tang center patient portal

by Dusty Dicki 10 min read

Access the eTang Portal | University Health Services

9 hours ago The portal allows you to send secure messages, schedule appointments, and more! Get medical advice from your clinician or the advice nurse Schedule most medical and health education appointments Send secure messages Transfer/refill prescriptions regardless of … >> Go To The Portal

How do I transfer my health records to the Tang Center?

The portal allows you to send secure messages, schedule appointments, and more! Get medical advice from your clinician or the advice nurse Schedule most medical and health education appointments Send secure messages Transfer/refill prescriptions regardless of …

How do I contact Tang’s advice nurse?

How to Sign In as a SPA. To sign in to a Special Purpose Account (SPA) via a list, add a "+" to your CalNet ID (e.g., "+mycalnetid"), then enter your passphrase.The next screen will show a drop-down list of all the SPAs you have permission to access.

Where is the Tang Center on campus?

through the eTang patient portal. Meet the SHIP Staff! Location. Student Health Insurance Office Tang Center, UC Berkeley 2222 Bancroft Way, Rm. 3200 Berkeley CA 94720-4300. Hours Office: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - 9:00 am - 4:45 pm. Wednesday - 9:30am - 4:45pm. Students are strongly encouraged to first contact us by phone or email.

How do I contact the UHS Tang Center?

Berkeley, CA 94720-4300. Or fax to: (510) 642-1801. Or drop off the form at the Health Records department in the second-floor atrium of the Tang Center. There is no fee to have your medical or mental health records sent to another health care provider. Obtain …


SHIP Updates and Accessing Care

We have made some changes to help make using your insurance and getting care easier wherever you may be including no referrals needed for medical and mental health care.

Berkeley SHIP (Student Health Insurance Plan)

All registered 1 students at the University of California are required to meet the university’s health insurance mandate. Registered 1 UC Berkeley undergraduate and graduate students are automatically enrolled in the Berkeley Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) as a way to meet this mandate.

How to request an accounting of PHI?

To request an accounting of disclosures, please submit the Accounting of Disclosures Form to the Health Records department by mail, fax, or in-person.

When does a revocation take effect?

The revocation will take effect when UHS receives it, except to the extent UHS or others have already relied on it. Restricting use of medical records or disclosure of medical records. You may request a special restriction on the use or disclosure of your medical records.
