which of the following preattack symptoms may a patient with meniere's disease report

by Dr. Dominique Dibbert 4 min read

Chapter 64 Flashcards | Quizlet

19 hours ago Sometimes the loss occurs with an attack of vertigo, then goes away., However, most Meniere’s patients have permanent hearing loss in that ear. Note, however, that up to half of Meniere’s patients develop bilateral hearing loss. Ringing in one ear: Tinnitus is an internal experience of an unpleasant sound. What a person with tinnitus hears sounds like ringing or buzzing. >> Go To The Portal

There are four key indicators of Meniere’s: Experiencing episodes of recurring vertigo: The sensation of spinning and dizziness in a vertigo attack are longer than what you feel when you lose balance. Some experiences last at least 20 minutes on average. Some bouts last a full day!

Full Answer

Which may cause discomfort for the patient diagnosed with Meniere's disease?

Chewing may cause discomfort. Which of the following manifestations is the most problematic for the patient diagnosed with Meniere's disease? A client you are caring for has a hearing loss. The client tells you they are self-conscious about their hearing loss.

Are You Ready for a Meniere’s attack?

It may not happen, but if it does, you are ready with everything you need to manage symptoms onset. A sudden flash, the sun breaking free from a cloud, turning the lights on full in a dark room – these triggers have seemed to cause a Meniere’s attack in some people.

What triggers a Meniere’s attack?

A sudden flash, the sun breaking free from a cloud, turning the lights on full in a dark room – these triggers have seemed to cause a Meniere’s attack in some people. Fluorescent lights are the biggest culprits, along with any lights that flicker, resulting in dizziness.

How can I talk to my family about my Meniere’s disease symptoms?

Also it’s important to talk to your family about your specific Meniere’s Disease symptoms as well as the progress of the condition. Let them know what to expect and how they can help. Maybe have a plan in place for when you have a drop attack or a long period of vertigo. I. E.

What is the function of the bones in the inner ear?

Bones in the inner ear are the brain’s translators. They turn sound into a vibration that travels to your brain. Everything in the inner ear has high sensitivity so that we can get immediate feedback about that sound. There are some types of vertigo that start in the spinal cord or brain.

How long does vertigo last?

The average vertigo symptom of Meniere’s disease lasts for at least 20 minutes, and sometimes a whole day.

What does it mean when your ears ring?

Tinnitus – Ringing in the Ear. Unlike Meniere’s Disease, Tinnitus is far more common affecting about 50 million people in the United States alone. It is hard to describe Tinnitus, no matter the cause. Some experience it as a steady sound, like one long radio frequency that never goes away. Others hear: A hum or buzz.

How to describe tinnitus?

Unlike Meniere’s Disease, Tinnitus is far more common affecting about 50 million people in the United States alone. It is hard to describe Tinnitus, no matter the cause. Some experience it as a steady sound, like one long radio frequency that never goes away. Others hear: 1 A hum or buzz. 2 Trills or whistling. 3 Hissing. 4 Roaring like waves or wind. 5 A musical note. 6 Clicking. 7 Chirping like crickets. 8 Static. 9 Screeching.

Why do my eyes move side to side during Meniere's?

It may be only one eye or both resulting in blurry vision. Generally the eyes move side to side, which only increases the vertigo feelings.

What is the name of the disease that brings a person to the floor?

Drop Attacks. As the name implies, this Meniere’s disease symptom literally brings a person to the floor. This is known as Tumarkin’s otholithic crisis. Most instances of drop attacks occur in later states of Meniere’s for some patients.

What supplements can help with meniere's disease?

Some recommendations for Meniere’s disease symptoms include vitamin C, Calcium, Grape Seed extract, Omega oils, lipoflavonoid and a general multi-vitamin. These support your immune system, keeping your body tuned up, so to speak.

What triggers menieres?

Dietary Triggers for Meniere’s. Dietitians who work with Meniere’s patients recommend avoiding artificial sweetener, salt, MSG, caffeine, and alcohol just to name a few. The idea here is trying to keep the fluid levels in the inner ear at equilibrium.

How long does vertigo last?

Some experiences last at least 20 minutes on average. Some bouts last a full day!

What does it mean when your ear rings?

Ringing in one ear: Tinnitus is an internal experience of an unpleasant sound. What a person with tinnitus hears sounds like ringing or buzzing. Other people describe hearing whistling, hissing, buzzing, or static. In time, tinnitus can impact both ears.

How to tell if you have Meniere's disease?

Specific physical movements trigger Meniere’s Disease symptoms. These include: 1 Bending down at the waist. Bend at the knees keeping your head upright instead. 2 Tilting your head back. For safety in the shower, use a hand-held head so your head can remain straight. 3 Sudden head movements. There’s not much you can do about this since these occur when something startles you. Over time, however, you can re-learn your reactions and move slower.

Why is Meniere's disease so difficult?

Stress. Stress makes any condition worse. It leaves your body and mind weary and less capable of coping with illness. The difficulty for Meniere’s sufferers is stress triggers may come from the emotional problems stemming from the disease itself.

What are some examples of high intensity activities?

Activities that burn over seven calories a minute are high-exertion activities. Mountain climbing, step aerobics, martial arts, and sports like football and downhill skiing are all examples. You don’t have to avoid these activities if they’re a beloved hobby.

How long does it take for a Meniere's attack to go away?

After a Meniere’s attack, some of these indicators can disappear for weeks or even years. The patient never knows for sure when the next bout will occur. As you might imagine this causes a good deal of anxiety.


  • Menieres Disease begins with problems in the inner ear. Typically only one ear is effected. The result of Menieres is feeling like the whole world is spinning like a top. Remember when you were a child and twirled until you fell down? Well people with Menieres have that feeling often. Its also accompanied by ringing in that ear (Tinnitus) and somet...
See more on menieres.org


  • Most people who experience Menieres disease are between the ages of 20 and 50. This condition creates long term problems for the sufferer, even though Menieres is chronic in nature.
See more on menieres.org


  • When you only have one good ear, you cant always figure out the direction of a sound. Because your other ear has some loss, you always feel like sounds are coming from the other side. To make matters worse, sufferers have a natural tendency to turn their head so that the good ear faces the discussion or situation, resulting in neck stiffness or soreness. Tinnitus has some con…
See more on menieres.org


  • Unlike Menieres Disease, Tinnitus is far more common affecting about 50 million people in the United States alone. It is hard to describe Tinnitus, no matter the cause. Some experience it as a steady sound, like one long radio frequency that never goes away. Others hear:
See more on menieres.org


  • Long term exposure to loud sounds (this is the most common cause that also impacts hearing loss. Jobs like repairing streets, demolition, and being a rock musician are all considered at risk careers. In some harsh moments, you may even have diarrhea. This combined with vomiting is the reason why physicians recommend that Menieres sufferers stay well hydrated. Most people wh…
See more on menieres.org


  • Please check with your primary physician to rule out these problems, or diagnose them and provide a care plan for relief. When you experience a semi-regular symptom of Menieres (or a combination of them) you should consider seeing your Primary. It may take various tests before you receive a prognosis, which may or may not be Menieres. Any one of the signs of Menieres c…
See more on menieres.org


  • The drop attack makes you feel like someone pushed you forcefully resulting in a fall. This pushing sensation goes away quickly. You do not loose consciousness, but your balance may remain off for a while thereafter.
See more on menieres.org


  • If youve ever had hot or cold flashes, then you understand how some Menieres sufferers feel during some episodes. Vertigo seems to set them off, so your physician may prescribe medicine that helps allay the dizziness. Surgery is a last resort treatment for Menieres used for people who continue having severe episodes and where other treatments have failed to provide any relief. O…
See more on menieres.org

Adverse effects

  • Since not hearing well contributes to vertigo symptoms, a hearing aid may help. It also offsets the hearing loss that comes with some Menieres attacks, or loss that becomes long-term.
See more on menieres.org


  • At the end of the day you received confirmation that you do, indeed, have Menieres disease. Now what? First, dont panic. While this condition has debilitating aspects you can make some personal changes that either help with how you cope, or potentially lessen the severity of attacks and symptoms. The first step in this process is focusing on self care. A lot of people forget how ver…
See more on menieres.org


  • If that sounds a bit like something your mother said, she probably did without ever hearing about Menieres Disease. Common sense approaches to your condition usually help, and they dont take a lot of time or effort other than periodic self checks. Home should be your haven where you can leave anxiety behind you and hit the reset button. This is vital because it appears that stress ca…
See more on menieres.org


  • While no one can confirm completely how dietary changes may help your Menieres there do seem to be some commonalities. Decrease your intake of MSG/salt, caffeine, junk food and alcohol. Increase your water and organic food intake. Have a regular eating schedule.
See more on menieres.org