patient portal project deliverables

by Perry Monahan 8 min read

Patient Portal System Development Guide: Types, …

5 hours ago Jan 05, 2022 · Summary: A fairly complex patient portal software development project (including web development, cloud-based integration, and other features) can cost about $40-60K per … >> Go To The Portal

What are the deliverables of a project?

Jan 05, 2022 · Summary: A fairly complex patient portal software development project (including web development, cloud-based integration, and other features) can cost about $40-60K per …

Why is it important to complete the deliverables According to schedule?

Patient Portal Project Deliverables. 1. Create a patient portal where patients can securely view and download their health information. Initially, the patients will view and download their Covid …

What are the initiation phase deliverables?

Sep 23, 2021 · Project Overview [Version 1.0.1] Project overview has been updated and is being updated with all information that pertains to completing the project on time and correctly. …

What are external deliverables and how are they categorized?

DELIVERABLES SECTION 1 PROJECT BRIEF Project: Efficient Doctor-Patient Portal Objective: The purpose of this system is to manage and help doctor and patient to set an online …


What should be in a patient portal?

A robust patient portal should include the following features:
  • Clinical summaries.
  • Secure (HIPAA-compliant) messaging.
  • Online bill pay.
  • New patient registration.
  • Ability to update demographic information.
  • Prescription renewals and contact lens ordering.
  • Appointment requests.
  • Appointment reminders.

What are the five main features of the new healthcare portal?

Five key features to look for in an EHR patient portal
  • Easy to follow user interface. ...
  • Messaging and communication. ...
  • Registration. ...
  • Scheduling. ...
  • Enhanced security.
Aug 25, 2016

What is the purpose of patient portals?

A patient portal is a secure online website that gives patients convenient, 24-hour access to personal health information from anywhere with an Internet connection. Using a secure username and password, patients can view health information such as: Recent doctor visits. Discharge summaries.Sep 29, 2017

How do you implement a patient portal?

7 Steps to Implement a New Patient Portal Solution
  1. Research different solutions. ...
  2. Look for the right features. ...
  3. Get buy-in from key stakeholders. ...
  4. Evaluate and enhance existing workflows. ...
  5. Develop an onboarding plan. ...
  6. Successful go-live. ...
  7. Seek out painless portal migration.
Jul 2, 2020

What are the benefits and challenges of using patient portals?

What are the Top Pros and Cons of Adopting Patient Portals?
  • Pro: Better communication with chronically ill patients.
  • Con: Healthcare data security concerns.
  • Pro: More complete and accurate patient information.
  • Con: Difficult patient buy-in.
  • Pro: Increased patient ownership of their own care.
Feb 17, 2016

What makes the patient portal different from a PHR?

Patient portals are distinct from PHRs because they are tethered to the clinician-facing EHR. Most EHR vendors sell patient portals as a part of the overall software suite, and patient portals came to prominence as a part of meaningful use requirements.Apr 25, 2022

What is portal message?

Portal messages are a secure, optional messaging tool built into the patient portal. Patient portal users can exchange messages with their pediatric practice, and the practice can receive and send portal messages with PCC EHR or pocketPCC.Jul 1, 2021

How do patient portals improve patient outcomes?

Most of the portal interventions used tailored alerts or educational resources tailored to the patient's condition. Patient portal interventions lead to improvements in a wide range of psychobehavioral outcomes, such as health knowledge, self-efficacy, decision making, medication adherence, and preventive service use.Dec 19, 2019

How do you optimize patient portals for patient engagement?

Make enrollment open to all patients. Have staff manage portal workflow and communication before engaging providers directly. Aim to establish efficient workflows and policies, and avoid burdening providers with troubleshooting during initial rollout. The whole staff should be involved in promoting the patient portal.

How can patient compliance with portal registration be increased?

Offer an incentive for patient registration, such as entering the patient's name in a drawing for a prize (such as a restaurant gift card) or offering an incentive (such as a movie ticket or waived co-pay). Host a contest for staff, awarding a prize for the employee who signs up the most new patients for the portal.

What is meaningful use?

'Meaningful Use' is the general term for the Center of Medicare and Medicaid's (CMS's) electronic health record (EHR) incentive programs that provide financial benefits to healthcare providers who use appropriate EHR technologies in meaningful ways; ways that benefit patients and providers alike.


All above items are to be submitted as a single combined PDF However, we will work on all of these in their own separate files before we concatenate them together


This portion is worth 5 points, should be completed by one person. This accounts for less than 10% of the total points for this phase.

Team Roles

Using the Scrum Agile Development technique, a Scrum Master and a Team Leader will be assigned. From there members will be assigned to certain tasks out of these four to be completed. The amount of members assigned to a certain task will vary, however, the amount will be correlated to the difficulty and value of work ahead.

Phase 1 Deliverable Updates

Cover page created and edited with Confluence as a part of Jira. This page now includes all team members names and our team number. This page will be the first item submitted documenting the members of this project.

What is the purpose of a patient portal?

According to the officials, a key priority of such a patient portal is to provide patients with convenient round-the-clock access to personal health information (PHI) via the Internet.

How do authorized patients interact with healthcare providers?

Besides, authorized patients can interact with healthcare providers by submitting messages, scheduling appointments, or requesting prescription renewals through the portal. Among other system’s features there is the ability to get reminders and notifications for lab results, upcoming visits and diagnostic investigations.

Examples of Project Deliverables

Project deliverables can take many forms. It can be a piece of software, equipment, a document, or a product depending on what the project requires. Here, we’ll discuss the four types of project deliverables in two pairs:

How to Plan Your Project Deliverables in 5 Simple Steps

To maximize your efficiency with project deliverables, here are five steps you can take to plan them out.


Project deliverables are outputs that your team can produce to achieve your objectives. Identifying them ahead of time can help your team focus, work independently, and sustain a good relationship with your stakeholders. Most importantly, progressive evaluation and feedback can help you ensure quality at every step of the process.

Top Project Management Tools to Keep your Project Deliverables Moving Work OS is an open platform that brings teams together with custom-built solutions to break communication barriers, move projects forward, and align everyone involved. Easily access all progress updates, budget approvals, and more on one platform and see where all of your team's work stands at a glance.

What is deliverable in a project?

Projects create deliverables, which are simply the results of the project or the processes in the project. That means a deliverable can be something as big as the objective of the project itself or the reporting that is part of the larger project. Another way to put that is that there are inputs and outputs in any type of project.

What are deliverables that clients and stakeholders expect at the end of the project?

The deliverables that clients and stakeholders expect at the end of the project are the product or service, of course, but there is also paperwork, as noted. These documents, when completed, are deliverables that clients and stakeholders need in order to evaluate the progress or completion of the project. This paperwork can include:

How to track project execution?

Tracking of project execution includes: 1 Performance reports to measure how work is going and team members are performing 2 Risk and issue logs to track issues that need to be addressed, and 3 Change the logs that identify changes made to the project plan and how these are affecting the project

How to report on a project?

Compiling project status reports is a great way to: 1 Illustrate for stakeholders how work is proceeding 2 Show which team members are carrying the heaviest loads and if adjustments need to be made 3 Outline room for improvement as the project moves ahead or at closure

What is the difference between project and product deliverables?

There is a distinction between project and product deliverables. Project deliverables are such outputs as the project plans, project reports and even meeting minutes. Product deliverables, on the other hand, could be hardware, software, mobile applications, contracts, or even test assessment results.

What is project manager report?

Project managers’ reports are the means by which these types of deliverables are presented to clients and stakeholders. Different stakeholders have different needs, so flexibility and customization is important for effective reporting.

Why is flexibility important in project management?

In order to meet their needs, project management software must be able to filter the many data inputs to deliver the proper output. Project management tools can facilitate stakeholder presentations.

What is a deliverable in a project?

Deliverables are the specific, tangible things produced that enable the objectives to be achieved. An example of a project deliverable is that if the objective of a project is making online sales, then one of the deliverables is the website.

Why are deliverables important in project management?

Project deliverables are vital components in the project management process because they let the project manager, clients, and other stakeholders know that the team is making progress.

When will deliverables be published in 2021?

A Complete Guide to Deliverables in Project Management. Published On May 26, 2021 • Project. You must have come across the term “deliverable”, no matter your industry. It can be as big as a constructed house or as simple as a website copy. It can also be a product, an app, training, or even documentation. All projects have deliverables.

What does it mean to turn over deliverables to a client?

All projects have deliverables. And turning over the deliverables to your client indicates the completion of your project. They serve to clarify the project’s objectives and the activities required to get there.

What are deliverables classified based on?

Also, a single deliverable can have several of its own deliverables stacked underneath it. Primarily, deliverables are classified based on the project stakeholders and the type. 1. Internal deliverables.

What are internal deliverables?

1. Internal deliverables. These are the part of the product the client usually doesn’t care about. But, these are required for the project to run and never leave your organization. Activities like filing taxes and maintaining accounts are internal deliverables that are required to run the business.

What is the difference between milestones and deliverables?

The important difference between milestones and deliverables is that project milestones don’t require something to be delivered to both clients and internal stakeholders. They’re checkpoints in the course of the project and are usually the threshold to a new phase.

What is project deliverable?

Project deliverables are the products of any task you are doing or the creation you come up with to fulfill the project’s objectives. These elements take different forms, even though they are mostly tangible. It could be in the form of a report or a study in a hard copy.

Why are deliverables important in a project?

Project deliverables are fundamental in any project as they help you know whether the project/task you were undertaking were a success. They also help you know what you are working towards realizing. Therefore, they keep you motivated to work, knowing in mind what you are expected to deliver in the long run.

What is internal deliverable?

Internal deliverables are those things that assist you in accomplishing the project objective. In simple terms, they are what you require to execute the given project. On the other hand, external deliverables are those products you produce as the outcome to meet a consumer’s need.

How to write a deliverable?

Deliverables originate from the project objectives. You need to identify alternative approaches which give you options. From these options, you will identify the best which will give rise to the deliverables. They are a testament to the successful completion of a given project.

What are deliverables in an industry?

Deliverables can range from a piece of document to a huge construction. It is when you turn over the deliverables to your clients that you get to mark the completion of your work project.

What are the methods used to gather requirements?

You can use different methods to gather requirements, ranging from simple to complex. The simplest ones are user observation, questionnaires, surveys, and interviews. You can also use focus groups and prototyping. More complex means are process modeling and quality function deployment.
