12 hours ago Patient Portal Careers info@southtexasboneandjoint.com Telephone icon 361- 854-0811 601 Texan Trail Ste. 300, Corpus Christi, TX 78411 Home Our Services Orthopaedic Subspecialities … >> Go To The Portal
Dr. Christopher Larkins in surgery. Dr. W. Kyle Wilson performs surgery. Dr. Ryan Thomas in surgery. South Texas Bone & Joint is made up of a team of highly-qualified, competent, and experienced fellowship-trained orthopaedic doctors and surgeons that each specialize in their own orthopaedic discipline.
Our website, bonejoint.net, will be updated when we become aware of any applications that our patients can begin to use. Some features may not work properly. Please try again or reload the page.
Beyond the Patient Portal, we also support the sharing of health information via applications that use an Application Programming Interface (API), which many mobile device applications use.