summer bio patient portal

by Prof. Zander Ortiz IV 10 min read

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14 hours ago More than 300,000 Positive Test Results. Despite the impact we’ve had together, we see the response to this pandemic continuing to evolve as we enter its third year. We are thankful that … >> Go To The Portal

How accurate is the At-home BinaxNOW COVID-19 test?

Accuracy: The BinaxNOW test correctly gave a positive result 84.6% of the time compared to PCR. In the same study, the test correctly gave a negative result 98.5% of the time. Availability: The BinaxNOW test costs $24 for two tests, which are meant to be used on the same person within three days (serial testing).

How long does it take to get results for a COVID-19 antigen test?

This COVID-19 test detects certain proteins in the virus. Using a long nasal swab to get a fluid sample, some antigen tests can produce results in minutes. Others may be sent to a lab for analysis.

What could a faint line on a COVID-19 test mean?

A faint line also can mean the tester didnt swab well enough to provide a good test sample. A brighter line indicates the patient has more virus in their body and is likely to be sicker and more infectious.

When should you take a COVID-19 PCR test instead of a rapid antigen test?

“PCR would be chosen where there is a low likelihood of having the virus, but we want to be certain the patient doesn't have it. Antigen would be chosen if there is a high probability the patient has the virus (i.e. is experiencing symptoms), and we need to screen the patient as positive or negative,” Heather said.

How accurate are at-home COVID-19 antigen tests?

However, at-home COVID-19 antigen tests are generally expected to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus at least 80% of the time when someone is infected.

Which COVID-19 tests are more accurate PCR or antigen tests?

PCR tests are more accurate than antigen tests. "PCR tests are the gold standard for detecting SARS-CoV-2," says Dr. Broadhurst. "It is the most accurate testing modality that we have.

Is it possible to get a false positive test result for COVID-19?

It's possible to have a positive test result even if you never had any symptoms of COVID-19 . False-positive test results can occur. It may be that the test detected antibodies to a coronavirus closely related to the COVID-19 virus or that the test quality was flawed.

What does a false-positive COVID-19 antigen test result mean?

A false-positive antigen test result means that the test says the person has COVID-19 but they are actually do not have COVID-19.

What can cause a false positive COVID-19 rapid antigen test?

The investigators also point out that false-positives are possible due to administering the test too early or late in the infectious stage, or from incorrectly performing the self-test.

Why PCR is better than the rapid COVID-19 test?

“PCR tests are more reliable and accurate due to testing the specific genetic material of the virus, eliminating the interference from other viruses,” said Heather Seyko, a Laboratory Services manager for OSF HealthCare.

What if a COVID-19 antigen test is negative, but a PCR test positive?

Some people with mild infections may test negative on an antigen test, but positive on a PCR test. This would mean that they have COVID, but don't have enough virus to turn an antigen test positive.

How accurate is the COVID-19 antigen test in detecting Omicron variants?

A single antigen test may only be able to correctly identify the virus 60% of the time in patients who have the omicron variant and who display symptoms of the disease, Tim Stenzel, director of the Food and Drug Administration's Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health, said during a Wednesday meetin.

How accurate is the COVID-19 antigen test in detecting Omicron variants?

A single antigen test may only be able to correctly identify the virus 60% of the time in patients who have the omicron variant and who display symptoms of the disease, Tim Stenzel, director of the Food and Drug Administration's Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health, said during a Wednesday meetin.

What are some benefits of a COVID-19 rapid antigen test?

Antigen tests typically give results in just 15 minutes, can be done at home by yourself, and are much less expensive than PCR tests.

What does a positive COVID-19 antigen test result mean?

Positive test results using a viral test (NAAT or antigen) in persons with signs or symptoms consistent with COVID-19 indicate that the person has COVID-19, independent of vaccination status of the person.

Do the U.S. COVID-19 rapid antigen tests use a nasal swab?

The rapid antigen tests that most people are using in the U.S. are specifically designed for nasal swabs.

What is bio reference?from

BioReference is empowering patients with knowledge to enhance engagement in their healthcare journey through digitally enabled, secure, and on-demand solutions.

Where to contact NYU studentlink?from

Students: Contact student or your Residence Hall Resource Center for questions about pick up and drop off procedures within your residence hall.

Does BioReference use cookies?from

Important Cookies Information – This message will only appear once. BioReference and OPKO websites use cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. For more details about cookies and their use, please see our Privacy PolicyClose

What is Summit Medical Group?from

Summit Medical Group offers a secure, convenient online patient portal that allows the user to submit appointment requests, prescription renewal requests, payment for services rendered and to complete registration forms. Log in now.

Does Summit Medical Group have a patient portal?from

As of September 1, 2020 Summit Medical Group has a new and improved patient portal. This portal will allow patients to request and view appointments, send messages or refill requests and view test results and billing online without having to schedule an appoint ment or wait on the phone. After September 1, Summit will no longer update patient records on the ‘FollowMyHealth’ portal, but patients can still access their pre-September 2020 personal medical history by visiting the Follow My Health website. Click the button below that corresponds with your current need:

What is the patient portal?from

The patient portal may be used to request an appointment, request medication refills, view health records, and to view lab reports.

What is a new patient visit?from

The typical new patient visit is a consultation in which your new provider will take the time to get to know you personally as well as your medical history. Devoting this extra time at your initial visit allows us to gain a solid foundation of your health information that will result in us providing you with the highest quality care. After your initial consultation, we will together determine when lab work, additional testing, and/or a physical are needed.

How long does it take to pay Brio Internal Medicine?from

These amounts are payable to Brio Internal Medicine. The balance due is payable in full within 10 days of receipt of the monthly billing statement. If you have questions about your account please call 864-603-5600.

What is the condition that needs to be seen as soon as possible?from

You have a sinus infection, the flu, etc. and need to be seen as soon as possible.

Is a wellness visit the same as a physical exam?from

The Annual Wellness Visit is not the same thing as what many people often refer to as their yearly physical exam. Medicare is very specific about what the "Annual Wellness Visit" includes and excludes.

Is Brio accepting new patients?from

Brio is now accepting new patients! Call or email us to set up your initial consultation where one of our providers will review your medical history and any concerns you may have to ensure that we provide you with the care that you need. Also, feel free to download, print, and complete our New Patient Forms to minimize your wait.

What is bio reference?from

BioReference is empowering patients with knowledge to enhance engagement in their healthcare journey through digitally enabled, secure, and on-demand solutions.

What is the phone number for BioReference?from

If you are experiencing patient portal issues related to identity verification or login, please call us at 1-888-279-0967 M-F 8AM-8PM ET and Sa-Su 9AM-5PM ET or send an email to with your name and phone number, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

What is student health app?from

What is the StudentHealth App? StudentHealth is an app that allows UC SHIP members and their dependents access to plan ID cards and benefits information from their mobile devices.

Who needs a daily symptom monitoring survey?from

Daily symptom monitoring survey is required for all students, faculty, staff who are living, learning or working on campus or at other UCLA properties, regardless of their vaccination status.


View Laboratory Records with Apple Health Or CommonHealth

  • View your BioReference test results in the Apple Health app on iPhone* or CommonHealth app on Android devices. It’s easy to view your laboratory test results in the same place as your other important health information. Learn how to get startedtoday. *Available to patients with an iPhone using iOS 11.3 or later
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Looking to Obtain Results For Family and Children?

  • Please note that family members cannot share a portal account. Adults 18 years or older should create their own HIPAA-compliant, secure patient portal accountsusing separate email addresses. If you are a parent or legal guardian looking for COVID-19 test results of minors under the age of 18, you can request access to their COVID-19 test results through your patient portal account. F…
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Experiencing Patient Portal Errors?

  • If you are experiencing patient portal issues related to identity verification or login, please call us at 1-888-279-0967 M-F 8AM-8PM ET and Sa-Su 9AM-5PM ET or send an email to patientportal@bioreference.comwith your name and phone number, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. As always, we appreciate your business and thank you for you...
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Want to Pay Your Bill by Check?

  • If you would like to pay by check, please make note of your invoice number on the memo line and send payment to: BioReference Laboratories Patient Pay PO BOX 21134 New York, NY 10087-1134
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