23 hours ago You have enough on your plate. We make it easy to message your doctor, connect to on-demand virtual care, receive appointment reminders, refill prescriptions, and more. And if you see more than one doctor in our network, your entire care team can access your medical chart so we can all work together for your health. Sign In to the Patient Portal. >> Go To The Portal
Instead, you should use Privia Health's patient portal to message your doctor and care team, request a new health nutrition or fitness consultation, or review your personal health information. Supported browsers include the most recent versions of Chrome and Safari.
Privia Medical Group is a physician-led, multi-specialty medical group of the nation’s top independent physicians. Privia Medical Group is a physician-led, multi-specialty medical group of the nation’s top independent physicians.
Through the Patient Portal, you can: Manage My Health Information. With FollowMyHealth® you can manage your health information and communicate with providers in a secure, online environment - 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Once you create your account, you will be prompted to search for and connect with available providers in your area.
Connect with your healthcare team and enjoy a modern, seamless patient experience with myPrivia. We give more than 3 million patients like you control of their care. Schedule an in-person or virtual appointment. Use our on-demand, 24/7 virtual care.
Privia Medical Group is a physician-led, multi-specialty medical group of the nation’s top independent physicians. Privia Medical Group is a physician-led, multi-specialty medical group of the nation’s top independent physicians.
Privia is a purpose-built organization that arms physicians with key expertise in crucial practice needs such as contract negotiations, revenue cycle management, and IT support so that physicians can focus on what matters: delivering quality care to patients. Enhanced Patient. Support.
We are a group of physicians committed to improving healthcare delivery for our patients and empowering providers from Stephenville to Rockwall, Denton to Waxahachie.
How are we helping physicians of all specialties throughout North Texas?
Improve care and reduce costs while remaining independent. When you partner with us, you continue to own, manage, and operate your practice while backed by our powerful suite of services. There’s no buy-in to join and no buy-out or restrictive covenants if you leave.
Physicians in the North Texas region’s accountable care organization (ACO) generated nearly $3 million in shared savings through the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) in 2019. Our physician-led ACO integrated care, managed risk, and improved quality while reducing overall spending.
With FollowMyHealth® you can manage your health information and communicate with providers in a secure, online environment - 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Once you create your account, you will be prompted to search for and connect with available providers in your area.
At Health First, medical records are retained in various formats, including film, microfiche, paper and electronic. The Health Information Management (HIM) Department collects, manages, protects and disseminates the health information of our patients, while ensuring the information is complete and accurate.
At Health First, you can make a secure one-time payment or create an account for 24/7 access to account management.