What to Pack in Hospital Bag

by Abagail Beer 8 min read
In the event that you are hospitalized, there are a few things that you will want to take with you. In this article, we will discuss some of the most important items that you will want to include in your hospital bag.

What to expect during your hospital stay

Hospitals are usually clean and well-equipped, but you should still be prepared for anything. Here are some of the things you may need while you're hospitalized:

-A hospital gown or slacks to wear during your stay.
-A bath towel and washcloth.
-Shampoo and soap.
-Sunscreen and insect repellent.
-Towel and washcloth for your bath.
-Jacket or coat if it's cold outside.
-Sturdy shoes.
-A phone charger.

What to bring with you

When you go into the hospital for an emergency, there are a few important things you should bring with you. Here are some essentials:

-ACopy of your medical records
-AMedications you take regularly
-Any necessary equipment, such as a wheelchair or oxygen tank
-Extra clothes and shoes in case you have to stay longer than expected

If you're not sure what to bring, consider consulting your doctor or hospital staff. There's no need to worry if you forget something – most hospitals have plenty of supplies on hand.

What to leave behind

When traveling to the hospital, many people may be surprised to find that they don't need to pack as many things as they think they will. The following are some of the items you may want to leave behind when visiting the hospital.

What to take with you on discharge

When you leave the hospital, you'll want to take with you all of your medical records, any prescriptions that you're taking, and any other important documents. Make sure to also bring your hospital bracelet and identification card, if possible. You'll also want to bring a small bag with your essentials: toiletries, clothes, and anything else that you might need while you're healing.


If you're heading to the hospital, there are a few things you should pack in your hospital bag. First and foremost, make sure to bring any medications that you are taking with you. If possible, also bring along some food items so that you don't have to go hungry while in the hospital. Finally, be sure to pack a charger for your phone so that you can stay connected with loved ones back home.