standardized patient report irregular behavior

by Prof. Reymundo Armstrong II 3 min read

Standardized Patient (SP)-based Clinical Exercise Standards of …

1 hours ago I'm a Standardized Patient. Giving kind, concrete feedback about how future doctors can help patients feel more comfortable makes me feel like I'm doing good in the world. I have high standards for students, and if you are an SP, you should, too. ... Comment Policy; Irregular standards: SP discipline September 8, 2015. These SPs don't ... >> Go To The Portal

What is AHRQ pub no 06-0020-2?

Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety: Pocket guide (AHRQ Pub No 06-0020-2). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2006. [PubMed: 21249942] 24. Hicks RW, Santell JP, Cousins DD, et al. MEDMARXSM5th anniversary data report: A chartbook of 2003 findings and trends 1999–2003.

What is the AHRQ pub number for team strategies and tools?

Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety: Pocket guide (AHRQ Pub No 06-0020-2). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2006. [PubMed: 21249942] 24.

What is the human factor in patient safety?

The human factor: The critical importance of effective teamwork and communication in providing safe care. Qual Saf Health Care. 2004;13(Suppl 1):i85–i90. [PMC free article: PMC1765783] [PubMed: 15465961] 45. Haig KM, Sutton S, Whittington J. National Patient Safety Goals. SBAR: A shared mental model for improving communication between clinicians.

What is the PubMed for emergency nurse 2002?

Emergency Nurse. 2002;10(3):24–27. [PubMed: 12078452] 109. Anderson MA, Helms LB. Communication between continuing care organizations. Res Nurs Health. 1995;18(1):49–57. [PubMed: 7831495] 110. Coleman EA, Boult C. Improving the quality of transitional care for persons with complex care needs.


How does the need to simultaneously portray a character and assess a learner affect the ability of standardized patients to

The findings suggest that the need to simultaneously portray a character and assess a learner may negatively affect the ability of standardized patients to provide accurate evaluations of a learner , particularly when they are required to improvise responses , underscoring the need for specific and targeted training.

How old was the standardized learner?

The standardized learner was a 22-year-old male and had worked as a standardized patient for a year and a half.

Irregular Behavior Defined

Irregular behavior includes any action by applicants, examinees, potential applicants, or others that could compromise the validity, integrity, or security of the USMLE process.

Examples of Irregular Behavior

Specific examples of conduct that may be deemed to be irregular behavior include, but are not limited to, the following:

Irregular Behavior – Investigation Process

The USMLE program will conduct an investigation if it receives information that an individual may have engaged in irregular behavior.


Medical licensing authorities and other entities utilize and rely on the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) as a standardized, valid and reliable tool to assess physicians’ knowledge and skills.


From the late 19th century into the mid-20th century, medical licensing authorities in the United States had a direct role in the assessment of physicians through the development and administration of state-based examinations for licensure.


Using data from the FSMB and the NBME, 165 individuals with findings of irregular behavior as part of the USMLE Steps 1, 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), 2 Clinical Skills (CS) and/or 3 application and/or testing process between 2006 to 2015 were identified.


A total of 165 individuals were found to have engaged in 170 incidents of irregular behavior between 2006 and 2015 (75 findings of administrative irregular behavior and 95 findings of non-administrative irregular behavior).


Engaging in USMLE irregular behavior is detrimental not only to the individual who may be delayed or permanently restricted from practicing medicine, but also to the USMLE program, entities that oversee the regulation and employment of physicians and ultimately the public, which could be exposed to practicing physicians who have not met medical licensing examination requirements on their own merit..


A sincere thank you to Sharon Ray for helping gather data for this project.

What is the basic to quality health care?

Basic to the provision of quality health care is the ability to communicate with one another and safely handoff patient care in a seamless manner so every patient can benefit from each phase of care through a well-executed handoff. This is a process that is ubiquitous but also a high-risk endeavor in many settings.

What is the role of a nurse in a change of shift?

The nurse notifies the physician and obtains correct and complete medication orders, thereby avoiding a potentially serious medication error. A nursing unit schedules staffing coverage to accommodate the shift change and minimize the occurrence of interruptions during change-of-shift report.

What does Nurse Green realize about morphine sulfate?

When Nurse Brown asks about this, Nurse Green realizes she gave morphine sulfate but did not document it on the MAR. Due to Nurse Brown’s question, Nurse Green realizes the omission and communicates the information and documents it in the medical record , preventing an accidental overdose of a medication.
