univ florida patient safety report

by Dr. Yasmeen Roob 6 min read

Quality and Patient Safety - University of Florida Health

27 hours ago Voluntary reporting of errors and patient safety events by hospital staff are a key source of information for improving patient safety. The patient safety reporting system varies from institution to institution, but the goal is to report the safety event so necessary changes can be made to prevent its future occurrence. >> Go To The Portal

What is your patient safety reporting system?

We have an advanced patient safety reporting system that collects and analyzes safety events submitted by clinical care staff. Our clinical risk management team uses this system to help identify underlying factors that cause errors and mitigate future risk to patients through process-improvement efforts.

How do I contact UF Health?

If you are a patient or a family member and wish to contact us about care at UF Health, please contact us. Our office is open from 8-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. If you need to contact us after hours or on weekends, please ask your caregiver to contact a nursing coordinator with immediate concerns that cannot be solved by your care team.

What is UF Health doing to improve patient-centered care?

Faculty and staff from throughout UF Health regularly engage in interdisciplinary quality-improvement initiatives, reflecting our commitment and ongoing progress in patient-centered, safe practices. We encourage patients to partner with their health care teams and become active participants in their care to achieve the best possible outcomes.


AIM: Reduce Harm

We strictly follow practices that reduce preventable complications, improve medication safety and reduce mortality.

AIM: Reduce Variation in Care

We ensure consistency in care by following evidence-based best practices. Efforts include practices to reduce patient hospital readmissions (patients returning following treatment) and to improve performance across nationally recognized care processes, or core measures.

AIM: Enhance the Patient Experience

Everything we do is focused on patient-centered care. Efforts include our overall hospitality and behaviors, such as clear and supportive patient communication. We also ensure patients are comfortable while receiving medical treatment. Examples include managing patients’ pain control and ensuring a quiet and comfortable hospital environment.

AIM: Transform Our Culture

Every person employed or volunteering at UF Health contributes to the care and experience of our patients. We are on a journey to transform our culture through common behaviors and consistent practices that make sure everyone with whom we come into contact has their most positive encounter at UF Health.

Contact Us

The UF Health Sebastian Ferrero Office of Clinical Quality & Patient Safety Phone: 352-265-0002 Includes the following departments:

Know about your care

You and your doctor should agree on what will happen during your hospitalization.

Be Informed

Ask your health care providers whatever questions you have. If you don’t understand the answer, ask again.

Know your surroundings

Become familiar with your room and nursing unit. Ask about unfamiliar equipment.

Know your medications

Tell your health care team about every prescription and non-prescription medication or supplement you are taking.

Speak up

Voice any questions or concerns about your care to any member of your health care team.

If you need us

Just ask if you need help getting out of bed. Help prevent fall injuries by following your health care team’s instructions regarding walking or using equipment.

Enlist family and friends

Bring along a trusted family member who can act as your advocate and health care partner.

Mission Statement

USF SafetyFlorida Mission: Committed to reducing work related illnesses and injuries through onsite workplace consultation. To achieve its goal USF SafetyFlorida employs Creativity, Resourcefulness and Boldness.


On behalf of the SafetyFlorida Consultation Staff at the University of South Florida (USF), I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you as a prospective new client. We are thrilled to showcase our expertise and invite you to explore our safety and health consulting services through our website.

What is the annual security report for the University of Florida?

The Annual Security Report includes statistics for the previous three years (2017, 2018, and 2019) of reported crimes that occurred at each campus location, in on-campus student housing facilities, at off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University of Florida or officially recognized student organizations that are frequently used by students for educational purposes, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from each University of Florida campus. The Annual Security Report also includes policy information related to campus security, policies regarding alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking prevention, as well as disciplinary procedures and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus.

What is the annual security report?

The Annual Security Report also includes policy information related to campus security, policies regarding alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking prevention, as well as disciplinary procedures and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus.
