st mary mercy livonia patient portal registration

by Electa Wehner Sr. 8 min read

Visitor Information | St. Mary Mercy Livonia Hospital

35 hours ago St. Mary Mercy Livonia Hospital, 36475 5 Mile RdLivonia, MI 48154. Directions Request an appointment now View doctors/providers. View more Wayne Health locations. >> Go To The Portal

How can I access my medical information online?

Our online patient portals allow you to access your medical information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. These secure websites allow you to privately view basic lab results, portions of your medical record, hospital discharge instructions and more. It’s free to use and completely secure. Select your hospital below.

Why choose Trinity Health Livonia hospital?

Trinity Health Livonia Hospital, provides comprehensive and compassionate care to the Wayne County community.

How do I get to the Marian hospital?

Visitors should use the north entrance off Five Mile Road. Special Care Unit visitors may use the Marian Professional Building (South) entrance off Levan Road. After-hours visitors are requested to use the Emergency Center entrance off Levan Road. Security Staff is available to assist visitors, if requested.


What is a patient portal app?

Patient portal apps typically allow patients to share their health records with providers, enabling them to gain a longitudinal view of their patient's health history. Like Epic's MyChart, some apps even allow patients to provide temporary access to their medical records via a code.

What is FollowMyHealth portal?

The NIH Clinical Center's FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal is an internet-accessible application that offers patients secure access to pieces of their NIH Clinical Center electronic medical record.

Who owns St Mary's Hospital Livonia MI?

Trinity HealthSt. Mary Mercy's parent company, Trinity Health, announced a rebranding effort Wednesday, April 13, that will create more uniformity across the company's facilities. The ownership and care level will remain the same, but all eight Michigan hospitals part of the health care system will receive a new name and branding.

Is FollowMyHealth the same as MyChart?

Reviewers felt that MyChart meets the needs of their business better than FollowMyHealth. When comparing quality of ongoing product support, reviewers felt that MyChart is the preferred option. For feature updates and roadmaps, our reviewers preferred the direction of MyChart over FollowMyHealth.

How do I set up FollowMyHealth app?

Step 1: Go to (link will open in a new tab or window). Step 2: Click the “I need to sign up” button (circled in red in the image below). Step 3: Fill in the appropriate information seen in the next image below. Then select “Confirm and Continue” at the bottom of the page.

What is the #1 ranked hospital in Michigan?

University of Michigan Health-Ann ArborThe number 1 hospital in Michigan is University of Michigan Health-Ann Arbor.

What are top 3 hospitals in Michigan?

Michigan's Top 20 ranked hospitalsHospitalCityState rankUniversity of Health-Ann ArborAnn Arbor1stBeaumont Hospital-Royal OakRoyal Oak2ndBeaumont Hospital-Grosse PointeGrosse Pointe3rd (tie)Beaumont Hospital-TroyTroy3rd (tie)6 more rows•Jul 27, 2022

Is Intermountain healthcare owned by the LDS Church?

The hospital was originally owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), but is now owned and operated by Intermountain Healthcare (IHC)....LDS HospitalOpened1905LinksWebsite in Utah9 more rows

Who uses FollowMyHealth?

Who uses Allscripts FollowMyHealth?CompanyWebsiteRevenueRegal Marine Industries,>1000MCalifornia Pacific Medical Group Inc.brownandtoland.com10M-50MFutura Mobilityfuturamobility.com10M-50M1 more row

How do I get rid of FollowMyHealth?

To delete your account, click “My Account” in the upper right-hand corner of your FollowMyHealth homepage. Then, click on “Preferences.” Then, click “Delete your UHR” under “Account Preferences.” The system will prompt you to confirm once more. If you so choose, click “Yes,” and your account will no longer be active.

Who runs FollowMyHealth?

The company was founded in 2009 and is based in Springfield, Illinois. In March, 2013, Jardogs, LLC was acquired by Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc ([1]).

How secure is FollowMyHealth?

FollowMyHealth does not store your username and password for these particular providers and your credentials will continue to be maintained by them as well. In compliance with federal patient privacy regulations, all transmitted data is encrypted during this process. The data storage is also encrypted for protection.