tennessee family medicine patient portal

by Deontae Sipes 4 min read

TFM Patient Portal Consent final - Tennessee Family Medicine

10 hours ago Patient Portal. The new EMR system we utilize will allow tremendous new access to your information. You can view labs, request appointments, online statements, and exchange messages securely with the office staff or physician. The Lab portal is active and ready for testing. This is a much more secure method of communicating electronically. >> Go To The Portal

How do I get access to the UT patient portal?

Patient Portal. The new EMR system we utilize will allow tremendous new access to your information. You can view labs, request appointments, online statements, and exchange messages securely with the office staff or physician. The Lab portal is active and ready for testing. This is a much more secure method of communicating electronically.

Will my patient records be transferred to Middle Tennessee family medicine?

Tennessee Family Medicine 1047 Glenbrook Way Suite 120 Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 590-2020

How do I connect my UT Medical Center healthelife portal to Apple?

Portal. Virtual Visit. Staff. For added convenience we now offer walk-in appointments for simple complaints*: Cough, Bronchitis, Bladder Infection, Sore Throat, Ear Infection, Pink Eye, ADHD refills, Poison Ivy. Monday - Friday 7:30 to Noon AND Monday - Thursday 1:30 - 4:30. PATIENT PORTAL. ** Due to the the Corona Virus / COVID-19 ...

What is the MMC&Me Patient Portal?

TFM Patient Portal Consent final. Patient Portal - Informed Consent ( Updated ) Purpose of this Form. Tennessee Family Medicine offers secure, HIPAA compliant viewing of parts of your medical record and communication from our staff as a service to our patients. Secure messaging can be a valuable communications tool, but has certain risks.


Medical Records

As of July 1, 2021, all patient records, including yours, will be transferred to MMC. MMC will maintain all medical records according to the same standards of confidentiality as MTFM and as required by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners.

MMC & Me Patient Portal

MMC and Me is a secure, convenient way to manage your personal health care and communicate directly with your doctor’s office online.
