patient portal summit cancer centers

by Miss Marilou Funk 9 min read

Summit Cancer Centers – Cancer Treatment in Spokane, …

15 hours ago Patient Resources - Summit Cancer Centers. COVID-19 CURRENT PATIENTS VACCINATION INFO: We are currently offering vaccinations to current qualifying patients. LEARN MORE. Call Us Today. 855-786-6482. Patient Resources. Patient Forms and Information. Scalp Cooling Cap System. Make a Payment. >> Go To The Portal

What is the my summitcare patient portal?

Patient Resources - Summit Cancer Centers. COVID-19 CURRENT PATIENTS VACCINATION INFO: We are currently offering vaccinations to current qualifying patients. LEARN MORE. Call Us Today. 855-786-6482. Patient Resources. Patient Forms and Information. Scalp Cooling Cap System. Make a Payment.

Why choose Summit cancer care for medical oncology?

Our patient portal provides you with resources to make appointments, view test results, and communicate with your medical provider. Explore the patient portal to take advantage of Summit Health's many services.

How do I make an appointment with a summit express clinic?

855-786-6482 Patient Resources Contact Us About Summit Cancers We Treat Treatment Options Clinical Research Patient Stories COVID-19: We’re Taking Extra Measures to Keep You Safe Summit Cancer Centers is here to serve our patients and our community safely without interruption during this national healthcare emergency. Learn More

What is the myctca patient portal?

Summit's New Patient Portal. Summit Medical Group's new patient portal allows patients to request and view appointments, send messages or refill requests, and view test results and billing online without having to schedule an appointment or wait on the phone. Summit Medical Group Patient Portal. Summit Medical Group Patient Portal. Pay bills and view patient test results …


As a patient of Summit Pacific, enrolling in the My SummitCare patient portal will allow you to access the following

The portal is completely secure, so you can be confident that your private information is protected. Only you—or an authorized family member or caregiver—can access your information. We hope this new tool will help you take an active role in your healthcare. For more information, including enrollment details, please call 360-346-2223.

Request Access for Another Person

I f you would like to assign a family member or someone you have a close relationship with, access (proxy) to your My SummitCare account, complete the My SummitCare Proxy Access Request Form below and return it to the medical records kiosk on the first floor of Summit Pacific’s Wellness Center.

What is the myCTCA patient portal?

For many patients, a cancer diagnosis often brings with it a wave of stress and emotions. It also comes with questions, paperwork, appointments, prescriptions and medical bills. At Cancer Treatment Centers of America ® (CTCA), we understand how difficult managing your cancer treatment may be.

Additional resources

In addition to the myCTCA web portal, we also offer Smartphone apps, available in the Google and Apple Store.

Protecting the security of your information

At CTCA, protecting patient privacy and personal information is a responsibility we take seriously. The myCTCA portal is designed to allow patients to exchange health information and medical records securely.

What is cancer journey support?

As you find your way along, cancer journey support groups can be excellent resources not only for the information they provide but for the camaraderie of spirit they offer. They can also be helpful at the end of treatment as you find yourself readjusting to everyday life again.

Is cancer a language?

Cancer comes with a language all of its own. We want every cancer patient (or family member) to make informed decisions about their treatment; therefore, it’s important to understand these common cancer terms and phrases.
