microservices example for patient portal

by Baylee Prohaska 3 min read


15 hours ago Microservices in Healthcare In order to accelerate healthcare modernization, microservices seem like the right way to go. Modernizing app development and speeding up the go to market time does seem like an appealing way to go. For example: A patient portal can be managed with multiple services and then scaled independently across >> Go To The Portal

Are microservices the right way to Modernize Healthcare?

Microservices in Healthcare In order to accelerate healthcare modernization, microservices seem like the right way to go. Modernizing app development and speeding up the go to market time does seem like an appealing way to go. For example: A patient portal can be managed with multiple services and then scaled independently across

What is an example of a microservice?

To upgrade healthcare modernization, microservice is the right way to go. Modernizing app development and accelerating the go-to-market time does seem like an attractive way to go. For example, A portal of patients can be managed with multiple services and then scaled individually across different instances and sharing in a central database.

What is the microservices assessment platform?

Jan 31, 2018 · Microservices is almost a philosophy, as it is used to develop applications not piece by piece but by building all the pieces simultaneously by different teams. It is a special implementation approach for service-oriented architectures (SOA) used to build flexible, independently deployable software systems. ... For example: A patient portal can ...

How to monitor microservices in your enterprise?

Sep 13, 2019 · Code Examples, Best Practices, Tutorials and More. Microservices are increasingly used in the development world as developers work to create larger, more complex applications that are better developed and managed as a combination of smaller services that work cohesively together for more extensive, application-wide functionality.


What are microservices with examples?

Microservices is a service-oriented architecture pattern wherein applications are built as a collection of various smallest independent service units. It is a software engineering approach that focuses on decomposing an application into single-function modules with well-defined interfaces.Dec 18, 2021

What are microservices in healthcare?

Microservices enable developers in healthcare and other industries to create applications made from loosely coupled services, making them easier to develop, test, deploy, and upgrade.Aug 19, 2021

How do microservices communicate with each other example?

Because microservices are distributed and microservices communicate with each other by inter-service communication on network level. Each microservice has its own instance and process. Therefore, services must interact using an inter-service communication protocols like HTTP, gRPC or message brokers AMQP protocol.Sep 7, 2021

What are the 3 components of a microservice?

Before you build a microservices application, take a closer look at the components of the architecture and their capabilities.Microservices. Microservices make up the foundation of a microservices architecture. ... Containers. ... Service mesh. ... Service discovery. ... API gateway.Apr 10, 2020

What is the best way to communicate between microservices?

The most common type is single-receiver communication with a synchronous protocol like HTTP/HTTPS when invoking a regular Web API HTTP service. Microservices also typically use messaging protocols for asynchronous communication between microservices.Sep 15, 2021

How do you call one microservice to another microservice?

How to Make two Microservices Communicatefirst convert them to microservices.add a Eureka Server.register them with Eureka server.finally, make them communicate.

How do I interact one microservice from another microservice?

There are two basic messaging patterns that microservices can use to communicate with other microservices.Synchronous communication. In this pattern, a service calls an API that another service exposes, using a protocol such as HTTP or gRPC. ... Asynchronous message passing.Sep 1, 2021

What are the different types of microservices?

Broadly speaking, there are two types of microservices:Stateless microservices.Stateful microservices.

What are the 12 factors of microservices?

Using the 12-Factor Approach for MicroservicesCodebase. One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys. ... Dependencies. Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies. ... Config. Store config in the environment. ... Backing services. ... Build, release, run. ... Processes. ... Port binding. ... Concurrency.More items...•Jun 8, 2021

What are microservices components?

A typical Microservice Architecture (MSA) should consist of the following components:Clients.Identity Providers.API Gateway.Messaging Formats.Databases.Static Content.Management.Service Discovery.May 22, 2019

What Are The Benefits of Microservices?

There are several benefits to using microservices. For one, because these smaller applications are not dependent on the same coding language, the d...

Examples of Microservices Frameworks For Java

There are several microservices frameworks that you can use for developing for Java. Some of these are: 1. Spring Boot. This is probably the best J...

How to Create Using Dropwizard

DropWizard pulls together mature and stable Java libraries in lightweight packages that you can use for your own applications. It uses Jetty for HT...

Microservices With Spring Boot

Spring Boot gives you Java application to use with your own apps via an embedded server. It uses Tomcat, so you do not have to use Java EE containe...

Additional Resources and Tutorials on Microservices

For further reading and information on microservices, including some helpful tutorials, visit the following resources: 1. An Introduction to Micros...

What is the purpose of Microservices?

The basic purpose of its architecture is to solve the problems people encounter in single applications. It has been widely used, and some large sites have turned their single applications into microservices.

Microservices in healthcare

To upgrade healthcare modernization, microservice is the right way to go. Modernizing app development and accelerating the go-to-market time does seem like an attractive way to go.

Some of the benefits of using a microservice architecture are

Developers only need to deal with small code bases compared to large codebases in a single application.

How to develop a microservice?

Study the operation of the monolith and determine the component functions and services it performs. 2. Develop the microservices. Develop each function of the application as an autonomous, independently-running microservice. These usually run in a container on a cloud server.

Why is Etsy using microservices?

Etsy’s transition to a microservices-based infrastructure came after the ecommerce platform started to experience performance issues caused by poor server processing time. The company’s development team set the goal of reducing processing to “1,000-millisecond time-to-glass” (i.e., the amount of time it takes for the screen to update on the user’s device). After that, Etsy decided that concurrent transactions were the only way to boost processing time to achieve this goal. However, the limitations of its PHP-based system made concurrent API calls virtually impossible.

How many microservices does Uber have?

Uber had about 1300 microservices when Fowler began investigating how they could apply microservices patterns and improve reliability and scalability. She started a process of standardizing the microservices which allowed Uber to manage the big Halloween rush without outages. Fowler said, “We have thousands of microservices at Uber. Some are old and some are not used anymore and that became a problem as well. A lot of work has to be put into making sure you cut those out and do a lot of deprecating and decommissioning.” (source)

When did Etsy go live?

Etsy went live with the architectural style in 2016. After that, the enterprise benefits from a structure that supports continual innovation, concurrent processing, faster upgrades, and easy scaling stands as a successful microservices example.

What was Amazon's retail website like in the early 2000s?

In the early 2000s, Amazon’s retail website behaved like a single monolithic application. The tight connections between – and within – the multi-tiered services that comprised Amazon’s monolith meant that developers had to carefully untangle dependencies every time they wanted to upgrade or scale Amazon’s systems.

What is Amazon service oriented architecture?

Amazon’s “service-oriented architecture” was largely the beginning of what we now call microservices. It led to Amazon developing a number of solutions to support microservices architectures – such as Amazon AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Apollo – which it currently sells to enterprises throughout the world.

How much is Amazon worth in 2020?

Without its transition to microservices, Amazon could not have grown to become the most valuable company in the world – valued by market cap at $941.19 billion on Feb. 28, 2020. This is a 2008 graphic of Amazon’s microservices infrastructure, a.k.a., the Death Star: *Image Source. 2. Netflix.

Why is microservices important?

Microservices is almost a philosophy, as it is used to develop applications not piece by piece but by building all the pieces simultaneously by different teams. It is a special implementation approach for service-oriented architectures (SOA) used to build flexible, independently deployable software systems. Shortening the time to market, but also allowing for the system to be constantly improved and in theory much more scalable.

What is monolithic application?

A monolithic application describes a single-tiered software application. Its characteristic is the user interface and data access code are combined into a single program from a single platform. Although it was popular before, now there are a number of reasons why you should move to microservices.

What are some examples of microservices?

Examples of Microservices Frameworks for Java. There are several microservices frameworks that you can use for developing for Java. Some of these are: Spring Boot. This is probably the best Java microservices framework that works on top of languages for Inversion of Control, Aspect-Oriented Programming, and others.

Why are microservices important?

There are many benefits to using microservices. Some of them are related to how they allow your developers to write code. Other influence your architecture . Microservices are small applications that your development teams create independently.

What is microservices in Java?

Microservices can be thought of as a form of service-oriented architecture (one of the most critical skills for Java developers) wherein applications are built as a collection of different smaller services rather than one whole app. Instead of a monolithic app, you have several independent applications that can run on their own.

What is microservices architecture?

Microservices are an architectural style that develops a single application as a set of small services. Each service runs in its own process. The services communicate with clients, and often each other, using lightweight protocols, often over messaging or HTTP.

What is Jersey RESTful Framework?

Jersey RESTful framework is open source, and it is based on JAX-RS specification. Jersey’s applications can extend existing JAX-RS implementations and add features and utilities that would make RESTful services simpler, as well as making client development easier.

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot gives you Java application to use with your own apps via an embedded server. It uses Tomcat, so you do not have to use Java EE containers. A sample Spring Boot tutorial is at this link.

Can you scale monolithic systems horizontally?

With microservices, you can scale horizontally with standard solutions like load balancers and messaging.

Why is billing through patient portals important?

Provider benefit: Billing capabilities through patient portals benefit providers in a few ways. Because the system is automated, it can help streamline bookkeeping workflows. It also takes out the manual step of having to send multiple paper reminders, if patients opt for electronic-only correspondence.

What is patient portal?

One of the top-rated aspects of patient portals is the ability to stay connected. Patients often say when it comes to their health records, accessibility is key. With a portal, they can easily access a variety of health-related information, including appointments, test results, and prescription history. Parents of younger children especially enjoy the ease of being able to access their child’s health history as well as quickly message their care team anytime, anywhere.

Why do we need portals?

Portals make it easy for patients to take an active role in their healthcare, from preventive screenings to treatments. This allows providers and their teams to be able to better manage their patients’ care. They can quickly respond to messages electronically, so needs can be addressed without long waits.

Does every healthcare provider have a patient portal?

It seems that these days, every healthcare provider has a patient portal offering online access to medical records, the ability to schedule appointments, refill prescriptions, and more. It’s become a must-have, but it’s also a value–add for both patients and providers.

Do patients get information from portals?

Yes, patients receive a lot of helpful information, but they may prefer it in bite-size bits. Patient portals can help make this information more manageable. By logging into their health portal, patients can access articles and educational items suggested to them by their provider or healthcare team.

Is an ounce of prevention worth a pound?

The old adage goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Adjusted for inflation in today’s age, it’s probably worth several pounds! It’s no surprise that engaged patients take an active role in their healthcare, especially when it comes to preventive care. Patient portals make it easy to stay on top of upcoming appointments or alerts. Flu season coming? Providers can send out an alert to a specific patient base letting them know that flu shots are available and can help protect people against a nasty virus.

What can a parent access through a portal?

With a portal, they can easily access a variety of health-related information, including appointments, test results, and prescription history. Parents of younger children especially enjoy the ease of being able to access their child’s health history as well as quickly message their care team anytime, anywhere.

Why should role based access controls be in place for Log Analytics?

Role-based access controls should be in place for Log Analytics to allow only authorized users to access data sent to the workspace. You can read more at Security practices for Azure Log Analytics.

What is role based access control in CosmosDB?

Role-based access controls should be enabled for CosmosDB management. Access to the data in CosmosDB should be appropriately secured. Configure CosmosDB to store diagnostic logs for control plane operations as well as to store resource logs. You can read more at Security practices for Azure Cosmos DB.

What is a HIPPA 9.2?

It helps assess HIPPA HITRUST 9.2 controls and deploy a core set of policies for Azure workloads. While this does not give full compliance coverage for HIPPA HITRUST, it is a great place to start and add additional controls where applicable and necessary. Compliance with the policy initiatives can also be visualized in this blueprint as well as in Azure Defender.

What is synapse analytics?

Synapse Analytics. Throughout the health and life sciences industry, organizations are adopting a digital health strategy. One of the core pillars and a necessary component of a digital health solution is a consumer health portal. A consumer health portal may be used for tracking progress and statistics from a wearable device, ...

Should personal data be obfuscated before being sent to Application Insights?

Any personal data should be obfuscated before being sent to Application Insights. Role-based access controls for application insights should also be put in place to only allow authorized users to view data sent to Application Insights. You can read more at Security practices for Azure Application Insights.

Is Cosmos DB a multi-region read and write?

Cosmos DB has nearly limitless scale, as well as multi-region read and write . With the drastic growth of the amount of data collected by these types of consumer health systems, Cosmos DB can provide appropriate security, speed, and scale, regardless of whether there are 100 or 1,000,000 active users.

Does SendGrid work with Office 365?

SendGrid has direct marketplace integration in Azure, is easy to set up, and has a free tier of email services. However, if customers already have an Office 365 subscription and if they plan on sending a large number of emails, using Office 365 integration could be a more cost effective solution.

Why is microservices important?

A key advantage of using microservices architecture is that it helps you to automate your testing process. Proactively implement automation in your testing process, and cover all of the following:

Why do major players use microservices?

Major players like Twitter, Netflix, eBay, and Amazon have also favored microservice architecture as it helps with the development, scalability and continuous delivery of their services. This brings us to some of the benefits of microservices architecture.

What is Kubernetes container?

Kubernetes, the popular open-source container-orchestration system can help in implementing the microservice architecture pattern. Do you have a complex application with multiple microservices? You will find the implementation easier with Kubernetes.

What is microservice architecture?

Microservice architecture is a form of service-oriented architecture (SOA) whereby software applications are built as a collection of loosely coupled services, as opposed to one monolithic software application.

What is fault tolerance?

Fault tolerance – reduced downtime due to more resilient services. Reusability – as microservice are organized around business cases and not a particular project, due to their implementation, they can be reused and easily slotted into other projects or services, thereby reducing costs.

How to strategize about databases?

You need to choose the right databases, and you need to implement them carefully. Plan to have separate databases for each microservice. You need to make your proposed system scalable, therefore, choose databases appropriately.

When did Netflix move to AWS?

The company achieved success with these too. Netflix completed its move to the microservice architecture by December 2011.
