scltdi jv llc patient portal

by Verla Schmitt 7 min read

Scltdi Jv, Llc Lakewood, CO - Physiological Laboratory ...

25 hours ago Scltdi Jv, Llc is a health care organization in Lakewood with Physiological Laboratory listed as their primary medical specialization. Scltdi Jv, Llc's practice location is: 14062 Denver West Pkwy (bldg 52, Suite 180) Lakewood, CO 80401-3187 . Office Address, Phone, and Fax Scltdi Jv, Llc 14062 DENVER WEST PKWY BLDG 52, SUITE 180 >> Go To The Portal

What is the NPI for scltdi JV LLC?

Scltdi Jv, Llc is a health care organization in Lakewood with Physiological Laboratory listed as their primary medical specialization. Scltdi Jv, Llc's practice location is: 14062 Denver West Pkwy (bldg 52, Suite 180) Lakewood, CO 80401-3187 . Office Address, Phone, and Fax Scltdi Jv, Llc 14062 DENVER WEST PKWY BLDG 52, SUITE 180

What is an scltdi lab?

Scltdi Jv, Llc is a health care organization in Thornton with Physiological Laboratory listed as their primary medical specialization. Scltdi Jv, Llc's practice location is: 12021 Pennsylvania St (suite 106) Thornton, CO 80241-3150.

How do I register for the SJRA patient portal?

Nov 07, 2021 · Phone: (303) 425-4500 SCLTDI JV, LLC is a physiological laboratory in Wheat Ridge, CO. The provider is a laboratory that operates independently of a hospital and physician's office to furnish physiological diagnostic services (e.g. EEG's , EKG's, scans, etc.).

What is patient portal?

SCLTDI JV, LLC NPI is 1407355670. The provider is registered as an organization entity type. The provider Is Doing Business As Touchstone Imaging Superior. The provider's authorized official is Brian J Smith . The authorized official title is Sr Vp and has the following contact phone number (615) 620-9200. The CLIA number assigned to this NPI ...


Scltdi Jv, Llc Overview

Scltdi Jv, Llc is a health care organization in Thornton with Physiological Laboratory listed as their primary medical specialization. Scltdi Jv, Llc's practice location is: 12021 Pennsylvania St (suite 106) Thornton, CO 80241-3150 .

Insurance, Services, Charges

Low osmolar contrast material, 300-399 mg/ml iodine concentration, per ml

What is SCLTDI JV?

SCLTDI JV, LLC is a physiological laboratory in Wheat Ridge, CO. The provider is a laboratory that operates independently of a hospital and physician's office to furnish physiological diagnostic services (e.g. EEG's , EKG's, scans, etc.). Facilities offering ONLY physiological services are not certified as independent laboratories. If an independent laboratory offers physiological services IN ADDITION to clinical laboratory services, they are surveyed only for compliance with the clinical laboratory regulations because there are no health and safety regulations for physiological services. SCLTDI JV, LLC NPI is 1700283496. The provider is registered as an organization entity type.#N#The provider Is Doing Business As Touchstone Imaging Wheat Ridge.

What does NPI stand for?

NPI stands for National Provider Identifier. The NPI is a 10-digit identification number that is completely unique. The NPI number by itself does not contain any identifiable information such as a provider’s speciality or location.

NPI Profile

SCLTDI JV, LLC is a physiological laboratory in Superior, CO. The provider is a laboratory that operates independently of a hospital and physician's office to furnish physiological diagnostic services (e.g. EEG's , EKG's, scans, etc.). Facilities offering ONLY physiological services are not certified as independent laboratories.

Taxonomy Codes

The NPI record includes the healthcare provider taxonomy classification, state license number and state of licensure. The following information regarding the scope of practice of this provider is available:
