shields patient portal

by Winston Shields 6 min read

Established Patients - Fight Eye Cancer

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What services does shields health care group offer?

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What additional imaging services does shields offer?

© Shields MRI. All Rights Reserved. Company; Contact Us; Privacy; Site Map

What is Shields'policy on releasing medical records?

Username & Password: Your username and password (if you have not changed it) should be first letter of first name capitalized, last name, all lowercase, day born (2 ...

Where can I Find my Shields MRI&PET/CT results?

Shields offers high-field open-bore MRI machines that allow for greater patient comfort while maintaining clear images. Additional services include MR arthrogram and breast MRI, as well as Shields ProCare, imaging medical equipment maintenance and service company. All Shields locations are ACR accredited.

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For patient support call (217) 265-6059. To register a child under 18, a parent or guardian must sign up for an account and then add the child to their …


How do you get MRI Shield results?

The fastest way to access a hard copy of your medical records is via Shields Express Link....Patients need to call the below facilities directly to obtain records:Maine- Central Maine Medical Center, 207-795-2480.Boston- Tufts (MRI), 617-636-6300.Cape/South- CCH, Fontaine, Wilkens, Falmouth, Sandwich, 508-862-5540.

How do I view my Shields MRI CD?

It's easy – just go to, visit the Shields Express Link button and request an account. Shields Express Link now online access to your reports and images through our password-protected patient portal.

Who started Shields MRI?

In 1972, Tom and Mary Shields owned and operated the Madalawn Nursing Home in Brockton, Massachusetts, and committed themselves to exceptional patient care and clinical excellence. Over the next 10 years, Tom and Mary established the largest regional dialysis center in New England.

How do I view a MRI file?

Here are some instructions on how to view CT Images on your personal computer.Insert the disc into your computer's disc drive.Open the disc drive from Computer/My Computer.Double-click “Run DLG”.Click on the “I Accept” disclaimer.Click on “View Images”.More items...

How can I see my MRI report?

Key pointsStart by checking the patient and image details.Look at all the available image planes.Compare the fat-sensitive with the water-sensitive images looking for abnormal signal.Correlate the MRI appearances with available previous imaging.Relate your findings to the clinical question.

Who is the CEO of Shields?

Chief Executive Officer Dr. Kathryn Icenhower co-founded SHIELDS for Families with Dr. Xylina Bean and Norma Mtume, MA.

How old is Brooke Shield?

56 years (May 31, 1965)Brooke Shields / Age

When was Shields solutions founded?

2012FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN As Founder and Chairman, Jack has led Shields Health Solutions to be one of the fastest growing private companies in America. Before starting the company in 2012, Jack was President of Shields MRI for 20 years.