patient satisfaction and shift report

by Dr. Terence Kessler 4 min read

The secrets to successful nurse bedside shift report …

23 hours ago Standardizing bedside reporting is one step toward improving communication between nurses, patients, and their families. Project: A pilot bedside shift report process was developed on a medical/surgical intermediate care unit to improve patient satisfaction scores in the area of "nurse communicated well," with the goal of reaching 90% satisfaction rates, which increased … >> Go To The Portal

Bedside shift report and patient satisfaction Implementation of bedside shift report increased patient satisfaction. By involving the patients in their plan of care and keeping all caregivers updated on that plan, patients feel more secure, and are more likely to participate in their own care and follow recommended health care options.

Full Answer

Can nurse shift report process improve patient satisfaction?

Project: A pilot bedside shift report process was developed on a medical/surgical intermediate care unit to improve patient satisfaction scores in the area of "nurse communicated well," with the goal of reaching 90% satisfaction rates, which increased from 76% and 78%.

How does bedside shift impact patient satisfaction?

Implementation of bedside shift report increased patient satisfaction. By involving the patients in their plan of care and keeping all caregivers updated on that plan, patients feel more secure, and are more likely to participate in their own care and follow recommended health care options.

What do patients know about change-of-shift reports?

Patients are aware of the change-of-shift report time; they know their nurses are at the nurse's station, and for an hour or more they're basically “alone.”

Does changing the location of shift report improve patient safety?

In the literature, changing the location of shift report from the desk or nurses’ station to the bedside has been identified as a means to increase patient safety and patient and nurse satisfaction.


What should be included in a shift report?

It should include the patient's medical history, current medication, allergies, pain levels and pain management plan, and discharge instructions. Providing these sorts of details about your patient in your end of shift report decreases the risk of an oncoming nurse putting the patient in danger.

What is the purpose of a shift report?

Shift reports help improve communication between coworkers or team members, and they ensure proper execution, control and oversight. Managers use shift reports to pass information about proceedings that take place during a specific shift to others.

How does bedside shift report improve patient care?

The benefits of bedside reporting are numerous and include increased patient involvement and understanding of care, decreased patient and family anxiety, decreased feelings of “abandonment” at shift changes, increased accountability of nurses, increased teamwork and relationships among nurses, and decreased potential ...

What is the purpose of bedside shift report?

The goal of the Nurse Bedside Shift Report strategy is to help ensure the safe handoff of care between nurses by involving the patient and family. The patient defines who their family is and who can take part in bedside shift report. Hospitals train nurses on how to conduct bedside shift report.

What is a shift report in nursing?

Background: Nurses' shift reports are routine occurrences in healthcare organisations that are viewed as crucial for patient outcomes, patient safety and continuity of care.

What is nurse shift report?

Abstract. Bedside nurse shift report is a process where nurses provide shift-to-shift report at the patient's bedside so the patient can be more involved in his or her care.

How do I write a good bedside report?

Here's what they had to say:Give a Bedside Report. “Check pertinent things together such as skin, neuro, pulses, etc. ... Be Specific, Concise and Clear. “Stay on point with the 'need to know' information. ... When in Doubt, Ask for Clarification. ... Record Everything. ... Be Positive!

What is the role of a nurse in a change of shift?

The nurse is accountable for the communication that occurs during the change-of-shift report. This is the time that the nurse can verify the patient's health history, physical assessment findings, and plan of care, including prescribed medications.

Where is change of shift done?

Traditionally, change-of-shift report has been done at the nurses' station, away from patients. Patients are aware of the change-of-shift report time; they know their nurses are at the nurse's station, and for an hour or more they're basically “alone.”.

How does BSR help nurses?

The advantages for the nurse begin with the efficiency of report, which streamlines all pertinent information and saves nursing time. BSR improves staff's teamwork by giving nurses the opportunity to work together at the bedside, ensuring accountability. Using a standardized format reduces the risk of miscommunication because it overcomes different communication styles. Better communication also helps the oncoming nurse prioritize assignments according to need. The nurse is informed about the patient earlier in the shift because report time is shortened. Nurses are always on the same page during the report because they're both looking at the same information at the same time. 12

Why is BSR important in nursing?

Because nurses are the first line of defense when it comes to patient safety, BSR is an integral part of the care plan. The nurse is accountable for the communication that occurs during the change-of-shift report.

How many people died from BSR in 2010?

According to the Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department, less-than-competent hospital care contributed to the deaths of 180,000 Medicare patients in 2010. However, the real number may be higher: According to one estimate, between 210,000 and 440,000 patients who go to ...

Why are nurses always on the same page during the report?

Nurses are always on the same page during the report because they're both looking at the same information at the same time. 12. The patient benefits from BSR too.

How many breaths per minute did the nurse take in 1920?

When two nurses entered her room at 1920 for the BSR, her respiratory rate had dropped to 6 breaths/minute. One nurse stayed in the room while the other obtained and administered naloxone as per protocol. The patient quickly recovered without complications.

Moving Shift Report to the Bedside: An Evidence-Based Quality Improvement Project

Edward R. McAllen, Jr., DNP, MBA, BSN, BA, RN Kimberly Stephens, DNP, MSN, RN, DNP Brenda Swanson-Biearman, DNP, MPH, RN Kimberly Kerr, MSN, RN Kimberly Whiteman, DNP, MSN, RN, CCRN-K


A Midwestern, 532-bed, acute care, tertiary, Magnet® designated teaching hospital identified concerns about fall rates and patient and nurse satisfaction scores. Research has shown that the implementation of bedside report has increased patient safety and patient and nurse satisfaction.


A team of nursing administrators, directors, staff nurses, and a patient representative was assembled to review the literature and make recommendations for practice changes. A Midwestern, 532-bed, acute care, tertiary, Magnet® designated teaching hospital identified that fall rates were above the national average.

Literature Review

The team completed a literature review based upon the following PICO question: Does the implementation of BSR as compared to standard shift report at the nurses’ station increase patient safety and patient and nurse satisfaction? The practice of shift report at the bedside is not a new concept and is well documented in the literature.


The team completed a gap analysis to determine evidence-based best practices for shift report as compared to the current practice. Written approval to conduct the quality improvement project was obtained from the university and hospital institutional review boards (IRB).


Audits A BSR audit tool was implemented to assure compliance to the BSR process, including verifying that report was completed at the bedside; introducing the oncoming nurse; scripting in ISBARQ; updating the white board; and reviewing care.

Data Analysis

The software SPSS (IBM Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) version 22 was utilized to complete the data evaluation process. The analysis of patient satisfaction results was measured using independent samples t- test (two-tailed) to determine statistical significance of the data.

What is the goal of a bedside shift report?

The goal of the Nurse Bedside Shift Report strategy is to help ensure the safe handoff of care between nurses by involving the patient and family. The patient defines who their family is and who can take part in bedside shift report.

What is the guide to patient and family engagement in hospital quality and safety?

The Guide to Patient and Family Engagement in Hospital Quality and Safety is a resource to help hospitals develop effective partnerships with patients and family members with the ultimate goal of improving multiple aspects of hospital quality and safety.*
