pennsylvania retina specialist patient portal

by Paxton Fisher 7 min read

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What is autofluorescence imaging?

Autofluorescence imaging uses these properties to record the natural fluorescence of the back of the eye to help diagnose and monitor certain diseases, such as macular degeneration, hereditary retinal degenerations, inflammatory diseases, and toxicity from the long term use of a medications, such as plaquenil.

What tests are used to diagnose retinal disease?

In addition to the eye exam, specific tests may be ordered to help better diagnose and treat your retinal condition. These tests include: Digital Fundus Photography – A special camera will be used to obtain color photographs of your retina.

What is the purpose of a special camera after a dye injection?

After injection of the dye, a special camera is use to capture a series of images of the dye as it circulates through your retina. These images are helpful in diagnosing specific retinal diseases, to assist in determining specific treatments, and to monitor disease progression and treatment response.

Is fluorescein dye safe?

Fluorescein dye is considered safe for the vast majority of patients and does not contain io dine. Since it is unrelated to other common intravenous dyes, it can be used in patients who have had a reaction to other contrast dyes used by radiologists and other specialists.

Is OCT a non-invasive imaging technique?

Therefore, there is no risk of side effects to the eye. Fundus Autofluorescence (FAF) – This is a non-inva sive imaging technique that can evaluate the health of the retina without contrast dye.

Can a dilated eye exam detect retinal detachment?

The procedure can help detect retinal detachments , hemorrhages, inflammation, and tumors in the back of the eye when they cannot be normally viewed with a dilated eye exam. The images obtained of your retina and vitreous can ultimately provide your doctor with important information for diagnosis and treatment planning.
