29 hours ago To access the Saint Clare's Connect patient portal, please click below to sign in or register. Sign In Register Note that you will be leaving the Saint Clare’s website, and redirected to a secure login for Saint Clare's Connect, powered by Change Healthcare. How to access Saint Clare’s Connect Como accede al sistema Saint Clare’s Connect >> Go To The Portal
To access the Saint Clare's Connect patient portal, please click below to sign in or register. Sign In Register Note that you will be leaving the Saint Clare’s website, and redirected to a secure login for Saint Clare's Connect, powered by Change Healthcare. How to access Saint Clare’s Connect Como accede al sistema Saint Clare’s Connect
Saint Clare’s Health is an award-winning network of community hospitals and healthcare facilities providing high-quality, compassionate care delivered by exceptional medical staff with the most advanced state-of-the art technology.
The St. Charles MyChart patient portal offers you, our Central Oregon patients, personalized and secure online access to portions of your medical records, as well as multiple tools to help you manage your care. MyChart is accessible through a web browser or mobile application. With MyChart, you can: View test results
Confirm Social Security Number (required) Last 4 digits Email Address (required) Example: email@example.com Confirm Email Address (required)
We are committed to making our facility a safe place for care. You can rest assured that we've taken all the steps we can to protect you and those you love. Saint Clare's is making sure you don't have to choose between safety and getting the care you need in these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read recent news about our hospital, providers, innovative programs and treatments, our latest quality and safety awards, and community service.
Visitors with any symptoms: Fever (greater than 100.4 or, if 65 or older, greater than 99.6), cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, headache, congestion or runny nose, and nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Masks must be tight-fitting and completely cover nose and mouth. For everyone's protection, we are restricting visitors from accompanying patients to an appointment. Accommodations will be made for minors and special circumstances.
Critical Care Visiting Hours: Open visiting hours except for 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
From Route 80 (Westbound): Take Route 80 West to Exit 35A. Pass the Rockaway Townsquare Mall toward Dover on Mt. Hope Avenue. At the sixth traffic light, turn right onto Route 46 West (East McFarlan Street). Turn left at the fourth traffic light (Elk Avenue).
Maternity Visiting Hours: 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. (Fathers have unlimited visitation in Maternity.)
From Route 80 (Eastbound): Exit 38, Denville, Route 46 East. At the second traffic light (you have to be on the left-hand side of the road), follow the signs into Denville center. At the first traffic light, turn left on to Diamond Spring Road. At the next traffic light, bear right onto Pocono Road.
If you don’t have a login for Smile Generation MyChart yet, you will receive an email from Smile Generation to activate your MyChart account when you schedule your next appointment with us.
Sign in to Smile Generation MyChart to manage and track your health information.
Smile Generation MyChart is accessible via web browsers or the custom mobile app. Want a quick view on how it can save you time at your visits and help you be more informed and involved in your healthcare? Watch the videos to learn more!