shs patient portal

by Annalise Schuster 7 min read

Patient Portal Information - Student Health Services

9 hours ago George Mason Student Health Services uses a secure, online patient portal. Students can view and enter immunization records, upload documents, enter insurance information, read education material from Student Health, and get secure messages from your provider. Other features will be made available as implementation continues. >> Go To The Portal

What is a patient portal in healthcare?

George Mason Student Health Services uses a secure, online patient portal. Students can view and enter immunization records, upload documents, enter insurance information, read education material from Student Health, and get secure messages from your provider. Other features will be made available as implementation continues.

What is a patient portal?

Appointments/Patient Portal Appointments/Patient Portal If you are experiencing a medical emergency (e.g., severe chest pain, shortness of breath, serious injury), call 911 or visit your local emergency room. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: SHS has added extra appointment slots for students needing a flu shot. Flu shots are available for no out-of-pocket cost.

What is patient portal?

The Student Health Services (SHS) NurseLine (877) 351-3457 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Access the Patient Portal Where to Get Tested (Starting Sept. 27) Student Health Services is Open for In-Person Care By Appointment Remember that you must complete the Daily Wellness Check before coming on to campus.

What is a physicians portal?

Jan 31, 2022 · Welcome to Student Health Services Patient Portal Login Pharmacy After Hours Care Counseling Center In the interest of health and safety, the SHS Medical and Counseling Clinics are not accepting walk-ins but instead are asking students to call for services. Call 336-334-5340 for Medical Clinic services.


How do I upload documents to the Patient Portal?

Log Into Portal Visit You will be directed to the log in page. Select "George Mason University" as your organizatio...

How to log into the Patient Portal

Visit Or, select ‘Patient Portal’ in our navigation menu. You will be directed to the log in page. Select “George M...

Check-in to my appointment

Log into the patient portal 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. Patients must check in for telehealth and in-person appointments. If...

Receiving and reading secure messages

You will receive an email to your Mason email informing you that you have a message in the Patient Portal. The message will state that you must log...

How to complete forms for my appointment

Select “Forms” from the Patient Portal navigation menu. Complete any listed required forms. If indicated, fill out the appropriate Consent Forms. R...

Sign up for text message appointment reminders

You can sign up (opt-in) to get text message reminders for your next appointment in the Patient Portal. Follow the instructions – How To Sign Up fo...

What is the mission of student health services?

The mission of the Student Health Services (SHS) is to promote academic excellence, enrich the student experience, and support retention by providing high-quality, accessible, and comprehensive medical care to students with a focus on multidisciplinary services, health education, and prevention.

What is the phone number for SHS?

Please call (800) 391-2793 to speak with a nurse. Visit LiveHealth Online for video appointments with a non-UCR physician.

What is the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act?

If you are a student*, the University of California follows the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA) the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other applicable laws that apply to the use and disclosure of your health information.

Can you enter the SHS building for dental appointments?

Remember that you must complete the Daily Wellness Check before coming on to campus. You will not be allowed to enter the SHS building for medical and dental appointments or pharmacy pick-up or drop-offs without clearance.

What is the phone number for SHS counseling?

Call 336-334-5340 for Medical Clinic services. Call 336-334-5874 for Counseling Center services.

How much is student health insurance in 2021?

Cost of the Student Health Insurance Premium for the upcoming fall and spring 2021-2022 plan year is $1308.40 per semester (Pending DOI Approval). Students that have not taken any action by September 10, 2021 will be default enrolled sometime AFTER the deadline and charged $1,308.40 for the Student Health Insurance Plan.

Accessing the SHSU Patient Portal

You must activate your SHSU email before you can log in. SHSU requires to submit all medical information through our Patient Portal. Our Patient Portal allows you to upload documents from your smartphone.

Uploading your Insurance

Starting January 4, 2021, the SHSU Student Health Center will be handling all on-campus COVID testing. This transition will require students to upload their insurance to the patient portal. To upload your insurance:

Uploading your Driver's License

If you do not have insurance, you will need to upload your driver’s license in place of an insurance card in the patient portal. To upload your driver’s license:
