utc patient portal

by Kiel Rolfson 6 min read

University Health Services - University of Tennessee at ...

33 hours ago Patient Portal. Welcome to the UTC HEALTH & REHAB patient portal page. Follow the links below to login or setup your account. Login Register. >> Go To The Portal

How do I use the UTMC patient portal?

Patient Portal. Welcome to the UTC HEALTH & REHAB patient portal page. Follow the links below to login or setup your account. Login Register.

How do I connect to the UT Medical Center healthelife portal?

To cancel your appointment, log in to the Medicat Patient Portal and click “cancel my appointment” on the home screen. Please cancel at least six hours before your scheduled appointment time. To reschedule an appointment, call the office at 423-425-2266.

What kind of health care does UTC offer?

Click on the ‘Immunizations’ tab. Once on the immunization screen, select the Medicat Patient Portal image at the bottom left hand side of the screen. This will take you to a UTC login screen. Here you will login with your UTC ID and password. Click login. How to upload your immunizations to the UTC Patient Portal.

What can I do in the online patient portal?

Currently enrolled students may be able to access their immunization record through the Medicat Patient Portal. If you are unable to access your patient portal or do not see your records, fill out the Authorization for Release of Immunization Record form and fax to the UTC University Health Services office at 423-425-2305.


What is University Health Services?

University Health Services encourages the development of responsible healthcare habits by holding students accountable for their decisions regarding class attendance. Therefore, medical excuses are not routinely issued for missed classes or examinations. However, in cases of severe illnesses requiring an extended recovery period we will provide a written statement. These statements are provided on an individual basis. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate directly with his or her faculty or advisor. Faculty will decide whether the students may make up work missed and what effect the absences may have on the requirements of the course.

How to cancel a Medicat appointment?

To cancel your appointment, log in to the Medicat Patient Portal and click “cancel my appointment” on the home screen. Please cancel at least six hours before your scheduled appointment time. To reschedule an appointment, call the office at 423-425-2266.

Does UTC charge for health services?

In general, UTC students may utilize University Health Services at no cost as part of the Student Health Fee covers the provider portion of the office visit. Faculty and staff are charged $25 per appointment for the provider portion of their visit.

Can receptionists answer questions?

Our receptionists are vital to our practice, but they are not trained medical personnel and cannot answer questions regarding your medical care. Any questions about your medical treatment, medications, lab results or other concerns should be directed to our nursing staff. If the nurses are unable to answer your questions, your chart will be reviewed with our practitioners and any information will be relayed to you as quickly as possible.

The university and the state require certain immunizations for attending UTC

Immunization information must be completed, uploaded, submitted and approved to register for classes. Your healthcare provider's signature and office stamp must be provided on the immunization form in the appropriate space or a copy of medical records with evidence of immunizations must be provided.

Hold Status Verification

After you have submitted your immunizations for review, if you would like to verify your HOLD status for UTC, use the following instructions:

Copies of Immunizations for Students

Currently enrolled students may be able to access their immunization record through the Medicat Patient Portal.

Step One: Immunization Requirements & Recommendations

MMR: All students born on or after Jan. 1, 1957 must provide proof of immunization with two doses of MMR vaccine at least 28 days apart or serology showing immunity to MMR.

Step Two: Important Immunization Information

A copy of medical records documenting each required vaccine listed on the immunization form or immunity to disease must be provided.

Step Three: Immunization Submission

Have appropriate documentation completed and available for upload as noted in Step 2 .

HealtheLife Patient Portal

The HealtheLife Patient Portal (formerly known as IQHealth) allows you to easily access lab and test results in your electronic medical record. It’s also how we will communicate with you about important health information.

Works with Apple Health

HealtheLife offers the ability for you to securely connect to your mobile health app (s). Email patientportal@utmck.edu with questions.
