the orthopedic group patient portal

by Freida Tromp 6 min read

The Orthopaedic Group, P.C.

27 hours ago Manage Your Care Through Our Patient Portal. With tablets, smart phones, and laptops, many of us are connected 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to eve aspect of our daily lives—from email and text messages to appointment calendars and bill pay schedules. Now, with our new Patient Portal, you have that same constant access to The Orthopaedic Group. Through the portal on … >> Go To The Portal

What is patient portal?

The San Antonio Orthopaedic Group’s PATIENT PORTAL is a secure gateway that gives you a new and efficient internet-based method of communicating with your doctor’s office.

What personal information can I share on the patient portal?

Note: Any personal information you share on the Patient Portal is secure. Your name, social security number, password and protected health information are only accessible to you. 1. Once your first appointment has been scheduled you will receive a Welcome email from Colorado Springs Orthopaedic Group

Where can I find a user guide for the patient portal?

For more information on how to enroll, as well as a step-by-step visual guide on how to navigate the portal’s many features, please see our user guide: Patient Portal User Guide . If you have any other questions, you may contact our main office at 708-361-0600.

Why the Spine Center at the Orthopaedic Group?

The experts in The Spine Center at The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., provide surgical and nonsurgical treatment for all types of neck and back pain, injuries, and diseases. Each doctor has specialty fellowship training.


Many prescription refills can be handled over the phone or online. Just call our prescription line at (251) 450-2748 to make your request by phone or make a request online via your patient portal. Prescriptions will not be refilled under any circumstances at night or on weekends. Calls received after 4:30 p.m. will be filled on the […]

Preparation Guide: Travel Safety

It is often recommended surgery patients refrain from traveling during recovery. However, we know travel is often unavoidable, so we advise you to keep your travel and outdoor exercise to a minimum and avoid long distances. If you must travel, keep in mind the following tips: Stop for some light stretching at random intervals during […]

Preparation Guide: Personal Preparation

Listed below are some reminders and suggestions for things to accomplish before surgery so your recovery period can be as leisurely and stress-free as possible. Taking care of some of your responsibilities beforehand can allow you to focus on your recovery, not your workload. If possible, pay your monthly bills beforehand. Then you won’t have […]

Preparation Guide: Personal Assistance

After surgery, you may require assistance from—or total dependence upon—another person when performing many daily tasks. From dressing and showering to childcare and running errands, be prepared to ask for help from people whom you and your family are comfortable with.

Preparation Guide: Patient-Proof My Home

You may not view them as such now, but you will have a heightened sense of awareness of the numerous hazards and obstacles in your house after surgery. By making the following adjustments, your house can be a more conducive environment to your postsurgery needs. Fix and/or be aware of any uneven flooring in your […]

Preparation Guide: Patient-Proof My Bathroom

It is important to emphasize preparing your bathroom for postsurgical use because it is an area where accidents are significantly more likely. Bathrooms are often tight spaces with slippery surfaces and small appliances or utensils. Following these precautions can help you avoid an accident that could cause re-injury.

Preparation Guide: Ambulatory Assistive Devices

As a surgical patient, using a wheelchair, crutches, walker, or other similar ambulatory devices may be necessary after your surgery. The following tips are for you to consider before surgery to help you adjust to your new equipment: Find out what type of assistive device you will be using after your surgery and visit your […]

Call for an Appointment

At The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., we know how important it is for you to get your appointment scheduled promptly.

Online Patient Portal

Established patients can request or cancel an appointment online through our:


If you must cancel an appointment, please call at least one day in advance so we can give your time to another patient. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, you cannot give 24 hours’ notice, please call as soon as you know you will be unable to keep your time.