uga uhc patient portal

by Domenic Turcotte 3 min read

About UHC - University Health Center

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What time does UGA provide care?

Appointments are available Monday – Friday from 8:20-11:20 am and from 1:00-4:00 pm. A UGA ID card is required to verify current enrollment and eligibility for care.

How to find your PCP in UHC?

Students can also discover their PCP on UHC Patient Portal, the online appointment system. For information about your PCP, check out the Staff Directory.

What is a PCP in UGA?

When students enter UGA, they are automatically assigned to a primary care provider (PCP) in a primary care Medical Clinic. UHC has four primary care Medical Clinics composed of physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses and support staff, and they work as a team much like a doctor’s office. This enables each patient to return to the same provider and team for continuity of care. The teams are designated by color and consist of the Medical Clinic Gold, Medical Clinic Blue, Medical Clinic Green, and Medical Clinic Red.

How much is a late appointment for UHC?

Eligible UHC patients and clients who have scheduled appointments are subject to a $20 charge for late arrival or missed appointments.   This includes same-day appointments.

What to bring to a doctor's appointment?

Bring your medications or a list of your medications with you to your appointment.

How long does it take to get a general medical appointment?

Anticipate that routine general medical visits will take an hour of your time.

What is a patient agreement?

Patient Agreement form (including statements giving permission to treat you, agreement to pay charges that you may incur, and understanding of your rights to privacy and to ask questions about your care and safety)

Is UHC Vision in network with EyeMed?

The UH C Vision Clinic is in-network with EyeMed Insight Network. This plan services UGA faculty, staff, and dependents. If you have a different EyeMed plan, the Vision Clinic staff can help to file these claims. Contact the office for additional information.

Is UHC in VSP?

We will file your claim to VSP for you. UHC is out-of-network with VSP; however, the reimbursement rates combined with the student discounts often offer a good value. You will need to provide the member’s name, member’s DOB, employer name, member number (last four digits of member’s social security number).

Is UHC Vision in network with Spectera Vision?

The UHC Vision Clinic is in-network with Spectera Vision Plans. Please contact the office for additional information.

Training, education and user guides

For information on getting started, including how to register or manage user IDs or passwords, and to learn about all of our tools, open a section below.

Get Started

Our Digital Solutions Comparison Guide allows you to compare our three digital solutions; the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal, Application Programming Interface (API) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). It also allows you to see which solution works best for your practice so you can work with us more efficiently.

Claims and Payments

Quickly receive an estimate of a UnitedHealthcare Commercial claim reimbursement and share the estimated cost of a procedure with your patient before treatment.

Go Paperless

The accuracy of care provider practice demographic data can play an important part in the success of a medical practice. It can help connect you with members searching for a care provider, and it supports claims processing and compliance with regulatory requirements.
