patient history and physical examination report, med pass

by Bryana Nienow 9 min read

Medical History and Physical Exam | CDC

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What can a medical history reveal about a patient?

Obtaining a medical history can reveal the relevant chronic illnesses and other prior disease states for which the patient may not be under treatment but may have had lasting effects on the patient's health. The medical history may also direct differential diagnoses.

Can a medical student conduct a medical history and physical?

• a signature and date on any document with updated or revised information as an attestation that it is current. A medical student has no legal status as a provider of health care services, therefore, a medical History and Physical (H&P) conducted by a medical student would not fulfill the requirements.

How long does it take to enter information into the medical record?

However, organizations are expected to have a written policy (see RC.01.03.01) requiring timely entry of information into a medical record that does not exceed 30 days. A signature (authentication) is considered an ‘entry’.

What should be included in a physical exam of a patient?

The physician should ask specifically about symptoms that suggest cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, and neuropsychiatric disorders. Symptoms suggestive of infection with any of the excludable communicable diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and Hansen’s disease) should also be sought.


What is history and physical examination report?

The History and Physical Exam, often called the "H&P" is the starting point of the patient's "story" as to why they sought medical attention or are now receiving medical attention.

How do you write a patient medical history?

This article explains how.Step 1: Include the important details of your current problem. Timing - When did your problem start? ... Step 2: Share your past medical history. List all your past medical problems and surgeries. ... Step 3: Include your social history. ... Step 4: Write out your questions and expectations.

What is included in a medical history report?

Your medical history includes both your personal health history and your family health history. Your personal health history has details about any health problems you've ever had. A family health history has details about health problems your blood relatives have had during their lifetimes.

What should be included in a history and physical?

Contents of a History and Physical Examination (H&P) 2. The H&P shall consist of chief complaint, history of present illness, allergies and medications, relevant social and family history, past medical history, review of systems and physical examination, appropriate to the patient's age.

What are examples of medical history?

A personal medical history may include information about allergies, illnesses, surgeries, immunizations, and results of physical exams and tests. It may also include information about medicines taken and health habits, such as diet and exercise.

What is physical examination in medical?

Definition. Physical examination is the process of evaluating objective anatomic findings through the use of observation, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. The information obtained must be thoughtfully integrated with the patient's history and pathophysiology.

What is a full medical report?

A medical report is an official document written by a medical professional following a medical examination.

What should be in a medical report?

A structured format incorporating elements of background information, medical history, physical examination, specimens obtained, treatment provided and opinion is suggested.

What are the 12 main components of the medical record?

12-Point Medical Record Checklist : What Is Included in a Medical...Patient Demographics: Face sheet, Registration form. ... Financial Information: ... Consent and Authorization Forms: ... Release of information: ... Treatment History: ... Progress Notes: ... Physician's Orders and Prescriptions: ... Radiology Reports:More items...•

What are the 6 components of the medical history?

Basics of history takingChief concern (CC)History of present illness (HPI)Past medical history (PMH) including preexisting illnesses, medication history, and allergies.Family history (FH)Social history (SH)Review of systems (ROS)

How do you write a summary of a patient's history?

A good medical summary will include two components: 1) log of all medications and 2) record of past and present medical conditions. Information covered in these components will include: Contact information for doctors, pharmacy, therapists, dentist – anyone involved in their medical care. Current diagnosis.

How do I document a medical history?

How To Properly Document Patient Medical History In A ChartPresenting complaint and history of presenting complaint, including tests, treatment and referrals.Past medical history – diseases and illnesses treated in the past.Past surgical history – operations undergone including complications and/or trauma.More items...•

What is medical history?

A medical history, obtained by the civil surgeon or a member of the physician’s professional staff, from the applicant (preferably) or a family member, which includes. a review of all hospitalizations. a review of all institutionalizations for chronic conditions (physical or mental) a review of all illnesses or disabilities resulting in ...

What is the medical report form?

Medical Report Form. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States Public Health Service (PHS), is responsible for ensuring that aliens entering the United States do not pose a threat to the public health of this country. The medical examination is one means of evaluating the health of aliens applying for admission ...

What is the purpose of a medical exam?

The purpose of the medical examination is to determine whether the alien has: 1) a physical or mental disorder (including a communicable disease of public health significance or drug abuse/addiction) that renders him or her ineligible for admission or adjustment of status (Class A condition); or 2) a physical or mental disorder that, although does not constitute a specific excludable condition, represents a departure from normal health or well-being that is significant enough to possibly interfere with the person’s ability to care for him- or herself, to attend school or work, or that may require extensive medical treatment or institutionalization in the future (Class B condition).

What is a mental exam?

A physical examination, including an evaluation of mental status, sufficient to permit a determination of the presence and the severity of Class A and Class B conditions. The physical examination is to include#N#a mental status examination that includes, at a minimum, assessment of intelligence, thought, cognition (comprehension), judgment, affect (and mood), and behavior#N#a physical examination that includes, at a minimum, examination of the eyes, ears, nose and throat, extremities, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, and skin#N#all diagnostic tests required to identify communicable diseases of public health significance, as well as other tests identified as necessary to confirm a suspected diagnosis of any other Class A or Class B condition 1 a mental status examination that includes, at a minimum, assessment of intelligence, thought, cognition (comprehension), judgment, affect (and mood), and behavior 2 a physical examination that includes, at a minimum, examination of the eyes, ears, nose and throat, extremities, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, and skin 3 all diagnostic tests required to identify communicable diseases of public health significance, as well as other tests identified as necessary to confirm a suspected diagnosis of any other Class A or Class B condition

What is medical examination?

The medical examination is one means of evaluating the health of aliens applying for admission or adjustment of status as permanent residents in the United States. These instructions are for the use of civil surgeons and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials who are evaluating aliens applying for adjustment ...

What is included in a civil surgeon's medical report?

The civil surgeon must include a statement of likely degree of disability and the need for extensive medical care or institutionalization for any Class B conditions identified during the examination. Findings of drug abuse or addiction should be indicated in the “Remarks” section of the medical report form.

What diseases should be asked by a physician?

The physician should ask specifically about symptoms that suggest cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, and neuropsychiatric disorders. Symptoms suggestive of infection with any of the excludable communicable diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and Hansen’s disease) should also be sought.

Who can complete a history and physical?

The medical staff must determine, based on state-specific law and regulation (Scope of Practice), the extent to which a Dentist or Podiatrist may complete a history and physical. Typically, the Dentist or Podiatrist is only authorized to perform aspects of the History and Physical that are applicable to ...

What is the intent of a medical staff?

The intent is that the medical staff defines only certain circumstances, such as certain type of outpatient surgeries or procedures such as angiograms, that require a history and physical.

Can a dentist perform a history?

Typically, the Dentist or Podiatrist is only authorized to perform aspects of the History and Physical that are applicable to either Dentistry or Podiatry. The organization can have a policy that would permit the use of a history and physical examination performed by any practitioner permitted by state law.

What does a medical history reveal?

Obtaining a medical history can reveal the relevant chronic illnesses and other prior disease states for which the patient may not be under treatment but may have had lasting effects on the patient's health. The medical history may also direct differential diagnoses. [1]

Why is it important to have a medical history?

Obtaining a medical history can reveal the relevant chronic illnesses and other prior disease states for which the patient may not be under treatment but may have had lasting effects on the patient's health. The medical history may also direct differential diagnoses.[1] When treating a patient, information gathered by any means can crucially guide ...

Why is it important to communicate patient history?

Communicating the patient's medical history to other medical professionals is important and can have significant implications in preventing medical errors.

What is the definition of "when treating a patient"?

Definition/Introduction. When treating a patient, information gathered by any means can crucially guide and direct care. Many initial encounters with patients will include asking the patient's medical history, while subsequent visits may only require a review of the medical history and possibly an update with any changes.

Why is it important to ask if a patient has allergies to medication?

It is critical to always ask clearly if the patient has any medication allergies and if they do, clarify the reaction they had to the medication. Medication history is also important as patients take more and more medications and drug-drug interactions must be avoided.


Management of Medical Conditions Not Related to The Visa Medical Condition

  • The responsibility of the panel physician is only to conduct the examination and testing required to determine the alien’s status regarding Class A and Class B conditions and to complete the medical report form. If the examination reveals an acute illness that makes it impossible to determine the alien’s medical status regarding Class A or B conditions, the acute illness should …
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Referral For Further Evaluation

  • In some instances, the panel physician may be unable to make a definitive diagnosis or determine whether a disease or disorder is a Class A or a Class B condition. In such instances, the panel physician must refer the alien for a medical or mental health evaluation that will provide sufficient information to resolve the uncertainties of either diagnosis or Class A or Class B designation. Th…
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The Medical Report Form

  1. The medical report form is to be completed in English, typed, dated, and signed by the panel physician. Follow instructions of the consular officer regarding the number of copies of the medical for...
  2. The results of required tests for tuberculosis must be entered in the appropriate spaces on th…
  1. The medical report form is to be completed in English, typed, dated, and signed by the panel physician. Follow instructions of the consular officer regarding the number of copies of the medical for...
  2. The results of required tests for tuberculosis must be entered in the appropriate spaces on the medical report form. Mark the box “not done” if these tests are not required.
  3. Findings of physical and mental disorders should be entered in the “Remarks” section of the medical report form. The panel physician must include a statement of likely degree of disability and the...
  4. Findings of drug abuse or addiction should be indicated in the “Remarks” section of the medical report form. The panel physician should indicate the specific drug that is/was being used and the las...

Scope of The Examination

  • The purpose of the medical examination is to determine whether the alien has: 1) a physical or mental disorder (including a communicable disease of public health significance or drug abuse/addiction) that renders him or her ineligible for admission or adjustment of status (Class A condition); or 2) a physical or mental disorder that, although does not constitute a specific exclu…
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Management of Medical Conditions Not Related to The Medical Exam

  • The responsibility of the civil surgeon is only to conduct the examination and testing required to determine the alien’s status regarding Class A and Class B conditions and to complete the medical report form. If the examination reveals an acute illness that makes it impossible to determine the alien’s medical status regarding Class A or B conditions, the acute illness should …
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Referral For Further Evaluation

  • In some instances, the civil surgeon may be unable to make a definitive diagnosis or to determine whether a disease or disorder is a Class A or a Class B condition. In such instances, the civil surgeon must refer the alien for a medical or mental health evaluation that will provide sufficient information to resolve the uncertainties of either diagnosis or Class A or Class B designation. Th…
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Medical Report Form

  1. The medical report form is to be completed in English, typed, dated, and signed by the civil surgeon.
  2. The results of required tests for tuberculosis and syphilis must be entered in the appropriate spaces on the medical report form.
  3. Findings of physical and mental disorders should be entered in the “Remarks” section of the …
  1. The medical report form is to be completed in English, typed, dated, and signed by the civil surgeon.
  2. The results of required tests for tuberculosis and syphilis must be entered in the appropriate spaces on the medical report form.
  3. Findings of physical and mental disorders should be entered in the “Remarks” section of the medical report form. The civil surgeon must include a statement of likely degree of disability and the ne...
  4. Findings of drug abuse or addiction should be indicated in the “Remarks” section of the medical report form. The civil surgeon should indicate the specific drug that is/was being used and the last...