11 hours ago McMinnville, TN 37110. Phone. 931-815-4000 ... We’re committed to providing you with personalized, compassionate care. Here you’ll find information for Ascension patients. Patient Portals. ... Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital, and Ascension Saint Thomas West Hospital. MyCare. For patients of Ascension Medical Group Saint Thomas. ... >> Go To The Portal
In McMinnville, Tennessee, Ascension Saint Thomas River Park Hospital and ER is a critical care hospital with advanced specialty care services. Ascension Saint Thomas River Park Hospital in McMinnville, Tennessee, is a full-service hospital with 24/7 emergency care. We deliver care for life-threatening injuries and illnesses.
A progress report is a written document that is vital in health care settings because this is where the health care practitioner will base their next plan of treatment. A good health progress report follows the ADPIE (Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Intervention, Evaluation) format.
This Sample Patient Progress Report Template has the patient's personal information, physiological and psychological health progress. The progress report specifies the patient's mood, communication, appearance, emotional status, mental stability, interventions, and respond to treatment, and the report summary.
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is the use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. Increasing access to MAT is needed to effectively treat growing numbers of individuals who are dependent on heroin and prescription pain relievers that contain opiates.
The Down East Public Health Council Clinical Health Care Systems will help determine places of need for Know Your Number health fairs and provide additional resources for public health education and services at events. Local libraries, the Down East Family YMCA, Healthy Acadia, and patient advisory committees will provide feedback for locations for health forums and website enhancements.
MCMH intends to increase the health literacy of our patient population through a variety of activities including: hosting and/or stang free Know Your Numbers health fairs, hosting free community health education forums in a variety of settings, providing materials for patients to write down their questions and answers, and facilitating access to evidence based online health education resources. In addition to these actions MCMH will invest in provider communication training to simplify communication with patients.
MCMH will provide mental health services to community members in the primary care setting by implementing new delivery methods and bolstering existing services and screenings through provider and patient education.
The intent of these services and education is to remove stigma around the treatment of mental health, increase awareness of mental health needs, and provide care for patients who may otherwise go without treatment.
MCMH’s Medical Nutrition Therapy group, along with primary care providers, will explore, develop, and implement results proven programs and resources to address this health need. (eg: the WOW (Way to Optimal Weight) program, Let’s Go!) Pediatricians and other physicians have an established relationship with patients and their families in a personal setting that fosters conversation and sharing around the issues of obesity, nutrition, and physical activity. The Medical Nutrition Therapy group has been specially trained in the area of nutrition and weight management, they have access to tools and resources (eg: the Certified Diabetes Program) that patients can learn to use independently to establish life style changes. Current Occupational Health resources offered to local businesses will be expanded.
Success of the substance use disorders treatment hub and other programming will rely heavily on the coordinated efforts of many local healthcare resources including, but not limited to the task force and steering committee developed in partnership with the Down East Substance Treatment Network made up of several organizations including MCMH, Blue Hill Memorial Hospital, Mount Desert Island Hospital, and Healthy Acadia. All of these groups currently act as resources for patients with substance use disorders and are key stakeholders in ensuring the success of the program to serve our community, each providing support and resources at different stages of care. Additional partnerships with local facilities with space for support group meetings will be necessary to ensure access.
Knee, hip, and shoulder pain can turn simple activities into agonizing struggles, robbing you of the joys of daily life. If you’re suffering with knee, hip, shoulder or other joint pain, we can help. Take our free, online joint pain assessment today
We're continuing to take all the necessary precautions to protect you during your visit, including when you visit us for your 3D mammogram. Learn what you can expect when visiting the hospital for your mammogram screening.
If you’re a smoker, or former smoker, age 55 or over, it’s time for a low-dose CT screening for lung cancer. A low-dose CT screening for lung cancer helps detect cancer early, before symptoms appear, when treatment can be most effective.
As healthcare leaders in our community, we continue to be challenged by the concerning trend of COVID-19 in our region. Oregon and Yamhill County have...
Fax: 503.435.6517. In order to release medical records, we require the completion of an HIPAA compliant release of information form that must be mailed, faxed or delivered to the hospital. The release form can be downloaded here, along with the instructions on how to complete the form.
Location: Second floor of the hospital to the right of the main entrance elevators. Business Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 5 pm.