the Department

Inspections by the Department. The hospital shall be available during all hours of operation for observation and examination by properly identified representatives of the Department.

Rule 111-8-40-.08 Hospital Ownership

There shall be full disclosure of hospital ownership to the Department at the time of the initial application and when requested.
