sitron hammel patient portal

by Miss Violet Spinka MD 4 min read

Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group, Bethpage, NY

24 hours ago 4277 Hempstead Tpke Ste 200, Bethpage NY, 11714 Make an Appointment (516) 796-4340 Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group is a medical group practice located in Bethpage, NY that specializes in Diagnostic Radiology. Providers Overview Location Reviews Providers Dr. Janet Goldstein, MD Diagnostic Radiology 0 Ratings Dr. Jay Hammel, MD Diagnostic Radiology >> Go To The Portal

Are there any physicians that practice at Sitron Hammel Radiology Group?

4277 Hempstead Tpke Ste 200, Bethpage NY, 11714 Make an Appointment (516) 796-4340 Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group is a medical group practice located in Bethpage, NY that specializes in Diagnostic Radiology. Providers Overview Location Reviews Providers Dr. Janet Goldstein, MD Diagnostic Radiology 0 Ratings Dr. Jay Hammel, MD Diagnostic Radiology

Do all Prohealth Care locations use the patient portal to communicate?

Visit ProHEALTH Sitron-Hammel Radiology at 4277 Hempstead Tpke Ste 200 in Bethpage, NY, 11714.

How do I access my reports and images from my appointment?

WELCOME TO YOUR PATIENT PORTAL Many but not all of our ProHEALTH Care locations use our patient portal to communicate with patients. Check with your doctor’s office to see if the portal is available to you. ONLINE PATIENT TOOLS View my chart Request an appointment Request a referral Request test/lab results Request my medical records


Where is Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group located?

Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group is located at 4277 Hempstead Tpke Ste 200, Bethpage, NY 11714. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.

What are the top specialties practiced at Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group?

Providers at Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group specialize in Diagnostic Radiology. Compare group practices on Healthgrades to find the best care for yo...

How many providers practice at Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group?

Five providers practice at Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group. Click here to view them all.

What insurance plans are accepted at Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group?

Use the Healthgrades insurance check to verify if Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group is in-network.

What forms of payment are accepted?

ProHEALTH Sitron-Hammel Radiology accepts credit cards.

How is ProHEALTH Sitron-Hammel Radiology rated?

ProHEALTH Sitron-Hammel Radiology has 3 stars.

What days are ProHEALTH Sitron-Hammel Radiology open?

ProHEALTH Sitron-Hammel Radiology is open Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun.

Why did doctors start to team up?

In addition, the cost of providing a full range of diagnostic services, such as tests and X-rays, in one location became prohibitive to the individual practitioner. Hence, doctors from various disciplines began to team together in order to provide more comprehensive care to their community of patients.

What is a group practice?

According to The Medical Group Management Association, a group practice is any relationship between three or more physicians who share facilities, expenses, profits and other resources like support staff and equipment.
